The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 673 Association

Chapter 088 Association

Associations have existed in China since ancient times. Confucius once said: "A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and a group is not a party."

This means that people other than gentlemen will form parties.

In the later period, it played a decisive role in politics.

But now, if you don't form a party, don't pursue selfish interests, and don't join a certain political party, you can't gain a foothold in the entire Chinese Federation.

In the past, Li Xingke looked down on this group of people. He was an idealist with inexplicable naivety.

But his smartness lies in his ability to recognize reality and change himself quickly. This is a typical characteristic of smart people. What ordinary fools like most is to attribute their incompetence to the unfairness of fate. They hope to change but are afraid to change. Action implementation.

But Li Xingke was not such a fool, so after Kailar reminded him, he immediately responded.

"Xiang Ling, Hong Gu, I need your help." In Li Xingke's room, a long-bearded man and a slender girl with four pigtails were sitting at the round table, their backs straight looking at the general. They summoned Li Xingke.

Li Xingke used to be a member of the army. He was demoted after making a big mistake. Later, he was favored by the eunuchs and recruited into the palace as a bodyguard. However, everyone knew that a person like him would never stop at being a bodyguard. As long as there is an opportunity and a position, Li Xingke will definitely come back and go further.

However, many people looked down upon him for seeking refuge with the great eunuch. The only two people in front of him could really be regarded as his companions and comrades.

Hong Gu, who had this beautiful beard, was the commander of the Forbidden City Forbidden Army, the Knightmare Force, and the Steel Skull. He had arrested Li Xingke before, but even so, he was full of respect for Li Xingke in his heart.

He believes that Li Xingke is a dragon among men. Now he is just a dragon swimming in the shallows. In the future, he will rise to the top as soon as he encounters a storm.

The woman with four pigtails is called Zhou Xiangling. She was Li Xingke's former adjutant. She was loyal to Li Xingke and admired Li Xingke very much. She also had the same attitude and thoughts towards this country as Li Xingke.

These two people are the two people that Li Xingke can absolutely trust. It is precisely because they can be trusted that when Li Xingke thinks of forming a society, the first thing that comes to mind is the two people in front of him.

"The empire has reached a point where it has to change. Please help me." He said directly and openly.

"What are you going to do?" The two of them were not excited, but asked Li Xingke directly.

Obviously, the two of them fully support Li Xingke no matter what he does, and there will never be any second words.

To be honest, they have had enough of those eunuchs, clans, and schools, and now it is indeed time to change.

Although they are just military commanders, they actually have a very reliable force in their hands.

If they really wanted to do something, they would really be disrespecting the king and begging for rape.

However, this will completely destroy the political peace. If they really want to do it, they will do it with the determination to die.

"Here is His Majesty's signature." Li Xingke took out a piece of silk from his arms. This silk could only be used as a handkerchief at most.

But the name of the person who signed it would be enough to scare most people to death.

It was written in a somewhat childish font.

"Jiang Lihua"

Yes, this signature alone is enough to make this silk priceless.

"You all know the reason why I didn't write anything, right?" Li Xingke looked at the two of them seriously and asked.

Hong Gu and Zhou Xiangling were not idiots. They stood up and saluted the silk.

If they were just martyrs before, now they are carrying a belt edict openly and have reasonable legitimacy.

They are not fighting alone, the Emperor in the Forbidden City is also fighting side by side with them. The Emperor is behind them, and they must not fail.

It was as if they had infinite courage in an instant, and their whole beings became completely new and completely different.

Yes, this is the great righteousness. The great righteousness does not seem to exist in ordinary times, but it exists in people's hearts. It may be very powerless in ordinary times, but in this case it can burst out with huge power.

Kailar just got a handkerchief signed by Jiang Lihua, but for these sincere people, it was an unparalleled encouragement. Even if they were asked to assassinate those warlords, clan bosses, and eunuchs now, they would definitely not be able to do so. Any two words, this is the power of righteousness.

In this era of imperial power, with the exception of the EU, other major countries continued because of imperial power. In fact, before being conquered by the Bunitalia Empire, District 11 was also a constitutional monarchy.

Before this, Japan had an [Emperor].

Therefore, no one in this world has any doubts about monarchy. The monarchy of a country like the Chinese Empire that has lasted for hundreds of years is even more supreme.

The supreme monarchy represents prestige and righteousness, and the emperor who is "protected" in the deep palace just lacks an opportunity to communicate with these patriots.

The reason why Keilal wins over Li Xingke is to implement the first step of the plan - first to liberate the emperor, so that she can no longer make archways and brands, but become a real leader.

The first step of this plan is to capture the entire Forbidden City in your hands.

In fact, Zhu Forbidden City can be held in hand without too much effort. Those eunuchs who look very powerful do not actually directly control the Imperial Guards.

The Imperial Guard seems to be controlled by the eunuchs of the Royal Horse Guards, but in fact it is riddled with holes infiltrated by other forces. This is definitely not something that is controlled by the eunuchs.

The eunuchs were not surprised or surprised, this was even the result of the transaction of their rights and interests.

But for this country, this kind of rights transaction is definitely not a good thing. It creates a huge loophole for national defense.

Keilar exploits these vulnerabilities.

There is no doubt that this key figure is Li Xingke.

This was also thanks to the fact that Li Xingke was a Qilin who was loyal to the country. If he were a spy from the Bunitalia Empire and a spy from the EU, it would be uncertain whether the emperor would be able to grow up alive.

But once Li Xingke was recruited by him, the entire Zhu Forbidden City would be like a fiction to him.

These Eight Tigers have obviously been immersed in the struggle for rights all their lives, but they still do not understand the source of the protection of rights.

If that's the case, don't blame Keilal.

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