The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 690 An assassination

Chapter 106 An assassination

After much hesitation, the rebels in District 11 finally agreed.

This eggshell head of unknown origin is right. In fact, they have no retreat, right?

Everyone showed firm eyes and became united.

That's right, that's it, that's it, that's it. Behind the eggshell head, Lelouch showed a dark smile.

He didn't care about the ideals of this group of Japanese, nor did he care about their life or death. He didn't even care about the life or death of the final victim of this incident.

What he cares about is the destruction of the Brittanian Empire. It was to create a world where her sister could continue to live comfortably.

But it was obvious that the sister who had lost her legs would not be able to survive in a military junta empire like the Brittanian Empire.

He was very conflicted, because if he wanted his sister to continue to live a happy life, then he could only reveal their identities as prince and princess, but he personally did not want to reveal the identity of the prince and princess in this way.

But God was fair to him and gave him a brilliant mind. And deprived him of his weak physical strength.

After giving him the pain of losing his mother, he was given a strange superpower - the ability to make anyone obey his orders.

In this way, with such superpowers, he has a lot of room for maneuver.

Although this group of rebels is just a miscellaneous resistance organization in District 11, it is precisely because of the miscellaneous resistance organization that he can control it. He did not even use his super power on this group of people, and these people were already submissive to him. Posted.

This greatly satisfied his self-confidence and self-esteem.

But he was not the leader of this group of rebels.

In other words, he is not of the same mind as this group of rebels.

He is the prince of the Brittanian Empire, and he wants to take revenge on the Brittanian Empire for abandoning his brother and sister.

The reason why they come together is just because their purpose is the same.

They came together for the same purpose, but he would not accompany them to destruction.

This group of people is always on the road to self-destruction, but they are like moths, even if they fly towards the flames, they have no regrets.

In Lelouch's opinion, it's probably a characteristic of people from District 11.

These people in District 11 are all ready to sacrifice.

So it's really best for them to complete this matter.

When they caused a huge disaster and were surrounded by the whole world.

Become their leader and strategist, but you can burn all the equipment on your body and get away with it.

Because no one has seen his face. In other words, he has never really joined this organization called the Black Knights from beginning to end.

And what consequences will this plan bring? Presumably even they should be aware of it.

But when he proposed this plan, most of the people in the entire Black Knights, apart from silently accepting it, only had one Red Moon Kallen. It was just a question.

After he told the other truths, the group of people in District 11 no longer had any questions, but began to silently prepare for this time's plan.

Kelal Etok will visit District 11 on June 6.

This is a major diplomatic event for the Chinese Federation and the Brittalian Empire.

It can even be written into the annals of history. But Lelouch didn't want to let them record such a bland history.

A dead first prime minister of China, a foreigner. That's the one that's more likely to cause a news sensation, isn't it?

What's more, the fact that this man, who doesn't know whether he is a Britannian or a European, can become the prime minister of the Chinese Federation, doesn't it just show his importance in the Chinese Federation and the emperor's regard for him?

Once he died at the meeting of the Bunitalia Empire.

Then it must be able to arouse the greatest anger of the Chinese Federation, right?

Of course, the Bunitalia Empire also has huge anger, which will be vented on this small organization called the Black Knights.

But so what? The Black Knights, who were crushed into the dust of history in the wrath of two huge countries, have nothing to do with him, the destitute prince of District 11. He only needs to quietly watch the movements of the Chinese Federation in the school.

Their current equipment is provided by the Indian Military Region.

That's right, the Indian Military District of the Chinese Federation not only provides equipment to the rebels in District 11.

And they are not supporters of the Chinese Federation, they have great ambitions.

They want to be an independent country, and the Britannia Empire and the Chinese Federation are their stumbling blocks and obstacles. Although they didn't say it now, they did what they really should do. Like collusion with the European Union. Support the rebels in Area 11. Whether they listen to the announcement of the Chinese Federation or not depends on their political stance and style.

This was the kind of super power that Lelouch used to make people obedient, and then he got the new equipment from the spies in the Indian Military Region.

Otherwise, all the resistance forces would now be in a state of having no rice or food.

Even if they are rebels, they are still people who need to eat.

It also requires money to continue to resist.

Otherwise, what will happen to their family members’ consumption?

If you ask someone to work hard to become a rebel, you must first make their family worry-free.

Unless she was like Karen Red Moon, her father ignored her and her mother was just a despicable maid.

And the only brother she could call a relative died at the hands of the Britannia Empire.

She was alone and had no worries, so she wholeheartedly resisted the Bunitalia Empire.

But people like her are in the minority after all, and the vast majority of people still have to spend money to eat.

The rebels have to be paid.

As for the resistance equipment, you also need money to buy it, after all the cherry stone merchants were driven out and killed.

The resistance forces in Area 11 finally ushered in their end.

Cornelia didn't even attack them, and many of the rebels had already collapsed from within and returned to civilians.

This is the real bottom line.

Ordinary people are absolutely unable to fight against knightmare with their physical body.

It seems that there are only a few resistance forces like the Black Knights who have used their superpowers to find outside help.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, the resistance forces in District 11 will be wiped out one by one. They, the Black Knights, were extremely pessimistic about the future, so they agreed to this action.

This was a suicide attack, both on District 11 and the Black Knights. Or for the prime minister of the Chinese Federation who came to visit District 11

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