The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 691 The Attack of the Black Knights

Chapter 107 The Attack of the Black Knights

June 6th.

Three fleets formed by three command ships took Kelal towards Area 11.

District 11 is also very grand.

A fleet was dispatched directly. Cornelia took charge and went to greet them.

Obviously, even Cornelia has to pay attention to this matter.

Although she was a little angry with Keilal, she was also worried about Keilal's safety.

Although this is the only three high-level personnel between two major powers in the world.

Logically speaking, there is no need to worry about their safety. But obviously, Lelouch and Cornelia have already thought of going together.

Cornelia also thought that the rebels would assassinate Kelal and create conflicts between the Chinese Federation and the Brittanian Empire.

It's just that this possibility is very slim, but Cornelia cannot help but be careless.

She nipped this possibility in the cradle. With the cooperation of the Chinese Federation's warships and their warships, there are countless underwater knightmare underwater.

Under such circumstances, if there are still people who can defeat the legions of both sides and achieve the ability to assassinate Kelal, then there is no need for them to become rebels.

They just need to defeat the Britannia Empire in an upright manner and take back Area 11.

Of course, this is the logic of normal people, but Cornelia never thought that the other party actually possessed extraordinary technology.

This doesn't make sense logically. Because the capital chain has been cut off, how can the 11th District Resistance have the money to develop a new machine? You must know that developing a machine cannot be successful in a day or two, but requires ten years of research and development.

This is only if your R\u0026D direction is correct. Even your R\u0026D direction may be wrong. This is why countless funds have been invested and failed. You have lost countless funds, energy and time.

Those resistance organizations do not have such a long-term vision and plan. They are monks who beat the clock. If they can resist, it is a day, and if they can live today, it is today. They are actually very desperate. If they had this kind of troops, they would have driven out the Bunitalia Empire long ago.

Even Keilal thinks so, because it is in line with normal people's logical thinking.

Of course, Lelouch's ability to control other people's superpowers is an abnormal power.

C.C. was bored and ordered takeout, eating pizza and watching TV.

It's just that this live news directly inserted the soap opera she wanted to watch. She was a little dissatisfied, but could only wait for the news to end. I only saw the news reporter from District 11 TV station talking very excitedly on the TV. The reporter was very good-looking, a very pretty beauty with brown hair.

She was tall, facing the camera with a microphone, her posture was dignified and decent, and she was speaking elegantly. Even though C.C. was absent-minded, she still managed to catch a few words.

She suddenly stiffened and turned her eyes away.

She heard a key word - Keilal.

At this time, the reporter had already finished half of what he said. She only saw the reporter saying: "Look, everyone, this is a historic moment. Her Royal Highness the Second Princess of Britalia has already met with Mr. Kelal, the Prime Minister of the Chinese Empire."

"It can be seen that both of them are outstanding figures. One is a golden boy and the other is a beautiful girl. They look very well matched and decent. The two people's hands have been held together. This is a historic moment, which may be from From this moment on, the war may be over. This is the first time in the history of the Chinese Federation that such an important figure has met with important personnel in Britannia. It is said that His Highness the Second Prince Schneizel They will also come over in the near future. This can be said to be the most high-level meeting between the two countries. I wonder what they will talk about? Please look forward to the follow-up report of our TV station."

What's this? Kelal. C.C. looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. The man had his eyes closed and shook hands with Cornelia with a smile. The man who is talking about these things is the man who haunts her in her dreams.

Why does it appear in this place? Why did he become the prime minister of the Chinese Federation?

She thought that the best situation was that Keilal would wake up and live in the European Union as a civilian, but she did not expect that Keilal would actually go to the Chinese Federation.

He will actually become the prime minister of the Chinese Federation. He even directly met with the senior leaders of the Brittanian Empire.

This is of course a very strange thing.

Because his magic is not good at controlling people's hearts.

Even if he still has magic, it won't be able to directly make him rise to prominence.

But if it was him, why wasn't C.C. surprised at all? A smile appeared on her face. This man is never too boring.

Suddenly there was a roar in the sky. The rumbling explosion made everyone scream, especially the female reporter. Her screams could almost pass through the television and made everyone's hearts tighten.

What's wrong? What happened? C.C.'s heart tightened. Did something happen to her just after she saw Keilal?

"I'm here." A very familiar voice came into her ears, and C.C. became anxious.


By the way, it's Lelouch. Lelouch said they were doing something today, but C.C. of the Black Knights, who didn't want to care about him, didn't know too much about it.

As a result, the target of his action today is Keilal?

stop! Lelouch. stop! Don't continue. C.C. knows Lelouch too well.

Although Lelouch is no match for Keilal in terms of resourcefulness.

But he is a typical evil counselor.

If Kelal was unprepared, it would not be a strange thing even if he was plotted by Lelouch.

stop! Lelouch! C.C. shouted in his heart.

Don't go on any further.

Don't kill him.

This is the reunion she has been waiting for for 2,000 years!

It's a pity that no matter how much she speaks now, it's already too late.

Lelouch had already taken action.

He stood on a floating platform and was directly inserted into the footage of the news broadcast stations in District 11.

The extremely high-profile Eggshell Head appeared in everyone's sight.

"I'm coming!" he reiterated. "The Black Knights are coming! The revenge representing District 11 is coming. Feel the fear now, Brittanians, Chinese Federation people. It's time for you to taste the revenge of the Japanese!"

Chapter 108 has not been typed out yet, so you can wait for 10 minutes.

This guy is actually flying.

When everyone looked up and saw him, they saw the man standing on the suspended platform at a height of two to three hundred meters.

There is another person near him who is carrying a camera to give him a live broadcast.

The area hundreds of meters around him was densely packed with knightmare.

Cornelia knew those organisms.

It was a secret machine transformed by the fourth generation of Glasgow into the Japanese resistance. They called it Rogue.

The combat effectiveness of these rogues is comparable to that of fifth-generation aircraft.

But after she killed all the cherry stone merchants, these scoundrels obviously no longer have the ability to continue updating.

but why?

Why are they all flying?

You should know that the seventh-generation knightmare can also fly. But now the seventh-generation knightmare is just a prototype.

Even Lancelot's combat power is only that of a 30-minute hero.

But now the enemy possesses it and transformed it into a flying rogue fighter body.

How is this possible?

But soon, Cornelia realized what kind of problems and combat troubles the opponent's ability to fly could cause to them?

"Attack!" she shouted. "Don't let them get close."

This judgment is correct.

However, he did not fully evaluate the flying knightmare's standing ability.

The flying rogue isn't very fast and almost seems to be floating.

But using high to defeat low is already extremely advantageous in war.

Because your field of view is very wide, you can almost see the entire situation on the battlefield. If you start shooting at this time, it will be almost difficult for the opponent to compete with you, or even find a bunker to shoot at you. His bullets will be deflected significantly by the Earth's gravity. But your bullets will be buffed by gravity.

Gain greater speed and destructive power.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly very enjoyable to shoot high and low, as comfortable as shooting target.

The current Black Knights, after several battles, are no longer the stragglers they once were. Some former Japanese soldiers, including Todo, have joined in.

It can be said that the Black Knights are the last strength of the Japanese resistance here.

It is precisely because of this that this resistance and counterattack are so powerful and intense.

Armed with the technology of the Indian Military Region and the troops of Region 11, as well as the final funds and knightmare, they almost sacrificed their lives to fight, or they would succeed if they didn't succeed.

It is precisely because of this that although both sides brought a lot of troops and warships. However, due to the design of the steel skull, the angle of raising the gun is only 45 degrees. It is very difficult to hit the opponent.

Even the knightmare of the Britannian Empire can shoot freely. But in this case, the opponent was almost like target practice, shooting the Knightmare of the Brittanian Empire without any cover.

The opponent originally had more than two to three hundred knightmare. After two concentrated fires, there were not many fighting machines left on the scene.

Damn it, have you been tricked? Cornelia had abandoned Kelal immediately and boarded her own machine: Lancelot.

Lancelot is the only machine present that has the ability to fly. But Cornelia was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and did not step forward to fight.

She is no longer a reckless woman, but a general.

The first thing to consider is the combat effectiveness ratio between the enemy and ourselves. A flying Lancelot is obviously unable to annihilate these more than 300 scoundrels.

Another situation is that if it is irreversible, she needs to take Kyle out of the enemy's position. Rush back to area 11.

Although this is a bit embarrassing, it can even be said to be a defeat.

But if Kyle was okay, she was victorious.

The opponent's tactical and strategic goal is very clear, which is Kailar, and even he must be ranked second.

Therefore, it can not only guarantee Kelal's life, but also guarantee the destruction of the opponent's tactical intentions.

Cornelia has indeed grown up.

Kyle stood on the flagship deck, in front of the camera, raised his head, his expression calm, not at all panicked.

Although it seems to be a desperate situation now.

But he somewhat wanted to praise the resistance in Area 11 and ZERO called the Black Knights.

The other party is indeed very good and very powerful.

This is a very powerful move. If the target is not him, the other party may have completed the destruction of the alliance, or transaction, between the Bunitalia Empire and the Chinese Federation.

Of course, the other party didn't know that he and the Britannia Empire were at odds with each other.

In such a unclear situation, he would not complain or anger the other party. If it were him, he would do the same with limited information. This is the right choice. He will not blame the other party, but it is not surprising that he did some excessive things in order to protect himself, right?

He grabbed the walkie-talkie, which could directly contact Cornelia. When his voice rang in Cornelia's knightmare, Cornelia was startled. "Hey, Cornelia?" he asked, "Tell all your people to withdraw. If this continues, there will be no need to fight."

"Are you asking me to surrender without mercy?" Cornelia said angrily. As a soldier, this was the thing she couldn't accept the most.

"How is that possible!" Keilar laughed dumbly. "I want you to come back, and I want your people to come back, so that they don't get hurt accidentally. I have an ace on my side."

Cornelia was stunned for a moment, and almost subconsciously turned on Lancelot's radar.

Lancelot's radar is the best radar, second only to the radar on the flagship.

On Lancelot's radar, she could almost clearly see the enemies floating in the sky.

But compared to those enemies that were almost floating and moving very slowly.

There is a surprisingly fast red dot approaching rapidly.

"What is that?" she exclaimed. She had never seen a knightmare move like this.

Even on land, the knightmare's speed is no more than 200 kilometers.

In the sea it is even slower.

But in the sky, something exceeding 400 kilometers per hour was approaching them rapidly.

what is that? Kelal laughed.

"Then this is my trump card. It was originally used to defend against the Britannian Empire. But now that someone has come to my door specially, I just want to show you the trump card of the Chinese Federation." Accompanied by Kelar the sound of.

The rapidly approaching machine finally gradually appeared on Cornelia's monitor. It was a cross-shaped thing. Full of beauty, speed and power.

Comes with a huge roar.

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