The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 708 Subtraction

Chapter 124 Subtraction

The Empire of Britannia and the Federation of China are both big countries, and there must be corresponding etiquette between big countries to highlight the identities of these two big countries.

The so-called etiquette, first of all, is eating.

Or call it a party.

This is a more formal state banquet. Only Cornelia, Keral, Schneizel, and Euphemia were able to sit down on both sides.

The table is a Western-style long table. Schneizel and Kelar sat equally on the left and right sides of the table. Cornelia sat on Schneizel's right hand, Euphemia sat on Schneizel's left hand, and a row of servants stood beside them, wearing tuxedo suits. Pushing the cart, waiting for the order to serve food.

Whether it is Western food or Chinese food, there are certain rules, especially the larger the banquet, the more so. But who do these rules apply to? If it is just an ordinary official or family, of course you must abide by the rules and respect the oldest person.

But unfortunately, the two people sitting here represent the two most powerful people on the planet. In front of these two people, the so-called rules are not so strict. The attendants know this best.

So no one came up and asked, what should be served? How it should be. They just stood aside, waiting for Schneizel's order.

Schneizel had a small bell on his hand. If he wanted something, he would ring the bell, and the attendant would naturally put what he wanted in front of him.

The two parties were not talking at all. They were chatting and eating at the same time, seemingly not following Western etiquette.

In fact, this is what a dinner table should look like. Everyone is in a comfortable mood because of the delicious food. Talking about things at this time will undoubtedly be more efficient.

But this is a state banquet. Even if we talk about anything, we won't talk about important and formal matters. Everyone was chatting about very relaxed things, and it looked like a gathering between friends.

But the bodies of the attendants next to them were obviously not as relaxed as the four people doing it.

Although the little cutie Euphemia was there to adjust the atmosphere, the two wise men slowly brought the topic to the governance of the country after a few words.

This can be regarded as a test, a test for both sides against each other. If the idiot just chatted a few words, everyone would know.

"I don't know, what does Mr. Kelal think about the unknown numbering policy of the Cadian Empire?"

Schneizel picked up the teacup, took a sip of black tea, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Keilal and asked.

The Numbered Policy was Schneizel's policy regarding colonial rule. It seems very successful now. From area one to area 23. Most of them are colonies, and all of them have very obediently obeyed the orders of the Brittanian Empire. This is a policy that Schneizel is proud of. This policy eliminated local resistance invisible.

Only Japan, a unique country that is influenced by Eastern Confucian culture, has the spiritual leader of the emperor, and has the monopoly of powerful businessmen, has countless resistance armies.

Everyone else already considers themselves to be the people of the Brittanian Empire.

Kelal put down his knife and fork. He raised his head, thought for a moment, and spoke.

"Stupid policy." Cornelia and Euphemia's expressions changed at the same time. They did not expect that Keilal would point out this matter so bluntly.

"Vampires, subtraction, limit, rebellion, wars are rising, the empire is divided, exhausted, and torn apart."

After thinking about it, Kelal seemed to cherish his words like gold.

Schneizel, who was rare, was not angry. He suddenly fell into silence and contemplation. Although Keilal's words were pronounced as if they were precious words. But his words are indeed as valuable as gold, and he pointed out the problem of the numberer to the point.

There was even a sentence that Schneizel couldn't understand.

"What does subtraction mean?" He was actually not limited to his position as Prime Minister of the Brittanian Empire. The nobility of the second prince. Instead, he looked at Keilar and asked sincerely, asking for advice.

Cornelia Euphemia was shocked. They had never seen their elder brother, Schneizel, who was so wise, showing such an air of asking for advice.

After Schneizel came of age, no one could educate him.

"Politics and economics are closely related." Keilar was not shy about giving guidance to the young prime minister.

"The economic policy of the Brittanian Empire is still the same as it was 100 years ago. It relies on colonies to support the mainland."

"Although all the people in the Brittanian Empire are middle class or even above. The people are happy and healthy. They live and work in peace and contentment without any worries. Even war has become a problem for this group of ordinary Brittanians. Up The road to climb. But don’t forget that the middle income of a Brittanian is obtained by the hard work of a hundred numberers.”

"This is undoubtedly exploitation and plunder. Economic plunder and power plunder after the war. The other party is completely unable to resist."

"So the Brittanian Empire is doing subtraction. You continue to absorb nutrients from the colonies around the world to enrich yourself, but there is no way to benefit the colonies. In other words, when these colonies are exploited by you to a certain extent At that time. The war will reignite on the land, and countless resistance armies like District 11 will destroy the economy of the entire Britannia Empire. Once there is no external blood supply, Britannia will Considering the empire's squandering habits, how long can the Britannian Empire sustain itself? They don't even need to fight you head-on. They only need to destroy the colonies and production areas that support your Britannian Empire. Just drop it. The Brittanian Empire cannot sustain a battle for more than a year."

Keilal looked at Schneizel with a smile and said.

There is no doubt that his words are absolutely correct, and they even directly reveal the essence of this world.

Cornelia was unconvinced and wanted to refute Keira. But she found that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what Keilal said, and she couldn't even find any argument to refute him.

"The current Brittanian Empire can also divert domestic conflicts through external expansion. Let the old numberers gain psychological satisfaction and pleasure from watching the new numberers. But when the expansion stops, like now In this way, when two huge countries stand in your way and work together to stop you. What should the Britannian Empire do?"

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