Chapter 125 Addition

Regarding the question of subtraction, it is actually a theory put forward in response to the US dollar, the global hegemonic currency that can unscrupulously plunder resources from the world by printing money.

Because it is linked to oil and has more than 300 military bases around the world, the United States can easily attack anyone who disobeys anywhere in the world.

The US dollar, which was born along with armed hegemony, had an exploitative system from the beginning.

In international trade, you must rely on U.S. dollars for settlement.

Commodities, futures, and oil all need to be settled in U.S. dollars, and if you use U.S. dollars, you are already paying taxes to Americans.

It's as if Americans could impose taxes on all transactions around the world (it's really more complicated than that). Every transaction must be exploited by dollars.

This has invisibly greatly increased the costs of businessmen. Americans also rely on this international currency status to exploit the world. When the United States has an economic crisis, the United States only needs to print more money to transfer the economic crisis to On the head of the whole world. Get through your crisis with ease.

The United States has relied on this method repeatedly to maintain its number one position in the world.

But the world is not static. In response to the exploitation of the United States, some economists have proposed the theory of addition and subtraction.

The United States is doing subtraction.

He will threaten the other party with force or even directly attack the other party with force if he dares to put the U.S. dollar in danger. From the Gulf War to the Iran-Iraq War, to now Syria. The world has never changed, and America has never changed. The United States is still exploiting the world with dollars.

China is adding.

From seeking common prosperity and building a moderately prosperous society, to One Belt and One Road, to helping Africa develop railway communications and other businesses, China seems to be making a lot of money, but in fact, trade is mutual, and everyone can gain their own interests and can reach what is called a transaction and Trade stuff. China gets the oil and other resources it wants, but the local area also gets opportunities for development, jobs, and economic investment.

This is how China came about back then, introducing foreign investment to help it develop, and then gradually becoming independent and self-reliant. Although there is only one China in the world that can do this kind of thing, there is no doubt that China's development is also helping the whole world to develop together. China's progress has driven the economic progress of many third world countries.

So the United States is subtracting, and China is adding.

This theory is of course not accepted and recognized by the mainstream Western media, but there is no doubt that any intelligent person who hears this theory and sees this fact will think that this theory is correct.

Practice the truth. No matter how loud you talk, no matter how much power you have in speaking, but when you achieve practical results, the truth will be firmly on your side.

If China's propaganda was more powerful and countries all over the world heard about this matter, it might be accepted by more people. However, the propaganda agency is fighting against the five scum, so it just works silently, and after it produces results, it will come back It is undoubtedly much more convincing to promote your own theory.

After this theory was brought to this world by Keilar, it was undoubtedly so amazing that people couldn't close their mouths.

Britannia, the largest country in the world, still looks like that world in the 18th century. Relying on the exploitation of countless colonies, it maintained the glory of its empire on which the sun never sets.

But the sun never sets on the Empire, and now Hyundai doesn’t even have the money to build a second aircraft carrier. The sun is about to go down and the moon is about to come out. Obviously, this theory has been left far behind.

A more advanced method of exploitation is undoubtedly to use the hegemony and global territory of the Brittanian Empire to launch its own currency, and further use the currency of the Brittanian Empire to exploit the whole world. This method is a more advanced method of exploitation than the previous colonies.

If you go further. This is the final conclusion method that Keilar is mentioning now. Do addition.

Schneizel's whole body became hot after hearing this, and he stared at Kelal intently. He never thought that a person would have such attainments in this area. This man's wisdom even surpassed all the advanced economics scholars in the Britannia Empire.

This man's resourcefulness is as deep as the sea, hiding in the abyss, the European Union and the Chinese Federation. This man's knowledge was as profound as the sky, and he was easily convinced with just a few words. The knowledge, insights and theories that transcended this era made Schneizel eager to bow down and worship him, calling him his teacher.

If he were not the Prime Minister of the Brittanian Empire now. If he didn't represent the Brittanian Empire now. Then he could not wait to stand beside Kelal immediately and learn from him the methods and principles of governing the country.

But unfortunately, Schneizel is the prime minister of the Britannia Empire, the second prince of the Britannia Empire, and represents the entire Britannia Empire.

He and Kyle were born to be opposites.

He cannot have Kelal as his teacher. He even wanted to deny it and oppose Kyle. Because this colonial system is the foundation of the Brittanian Empire, once they go through the pain of transformation, the Brittanian Empire will collapse.

The first to express opposition to this theory and raise the banner of rebellion were not the numberers and colonies, but the group of domestic capitalists and aristocrats who had tasted the sweetness.

The tonnage of the Brittanian Empire is so large that even the imperial power cannot suppress these interest groups.

Cornelia and Euphemia looked at Kelal with shining eyes. Kelal just proposed a way to truly make the world peaceful forever.

This man is so charming. Cornelia and Euphemia are not fools. They can tell almost at a glance whether what Kelal just said can be implemented.

They couldn't help but look back at Schneizel. Schneizel represents the Brittanian Empire. Once he nods, the world will stop fighting and peace will truly come.

"It's really breathtaking." Schneize picked up the red wine next to the meal. He raised it, but did not return the gazes of Cornelia and Euphemia, but looked at Kelar. Said in an admiring tone: "Let us drink to this great addition."

And for this great man. Schneizel said silently in his heart.

It's such a shame that he is your enemy.

The admiration and killing intent surging in his heart were almost unstoppable. It was about to overflow from his face and his chest.

It is such a pity that such a person is not a Bunitalian.

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