The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 719 Fueling Tactics

Chapter 135 Fueling Tactics

The fueling tactic actually refers to making wrong judgments about the opponent's situation due to unequal intelligence, which leads to the continuous investment of troops into meaningless battles.

This is what Schneizel is like now. He invested a lot of troops to do these unnecessary things. The result was that a large number of living troops were killed and injured. Of the 60,000 people he brought, 20,000 were killed or injured in less than a month.

These are casualties, not casualties in the traditional sense, but real deaths, more than 20,000 people.

To be honest, he had been mentally prepared for the Lelouch forces that a large number of Britannian nobles had joined, but this level of combat power still left him mentally unprepared.

The battle was so fierce, there were a total of 20,000 people, 20,000 people! In just one month, the Bunitalia Empire lost 20,000 soldiers. This is simply unbelievable. On the European Union front, the Bunitalia Empire and the EU have been confronting each other for more than five years without losing more than 20,000 people.

And the casualties continue to increase. This is simply unacceptable. There are many reasons for this. The main reason lies in Schneizel's lack of intelligence and judgment.

The Indian Military Region is indeed a weak and backward military region. The weapons, equipment and combat awareness of the Bunitalia Empire are so weak that they don't know where they are.

But Schneizel overlooked several key factors. One is Lelouch's entry into the upper command of the Indian Military Region. The other is the support from the Chinese Federation. The newly developed electromagnetic weapons certainly deserve the greatest credit. But the warriors from the Bunitalia Empire who came here to serve as the backbone. It is also very simple to command the people of the Indian military region with a large number of people.

When these multiple factors are added together, they directly cause the Indian military region's combat effectiveness to explode.

Schneizel may have only seen one or two of the factors, but after all these factors are added together, plus the number of people in the Indian military region, the number itself is larger than that of the Britannia Empire, with hundreds of thousands. people.

In the past, these were not counted in the infantry establishment. They could even be regarded as security forces. They only needed to maintain security and suppress ordinary civilians in the safe area after the knightmare raids. They never thought that this kind of ordinary army could suppress the knightmare of the Bunitalia Empire on the battlefield-they didn't even think about this problem.

But the Bunitalia Empire is an elite after all. After unexplained problems occurred on the front line. The staff directly under Schneizel directly used bait to ambush the opponent. This time, the soldiers of the Indian Military Region were finally caught under the premise of intentional calculation or unintentional calculation. This is inevitable. The battle line is so long and so large that even Lelouch cannot cover everything.

Faced with the siege of soldiers from the Bunitalia Empire that were several times their size, they fought bravely, and no one surrendered. After killing thousands of people, this team of hundreds of people finally destroyed their equipment and all died on the way to the charge.

Their fighting will was so amazing that it surprised the people of the Bunitalia Empire. They thought that this caste system was at the level of the Indian military region's combat effectiveness in the feudal period, that is, the level of the army in the feudal period.

A flock of sheep will become a pride of lions under the leadership of a lion leader. Under the leadership of a sheep, a group of lions will also become a group of sheep.

Now filling the backbone of the Indian army are all the backbones of the elite Bunitalia Imperial Army who were brainwashed by Lelouch with super powers.

They completely obeyed Lelouch's orders without any doubt, and absolutely obeyed the tasks assigned by Lelouch.

Although they still have self-awareness, I have become a believer in Lelouch and have no doubts about Lelouch's orders.

Being ambushed now was undoubtedly our own personal decision. However, it was the commander's personal will to destroy the equipment and then charge collectively.

The commander driving a White Tiger can easily fly away. Recently, people in the Indian military region on the ground have no choice but to complete their own desperate charge.

That's right, these electromagnetic weapon systems are all controlled by a knightmare commander. Most of these commanders sit in the machine body. Therefore, the White Tiger pilot has the ability to control and view all electromagnetic weapon systems of his team. His white tiger is like a super large autonomous super computer. It is the connection point for all the electromagnetic weapons of his team.

In fact, this system works very well, because his own observation ability is always insufficient, but the observation and marking abilities of more than a hundred other people can clearly help him see where the enemy is. Of course, the more important point is that he is qualified and capable of activating the self-destruction ability of all battery backpack weapons in an instant.

After these things are exposed. It is difficult for the Bunitalia Empire to obtain information about battery backpack weapons.

This may be somewhat unnecessary. But even if it can be delayed by a month, it would be good. This self-destruct system has value after all.

The setting of the self-destruct system can delay time. The Bunitalia Empire was one day short of discovering this. Then they can kill more soldiers of the Bunitalia Empire, which is valuable, and this self-destruction system is not troublesome or complicated.

Because these weapons all self-destructed, the Royd team who developed Lancelot in Area 11 was urgently dispatched to the Indian Military Region by Schneizel overnight to analyze the new weapons of the Indian Military Region.

To be honest, there was a classmate of Royd's in the Indian Military Region when he was young. Every time he mentioned India, he would think of her. He felt very comfortable here, but work was work, and he was from Schneizel after all.

Since Schneizel recruited him, there was no possibility for him to refuse.

Lloyd, who rushed to the Indian Military Region overnight, looked at the hundreds of equipment in front of him with excited eyes.

Schneizel, who was standing next to him, looked at him and asked: "Count, how long will it take you to figure out the situation of these things."

Lloyd picked up the neatly arranged fragments of debris like a woman picking things at a Wal-Mart supermarket.

Start picking like an excited child.

His choice is by no means meaningless.

The shape of these things can be seen at a glance. After being disassembled, they can be assembled into the most perfect shape to restore the original appearance of the thing. Only then can he deduce what these things are?

"Give me 12 hours." Earl Pudding said.

Lloyd looked at those things and became more and more excited, so he just inserted his face into those things.

Originally, even if those things were self-destructed, it would never be completely burned at once. Among the two or three hundred people protecting themselves, there will always be someone whose equipment has not been burned cleanly and will leave residues behind. This kind of thing is inevitable, but most of the equipment that has been blown up can be put together using a jigsaw puzzle method. For example, part A is blown away, but part A of another electromagnetic weapon system is intact. Then they can dismantle the A part of that one and slowly assemble it. Of course, this kind of assembly is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Schneizel asked Lloyd to come from Area 11 just to reduce this time-consuming effort.

Who is Lloyd? Scientific talent. Schneizel's chief scientist. A researcher of the seventh-generation knightmare must be a comprehensive talent who has a wide range of knowledge to be able to solve all the problems of the seventh-generation knightmare, and Lloyd is that kind of comprehensive talent.

Schneizel asked him to come here because he was majoring in science.

After hearing Lloyd say that it would only take 12 hours, Schneizel nodded with satisfaction and waved to the nearby guards to let them leave. Then he walked outside. Although he had been here for a month, no matter what, he always had these 12 hours of patience.

Lloyd caressed his chest slightly at Schneizel's back and bowed. In fact, he just liked a master like Schneizel. He never interferes with his research, and as long as he fulfills his requirements, he will never tell you anything.

Then he and his assistant Miss Cecilia began to tear apart the football field.

How much equipment would be needed for two to three hundred people if evenly distributed and placed in one place? That's the size of a football field.

Lloyd needs to separate these good things, then throw away the bad things, and finally assemble it into something that is not broken at all.

And this thing is the new technology used by the other party.

By now, even if he didn't talk about Schneizel, Lloyd knew who was intervening in the battle between India and the Britannia Empire.

The Indian military absolutely does not have this level of scientific research.

So the rest of the answer. That's the final correct answer.

Schneizel didn't expect Keilal to intervene so nakedly.

After all, this was an act to split the Chinese Federation, and he thought that Kelal would at least sit on the sidelines. Watching them fight.

But sure enough, Keilal is a mature politician. No, maybe even Lelouch's seizure of the Indian Federation was this man's plan.

Lelouch's capture of the Indian Military District would cause problems for the Bunitalia Empire.

And supporting Lelouch's military equipment can make the Britalia Empire fall into this quagmire. The benefits of Kelal's doing so are obvious.

Lelouch can continuously consume the vital power of the Britannia Empire. It can also consume a large amount of the Bunitalia Empire's active forces. After capturing the Indian Military District, the Indian Military District, which has wiped out the resistance forces, is truly included in the sphere of influence of the Chinese Federation.

Like a shrewd businessman, he makes money both ways. No matter who does business with him, they will be tricked by him. What a good idea.

But since Schneizel has already ended up in the quagmire, he is not qualified to say these things. Now he can only use tricks to slowly break the situation, but another factor is that once Schneizel uses the hard power of the Britannia Empire to crack Kelal's equipment. Then when he faces the war between the Chinese Federation and the European Union in the future. The equipment insertion on Kelal's side is not so obvious.

By that time, Kelal was enjoying the equipment he sent to fight them. The effect is not that great.

Schneizel is indeed a mature politician, and he quickly adjusted his mentality and looked at this matter with a more positive attitude.

But Schneizel was not a technician. He didn't know that even the latest weapons needed to be sharpened in actual combat and then constantly adjusted.

Now the problems with these weapons will be fed back to the laboratory. In the future, Schneizel will probably face fully mature electromagnetic weapon system equipment.

A mature piece of equipment may not be able to cause a large number of casualties and losses in a short period of time. But there is no doubt that stability is very important. It will not get stuck or run out of power at critical times. It is a variety of mature technologies. It is a technology that is truly stable and can be put into actual combat.

Today these technologies are far from practical. A large number of problems that arise on the battlefield will be fed back to the laboratory for upgrading, which is why Lloyd's Lancelot was dispatched from the European battlefield to Area 11 to counter the rebellion. First of all, the Tania Imperial Army has the upper hand in Area 11. Even if he fails, Lancelot will never be captured by the opponent at once. Lloyd can adjust Lancelot's parameters again and again based on Lancelot's performance in actual combat. This is normal experimental behavior, and problems can be discovered through actual combat.

Now it is not surprising that Kelal would use the Indian Military Region as the subject of his experiment. First of all, Indians have a strong rebellious mentality.

This is an Indian. In fact, it is very homogeneous with the Chinese Federation. They now use traditional Chinese characters. They also speak Chinese, which is a dialect that has not been completely eliminated.

It's just that their senior leaders are always bent on restoring the honor of the Maurya Dynasty, so in the final analysis, they are still doing things for their own rights.

After this incident, the Chinese Federation and the Indian Military Region no longer had such problems.

Eight hours later. Schneizel listened carefully to Lloyd's report in his seat. He gently knocked on the armrest of the chair and had a new evaluation of Kelal's difficulty in his heart.

Sakurashi Power Generation has been here for so many years. Although there are things like radars and computers, no one has ever imagined using these things to integrate them into weapons and equipment.

In fact, even if this system is in the 21st century, it has just begun. Of course, Kelal's world is much more developed than these worlds. It’s just that there is already a mature result about this weapon system. After moving this set of results to this world. This set of results is obviously capable of exerting great power.

This system is amazing. To be honest, Lloyd is amazing. Because this system is far ahead of this era, just like Keilal's thoughts are far ahead of this era.

I don't know why, Schneizel directly connected the two things together, and had a whimsical idea.

But now is not the time to think about such things.

He had more trouble to face.

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