Chapter 136 Growth

After hearing Lloyd's report, Schneizel fell into deep contemplation. Want to move on? No, it can't be done. Don’t say anything else. In a serious field battle, the Britannia Empire was unable to defeat these people from the Indian Military Region.

For ordinary Bunitalia, it might be a great shame, but for Schneizel, he just calmly considered the pros and cons.

It’s okay to do the fueling tactic once, but you’re a fool to do it again and again. But standing still is even worse. This is no longer a purely military issue, it has been a political issue from the beginning. If the 60,000-strong army led by Schneizel stood still, 20,000 people would still be lost. Moreover, hundreds of bodies were lost. In such a situation, would anyone think that Schneizel is inferior to the eleventh prince and have their own little calculation in their mind?

This is a dispute between the two about the throne and the legitimacy of the Brittanian Empire. Lelouch's strength was growing every minute and every second. If he is allowed to continue to grow like this, and if Kelal does not continuously replenish Lelouch with nutrients, sooner or later Lelouch will turn into a huge monster and devour the Bunitalia Empire.

Lelouch could wait. Schneizel couldn't wait any longer.

As the prime minister of the empire, he was able to conduct military campaigns in person. In fact, it was a very bad failure. Only then did Schneizel realize that he should have asked Cornelia to defeat Lelouch. Regardless of whether Cornelia is a sympathizer of Lelouch or not. Cornelia is the second princess of the empire and a well-known commander. No matter she loses or wins, the prince can easily stir up trouble behind her.

If Cornelia wins. That was because his prime minister, Schneizel, was presiding over the overall situation from the rear, and he had merit.

Cornelia if failed. Then we have found out what the Indian military region’s backhand is. Now it is very easy for Schneizel to clean up the defeat.

But this time, he thought too much and ended up personally, losing his room for maneuver. There is no way forward and no way back now. There is quite a feeling of being caught between a rock and a hard place, having to deal with both ends.

As the Prime Minister of the Brittanian Empire, Schneizel quickly made a decision that belonged to the Prime Minister of the Brittanian Empire.

Increase troops.

This was a difficult decision, because it meant that his previous promise of 60,000 people bulldozing the Indian military area and solving the problem with a small amount of consumption was shattered.

He admitted his current failure without hesitation.

But as a prime minister. This admission of failure is very difficult.

His decision surprised Keilal and also admired him. Compared with Lelouch, he is undoubtedly a politician who is a hundred times more mature than Lelouch.

Many people focus on the resourcefulness of celebrities in history and regard them as wise men planning things.

But actually they both have an ultimate career political prize.

This is because their talents can be released only if they have the profession of politicians as a prerequisite. If the stage is not big enough. if. Then their level is at best limited to their equal status.

They rely on their own wisdom to climb up, and then feed their wisdom back to the people they can rule. And then leave behind eternal good stories and legends.

Their unified name is statesman.

There is no doubt that Keilard and Schneizel are both mature politicians and politicians with superb methods. And Lelouch is still far away from this position.

His decision was undoubtedly correct. He directly bulldozed Lelouch in one fell swoop, not giving Lelouch any chance to develop, and not letting Kelal drag him into the quagmire of war. Schneizel directly added another 80,000 troops. A total of 120,000 people.

Among them, 80,000 were numbered. 40,000 Britannians. The fifth generation knightmare, Sunderland has a total of 8,000. March in four directions, trying to bulldoze Lelouch in one fell swoop.

This is a decision that cannot be more correct. When he heard the news, Lelouch broke into a cold sweat. He forced himself to call Kelal for help. But after calming down, he slowly started thinking.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that this matter was not actually a desperate situation.

If there is a reason, it is the time difference.

How long did it take for Schneizel to go from persuading the nobles to getting 60,000 people to send troops to the Indian Military Region?

First, it took him a whole month to convince the nobles and ministers. He then spent another month integrating and unifying 60,000 troops. In the end, it took him another month to deliver the 60,000 people to the Indian Military Region. If you calculate carefully, it took him more than three months to complete this crusade against the Indian Military Region.

So how long will it take for Schneizel to struggle with 80,000 people again?

In the simplest terms, it takes at least two months. In just the first month, Kelal sent him equipment for more than 10,000 people. Then in the next few months, there will be more and more of these electromagnetic equipment.

Then there is the White Tiger. The White Tigers in the current army area have no way to form the advantage of the group army. They can only command on the front line like a command tower, controlling the soldiers to be used as a large computer. As for the real use to fight against the knightmare of the Britannian Empire. In fact, they are still ordinary infantry.

It's not that Lelouch doesn't want to use the White Tiger to fight the Britannia Empire, but what's the use of having only more than 300 White Tigers? Are you going to deliver food to the Bunita Empire? Once a large group forms a knightmare battle. Lelouch's disadvantage in the number of knightmare will be maximized.

Schneizel can summon more than 3,000 knightmare to carry out raids. Lelouch only has 300 units.

Such a large quantitative disadvantage cannot be compensated by the performance of the machine.

Lelouch had no shortage of pilots. What he lacks now is. Lots of armor.

Although he does not lack steel skeletons, he still cannot do such a thing as letting pilots loyal to him drive this third-generation machine to die.

So Schneizel slowed down the attack, which would be more beneficial to Lelouch's side. Although Schneizel's numbers increased. But Lelouch's combat effectiveness will multiply geometrically.

If you calculate carefully, the situation is actually more favorable to Lelouch.

Lelouch finally grew up in these wars. Become neither arrogant nor impatient, neither discouraged nor discouraged. Even if you are at a disadvantage, you can still analyze the situation calmly. To turn the tide of the battle.

It's just that his growth is an evolution within his heart. No one knows this.

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