Chapter 073 Dorothy

This vellum article was only seen by Principal Dumbledore and the four deans, so everyone else was itching to borrow it.

But Mrs. Pomona was a good girl, so after reading it, she rolled it up and gave it back to Kelal.

"Professor Kellard, do you think this article will be published in the Daily Prophet tomorrow?" Professor McGonagall raised her own doubts. In fact, Flitwick and Mrs. Pomona are both good people, although one of them is in the demon world. Curse is a very powerful expert in herbal medicine. Mrs. Pomona even takes care of the magic potions in the entire two-acre greenhouse by herself, which shows how powerful she is.

But they don't care about things. The two houses of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff have this style. To put it nicely, it means giving students free space to give full play to their strengths. To put it bluntly, it is like herding sheep.

So Professor McGonagall was in charge of most things, and Snape would occasionally help, but he was not the one who often took charge.

In other words, Professor McGonagall is actually the person in charge of the entire college.

As for Dumbledore...he is the most idle one.

"Can you tell us the reason why you are so confident?" Professor McGonagall decided to ask clearly. No matter how good the article is, it will be meaningless if it cannot be published in newspapers and cannot create pressure from public opinion.

But only by reporting it in the newspaper can public opinion pressure be formed, and in this case it is possible to put pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

Otherwise, any wizard at Hogwarts could put pressure on the Ministry of Magic by publishing it in a newspaper, and the Ministry of Magic would already be in dire straits.

But not everyone can publish it in the Daily Prophet. More importantly, will the Daily Prophet be willing to publish it? As the largest-selling newspaper in the wizarding world, the Daily Prophet has only one purpose, to cause trouble! Make trouble! Make trouble!

Even if there is nothing to do, we should do something! Small things become big things! Big things become big news! In short, you have to run faster than the news! Faster than your peers!

Keilal's article is far less eye-catching than [Hogwarts teacher attacks Ministry of Magic officials], but who made the protagonist this time Keilal, their immediate boss, give them a few more They don't even have the guts to write like this.

But when Keilal launched this article at the right time, it was different.

He smiled slightly at Professor McGonagall: "I have friends in the Daily Prophet, and I often contribute articles to the Daily Prophet. They still give me this little face, not to mention..." The mission of the Daily Prophet It's just to cause trouble. If we can't handle Hogwarts affairs now, it's normal to cause some trouble for the Ministry of Magic.

So when Keilal said this, the other teachers believed it.

This matter was solved so easily by Keilar, and all the teachers looked at Keilar differently.

If Kelal was a sunny, smart and eager to learn new teacher before, then Kelal is now a wise and smart professor. After calmly solving the dementors, everything that happened next was taken care of. Solve it easily, this kind of method is completely unavailable to ordinary people.

And more importantly, they were very itchy about the contents of the parchment in Kelal's hand. However, since Kelal said that it would be published in the newspaper tomorrow morning, it was natural for them to let it go. It doesn't matter if you wait all night.


But earlier than the morning paper were officials from the Ministry of Magic.

Dorothy Umbridge was wearing pink clothes and high heels, with a fake smile on her face and a leather bag hanging sideways. Her high heels clicked on the bluestone floor of Hogwarts and came to the dark side. In the magic defense class classroom.

She first notified Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, and then, surrounded by Filch and others, she arrived in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. At this time, Kelar was still teaching the first-year students.

The average age of first-grade students is only 10 to 11 years old. There is no need to learn practical courses so early, so today we mainly focus on explaining dark creatures.

Kelal generally knows about dark creatures, but in the past thousands of years, most of the dark creatures have been wiped out by wizards, and there are only a few fragmentary creatures that do not threaten the wizards as a whole. Living in those places, just like the kappa he and Hermione met at the lake some time ago was one of them.

You must first understand these creatures before you can fight against them. If you find the weaknesses of these creatures, even ordinary people can easily kill them.

When Keilar was speaking with humor, filling the whole class with laughter, the door was opened directly. Keilal had not been exposed to such rude and direct treatment for a long time.

All the students looked back and saw Dorothy Umbridge, the Deputy Minister of Magic in pink clothes, wearing high heels, holding a pink satchel in her hand, and her hair was permed into curls. , then she came to Keilal under the gaze of everyone, and showed Keilal a document in charge of the Ministry of Magic.

"Mr. Kelal Pen Dragon, since you not only directly attacked the jailers of the Ministry of Magic yesterday, but also killed them, we at the Ministry of Magic have decided to ask you to be interrogated at the Ministry of Magic at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. "Her face was full of pride, and she looked around, as proud as a peacock.

"I understand, please go out now." Kailar nodded lightly without a trace of a smile on his face.

He took the roll of orders and chuckled, "Tomorrow?" I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic will be very worried this afternoon. Will what he wrote make it so simple for the Ministry of Magic to get over?

Suddenly, his arm hurt, and he was caught by the woman. Her mean triangular eyes stared at Keilar viciously and asked: "Why, Mr. Keilar, you killed the dementor. Are you proud? After killing the employees of the Ministry of Magic, provoking the Ministry of Magic, and trampling on the majesty of the Ministry of Magic, do you feel very happy and proud?"

Keilal narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at this woman who was wearing a fake smile in front of him and grabbing his arm harder and harder. He was really angry in a rare way.

This woman's rudeness before, and now her complete enemy-like appearance, had already angered Keilal.

The fact that this person can become the Deputy Minister is enough to prove the incompetence of the Minister of Magic.

He lowered his body slightly... because this woman was too short, and Kelar was about 1.88 meters tall. He imitated her and smiled and said: "Yes, it's not just you, your boss, the Ministry of Magic, I We must destroy them all."

If this woman was trying to scare people, Keilal's determination, calmness, and description of a fact were the things that made this woman even more frightened.

"Now, get out of here." A ball of light suddenly appeared on Keilal's body. Dorothy, a woman wearing pink clothes, screamed and was ejected directly from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and rolled in the corridor. Two times, he hit the wall hard.

PS: The recommendation votes are still 500 votes short of 35,000. I will write an update now. Everyone please vote for recommendations! If you don’t vote today, it will be void if it expires!

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