The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 74 The Worried Ministry of Magic (11,000 additional updates)

Chapter 074 The Worried Ministry of Magic

"That damn silver-haired arrogant!" Dorothy's high heels stepped on the smooth floor of the Ministry of Magic more like beating a drum, as if stamping on other people's hearts, making their hearts beat wildly.

The clicking of high heels on the marble floor made people irritated for a while.

But Dorothy is really someone who takes pleasure in people's boredom, so she often doesn't slow down her pace, but intensifies it.

When she arrived at the door of the Minister of Magic Fudge, she slowed down her pace, straightened her clothes a little, then put away her angry face, showed her sweet fake smile again, and then knocked lightly on the door. .

"Mr. Minister, I am Dorothy." Her voice was so sweet that it could make people's skin crawl.

But the people sitting in the office were obviously used to her tone and said, "Dorothy, come in."

Dorothy was confused. She was very familiar with the Minister. Today's Minister of Magic was no longer as high-spirited as before.

She was confused, but she still opened the door and walked in.

I saw Minister of Magic Fudge covering his forehead and reading today's Daily Prophet.

Because she went to Hogwarts early in the morning to show off her power, she didn't read today's Daily Prophet at all. Now, Minister Fudge is looking at the front page of the Daily Prophet and is distressed.

Submitting articles to the Daily Prophet requires a camera, and the camera can record what happened at the time and even show the actions. However, today's Daily Prophet directly used a page full of text to publish these words.

The text is that of the same man as always, Kelal Pan Dragon.

In the past, few people would pay attention to the author of an article. Only those who really read the article would care about the author of the article and what happens next.

Therefore, Keilard's serials, editorials and articles on magic have only attracted a small range of attention, including the group of ladies who like to read his serials, politicians who like to read editorials, and academics who like to read academic research on magic. .

As for looking at the author...

Basically, only the latter two types of people will watch it, and if they watch it again and again, they may not remember it if they remember it.

So even though Keilal has a novel serialized basically every day, an editorial every two days, and an academic serial every week, it still failed to attract widespread attention.

This also has something to do with Keilal's low profile.

But this time Keilar didn't hesitate to make his voice heard with the highest-profile headlines.

There is no doubt that he is narrating from the first time.

The title of this article is "How long can the Ministry of Magic exist?" 》

This kind of alarmist title is simply the favorite of the Daily Prophet. If you add some trouble-making details, it can be regarded as a typical tabloid article.

I really thought that everyone thought this was the time when the Daily Prophet was causing trouble as usual, but they discovered that the entire article had already started from an incident yesterday.

Although there are no adjectives in the entire article, everyone can see that the person who wrote the article experienced it for the first time, and may even be the person who killed the dementors.

This person first asked: First, are dementors considered humanoid creatures? Although they obey orders, how should the damage caused by running out of control be calculated? Will the Ministry of Magic pay compensation?

Second, if someone escapes from Azkaban, does it mean that if there is one, there will be two? Azkaban is no longer that foolproof and airtight cage. If Sirius is gone today, it will be Barty the next day. Bellatrix and other Death Eaters?

Third, even if someone escapes from prison, when will it be the Dementors' turn to hunt down the prisoners? There are so many Aurors and occult personnel in the Ministry of Magic who are not qualified to hunt down the prisoners. Where will the Dementors get the turn?

Fourth, if the dementors were following orders and would never go berserk, did someone deliberately instruct the dementors to attack Hogwarts this time?

Even in the end, if combined with contextual logic, everyone will have such an idea.

Could it be that there were Death Eaters infiltrated into the Ministry of Magic, or even in a high position, and they deliberately instigated them to let Sirius Black go, and then instigated the Dementors to deliberately attack Hogwarts in the name of searching for Sirius?

You must know that there is a person in Hogwarts who is the only person who can compete with "you know who". Is attacking Hogwarts a signal that the Death Eaters have resurrected?

To know what you are most afraid of, you need to read further, and Keilal is a master at it. Just giving a few examples can make the whole thing ferment, and even arouse the fear of others. Today, Dementors Even Hogwarts dares to attack, so wouldn't it be easy to attack an ordinary wizard tomorrow?

Human beings are the most sensitive about things that harm their own kind. The most important thing is that Keilal inspired the entire parents of Hogwarts students in an instant.

Except for Muggle families, other wizarding families sent long, short, stern, or pleading letters to the Ministry of Magic after reading the article.

The most disgusting part of this article is that at the end, Keilar went around in a circle and said: "Of course, the current Ministry of Magic is still a fair and full of justice people gathering place, but this time the loopholes are so... Large, the control and execution ability is so low, we can't help but ask, is there a problem in a certain link of the Ministry of Magic? So where is this link? What is the problem? We may have to continue to dig deeper to find the problem. Solve the problem."

"But before that, I want to make a loud appeal. I hope the Ministry of Magic will stop sending dementors on missions. They are irrational monsters and evil creatures. We don't want them anywhere in the wizarding world except Azkaban." See them.”

After reading the entire article and seeing the dazzling name of the author of the article, Keral Pan Dragon, Dorothy was almost furious. She tore into the Daily Prophet crazily and issued a The sound was as sharp as nails scraping glass. Minister of Magic Fudge looked at this woman who always acted so submissive, smiling, and humble in front of him, and never realized that she actually had such a side.

After venting, Dorothy remembered that she was still in front of the Minister of Magic Fudge. She arranged her messy hair in a panic, and then smiled sweetly at Fudge: "I'm sorry, Minister, I'm a little rude. ”

It was obviously the same smile as before, but Fudge couldn't help but shudder...

PS: The recommended votes are still less than 35,000... Let’s add the 11,000 collection first.

PS1: Then I can’t help but make an appeal. It’s almost 12 o’clock. Wouldn’t you like to vote for me in a few minutes? !

PS2: Oh, regarding the big sword, some people said that the big sword is dead. I never said it was dead. Please carefully recall what the spell [Guardian Guardian] summoned. It did not say it was a soul!

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