The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 726 The Essence of GEASS

Chapter 142 The Nature of GEASS

What's more, Keilal has more to worry about than just the college entrance examination. The assassin awaited his fate at his mansion.

There is a shocking secret hidden in this man.

For people in this world, it may be a shocking secret, but for Keilar, he has already understood the nature of this world.

The man named Mao actually. He turned out to be a superpower. And there is no doubt that his superpowers were given to him by C.C. as he shouted.

It is precisely because of this that he regards C.C. as a god. C.C. raised him from childhood to adulthood. It is precisely because of this that he regards C.C. as his mother, as his sister, and as his property, and he is also C.C.'s property. He had always believed that he and Nurse C.C. loved each other. One day, he will be able to fulfill C.C.'s wish and kill C.C. He is the only one who inherits C.C.'s GEASS.

Then C.C. abandoned him directly after his abilities went out of control. A new candidate was chosen and that was Lelouch.

Mao was so pampered by her. He has lost his mind. She even lost her original intention of what she really wanted. C.C. wanted Mao to resist the Brittanian Empire. But Mao was only immersed in getting along with her and had no intention of resisting the Bunitalia Empire. He didn't even want to leave C.C. to fight.

Compared with Lelouch's ability, Mao's ability is not bad. Being able to read minds directly, he can easily read a person's thoughts and deduce whether the person is a friend or an enemy. With such a super power, if he wants to join the officialdom, he will almost have a prosperous official career. As long as his emotional intelligence is a little stronger, no one can stump him. He's going to fight, and no knightmare can match him on the battlefield.

But Mao did not. He had no power at all. He did not enter the officialdom of the Chinese Federation. He also has no interest in being an official or a superior person. How could C.C. trust such a man with his fate?

So after C.C. became furious with his ability, he abandoned him without hesitation, sneaked into District 11, and began to observe Lelouch. After having the failed example of Mao, C.C. did not intervene in Lelouch's life. , but quietly outside Lelouch's life circle, watching Lelouch's life, and examining the evaluator, Lelouch's character and abilities. Finally, at his critical moment, Lelouch was given super powers. C.C. has also become more mature through repeated failures.

In the final analysis, Mao is just a failed work of hers.

If Burr hadn't killed Kelal, C.C. would have forgotten he even existed.

With Mao's mind-reading ability, he could certainly easily sneak into the guards. Then complete this assassination.

But the only thing he forgot was that his body, which had not been trained in any way, wanted to assassinate Kelal who was bathed in dragon blood. It was simply ridiculous and self-humiliating.

But he had something in him that Keilal wanted.

C.C. had already reminisced with him at the house. So Keira didn’t just talk nonsense to him. When she came to him, she grabbed his forehead with one hand. Mao looked at Keilal in surprise. He felt his strength draining away. He used to be able to hear anyone's voice a hundred meters away, but after his ability went crazy, he could only listen to these people's voices forcibly, but now the buzzing sounds in his ears are constantly weakening. Now he couldn't hear the guards ten meters away, let alone a hundred meters away. Gradually, he could no longer hear any sounds. This is obviously a good thing, something he has dreamed of for several years, but now, he looked at Keilal stupidly and asked: "What did you do to me?"

C.C. looked at him with pity and love. To be honest, after decades of living together, she certainly had maternal love for Mao. But so what? When Mao becomes a madman, will C.C. really accompany him in his madness?

It is of course impossible that C.C. could be in history. The reason for constantly ensuring one's sobriety in the long run is because of the mentality of being detached from the world. Mao's madness to drag C.C. into trouble was actually the emotion that C.C. wanted to strangle.

But now Mao no longer has super powers, nor the ability to threaten C.C., in that case...

It feels good to have power. Kelal looked at his hands, the magic finally coming back. Before, Kelal was like a fish out of water. It was very uncomfortable. He was very uncomfortable living in this world without magic power.

For him, wisdom is of course the most basic power, followed by the magic power born from his own power. But the magic of this world disappeared, and disappeared inexplicably. According to C.C., this was related to a place called the Sword of Akasha. But C.C.’s superpowers should be related to magic power.

Like C.C., it is now like a huge magic aggregate. Constantly absorbing magic power. The magic power is stored in her body, constantly activating her body, and even directly fixing her existence. This may be why she has been around for thousands of years. Neither his body shape nor his age have changed, and he has always been at the age of 17.

But no matter what, Keilal will not really extract C.C.'s magic power. But people like Mao, who have gone berserk with power, take back their magic. But it was Keilal's duty to do so.

Their abilities come from gifts. It has to do with talent, not their own efforts. They know it but don't know why. Just know how to use it, but don’t know what the nature of this ability is? Like Kelal, who cultivates magic, trains himself, turns magic into his own, understands magic and uses magic. Magicians are naturally different.

It's like Lelouch can use super powers, but he doesn't know the principle of super powers. This is the same truth.

They don't know how superpowers work. Keilar knew that this was the simplest application of mental power. When their magic power overflows, it will oppress their mental power and produce various welfare effects.

For example, when Lelouch's mental power overflows, he can directly change other people's memories and personalities. This is the magical influence of mental power.

The same goes for people like Mao. Listen directly to the voice of other people's hearts without their permission. It is also a part of spiritual power

Magic has no essence. When humans use magic power, they must borrow spiritual power. So on the other hand, there is a theory that magic power can be greatly increased, and mental power also exists.

After Keilal absorbed the magic power from their bodies. Their mental power was no longer subject to increases in magic power that exceeded what their bodies could hold. Their mental power went berserk and naturally calmed down.


It doesn't distinguish between voice recording for him and her, which is very annoying.

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