The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 727 Ability out of control

Chapter 143 Ability Out of Control

"But wait, what's going on with him? He has super powers and goes berserk."

Keilal had already guessed what Lelouch's superpower was before, and it must be something related to magic. But the problem is, he didn't know that this thing would go berserk. What is the principle of this thing?

Keilal was not involved, so he did not understand how superpowers worked, but he had to tell Lelouch about the rampage.

To be honest, C.C. has seen too many violent incidents over the years, so she does not have this sensitivity at all. Forget Mao's violent behavior, Mao's super power is just to listen to other people's voices. Even if he goes berserk, it will only affect Mao himself, but if Lelouch's super power goes berserk, he can even directly order everyone to commit suicide unintentionally. This order may be just a joke, but if Super After the power goes rampant, it is indeed possible for everyone to commit suicide.

This is where the problem lies.

After asking C.C. about several characteristics of rampage, Kelal called Lelouch without hesitation. Tell him about this in detail.

After Lelouch heard this, his heart became gloomy. He opened his mouth and asked, "Is there no other solution to this matter?"

"First of all, wear sunglasses. Even if you go crazy, you can still control it." Keilar suggested to him. "Secondly, in the next stage, a bird pattern will inevitably appear in one of your eyes, and it cannot be hidden. The final stage is when both of your eyes turn into birds. No one can resist your order."

"But these things still have to be activated through your eyes, and can only be received through the eyes of others." This is undoubtedly a part of spiritual power. Magicians use spiritual power to drive the elements in this world. Materialize the elements. But spiritual power is only between people. The power of the mind. When you want to exert your mental power on other people's minds, you must need a medium.

And that medium is the eye.

Like Mao's superpower, it's just to receive the mental power of other people. This kind of reception can be turned on and off, but it cannot be turned off after going berserk, so the contradictory ability is one-sided reception. So he doesn't need to use his eyes as a medium.

Lelouch, on the other hand, needs the other party to give feedback after accepting it. Therefore, his eyes need to look directly into the other person's eyes without any obstruction, including contact lenses and sunglasses.

If Lelouch didn't understand the principle of his superpower at all before, then after Keilal explained it to him a little, he was able to understand it. This is the principle of releasing spiritual power.

"But what about the future? Will I just wear sunglasses and live my life after going berserk in the future?" Lelouch was a little depressed. Although this ability is useful, he would rather choose an ordinary life than an ordinary life. Especially now, when we realize that ordinary life is not easy this time.

"Don't worry, I will take your abilities back after you completely go berserk." In other words, become a good tool now.

Keilal said easily. His promise was effective, and he had succeeded in taking back Mao's magic. Although Mao's mental power is still very strong now, it is slightly stronger than ordinary people, as if his mental power has been tempered for a long time. As for the previous kind, under the stimulation of magic power, the mental power of ordinary people exploded thousands of times, and the thoughts of others were forcibly received from other people's minds. The ability is something that is no longer possible.

"Kai, can you spare his life?"

C.C. looked at Mao with complicated eyes. He asked Kyle in a pleading tone.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Keilal looked at her and shook his head gently. "He only knows the basics about you. Now that he has lost his superpowers, he is just an ordinary person. If he is caught by the Britannian Empire, he will be a very useful bargaining chip. And he knows things There are just too many. These are things that must never be revealed."

Keilar revealed too many things to Mao. Because he had no intention of letting Mao go from the beginning, Keilar never concealed his relationship with C.C. from the beginning. He and C.C. were old acquaintances. Both parties knew each other long before they met Mao. Subtextually speaking, both parties are immortal beings. This alone is already very amazing information. The other party can completely use this kind of intelligence to attack Kelal's foothold.

Of course, although Keilal wouldn't let this happen, he still couldn't. Let Mao, an unstable factor, continue to live.

C.C.'s heart has softened after thousands of years of life. If it were her in the past, C.C. in the feudal era would not have said such innocent words. Sure enough, the progress of civilization has also softened his heart?

It’s just that if civilization continues to progress like this. , the heart will become more indifferent and hard, and the distance between people will become farther and farther. This itself is the rhythm of civilization.

Kelal went through this spiral. Therefore, his heart is as hard as iron. There are very few things that can make his heart shake.

He didn't give C.C. a chance to continue speaking, nor did he give Mao the speed to respond. He was right next to Mao and grabbed Mao's chin. With such a slight force, Mao's spine was instantly twisted by him, and Mao's head showed a creepy angle. Human beings know very well that this angle represents death, so they are full of fear of this angle.

C.C. sighed, even if it has passed, this man has not changed at all for thousands of years. Be as gentle as water when you should be gentle, and be decisive when you should kill. Not bothered by emotions at all, nor bound by other people's words. Just do what you have to do. There was no confusion or hesitation at all.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his determination to move towards one goal step by step that he attracts countless people.

Keilal is still the same Keilal he was 2000 years ago. But C.C. is no longer the C.C. it was 2000 years ago.

Human beings are indeed changing all the time. Looking at C.C.'s appearance, Keilal gently touched her face. Then he tucked her hair behind her ears. Gently raised her chin. He lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Kissing is the best action that humans can take to get close to another person's face and feel their emotions. Keilar can completely feel C.C.'s complicated emotions.

But he kept comforting her. C.C.'s mood gradually stabilized.

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