The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 729 Rich and Rude Lu Xiu

Chapter 145 Rich and Rude Lu Xiu

As for the larger refueling tactic, Schneizel doesn't think so. Let’s say 120,000 people were mobilized this time. Sunderland dispatched 8,000 sorties. If the general mobilization of the Eastern Military Region with more than 300,000 logistical troops is considered a fueling tactic, then the cost of this fueling tactic is also too high.

Schneizel did not believe that Keilal had such determination and awareness.

But this is what international politics is like. Last month, your mortal enemy was still fighting to the death, but during this month's changes, you must shake hands with your mortal enemy and face new enemies.

Schneizel thought Keira was just taking advantage of the Indian military zone. However, the reality is that Kelar used the Britannian Empire as a training ground. This is an extremely cruel practical training.

The sparring partners are battle-hardened soldiers of the Brittanian Empire. The interns are the promoted pilots and non-commissioned officers of the Chinese Federation.

About to go through a bloody and cruel knockout match. The one who survives gets promoted. And those who are eliminated will undoubtedly die directly.

The Indian Military Region is originally one of the inherent territories of the Chinese Federation. Its language and writing are all in Chinese. These Indians speak Chinese fluently. There is no doubt that even if they become soldiers of the Chinese Federation in the cockpit, they will not have any Feeling inconsistent. They are all people who speak Chinese. How can Britannians clearly distinguish between Nanjing people, BJ people, Xijing people, and Tokyo people.

What's more, after all, there are only a very small number of people who report their family status to each other on the battlefield. Most people will fight to the death in the next second, so how can they be in the mood to report their family status.

In addition, the knights of the Britannian Empire who had taken refuge with Lelouch were all directly brainwashed by Lelouch.

In this way, the Indian Military District is a huge black iron curtain for the intelligence agencies of the Britannia Empire. The Brittanian Empire knew nothing about the situation inside.

Every day, trains depart from various parts of the Chinese Federation to the Indian Military Region. These trains carry military supplies, supplies, food, weapons, and more importantly, mechas and pilots.

No matter how brainless these people are, they all know that they actually participated in this war as an Indian pilot. The so-called independence of the Indian Military Region is nothing more than a joke.

The Indian soldiers can also clearly feel the problem. There are more and more Chinese Federation and Brittanians around them.

The so-called Indian independence is just a joke. India has been a puppet of the Chinese Federation from beginning to end. Pulled by the threads of the Chinese Federation, he danced on the stage and became a pioneer pawn in the resistance against the Britannia Empire.

This truth really makes Indians uncomfortable. But even the stupidest people know where the electromagnetic weapons in their hands come from.

Electromagnetic weapons can achieve good results in guerrilla warfare and ambush warfare, but Schneizel is obviously going to have a head-on, large-scale mecha battle. At this time, electromagnetic weapons are not that effective.

Electromagnetic weapons seen by the opponent can be easily dodged, allowing the opponent to approach quickly.

It is generally accepted in this world that the only thing that can resist the body is the body.

It has to be said that this world has given birth to its own unique form of war and methods of war. Even the culture of war and the weapons of war are completely different from the previous world of Kailar. If it is the world of Kailar In the world, a nuclear bomb is enough to silence everyone in this world, but unfortunately, this world does not have nuclear bombs, fighter jets, supersonic missiles, or missiles that can attack across continents.

in this case. Of course, the weapons in the previous life were stronger. But on the premise that there are no weapons from the previous life. Kelal can only follow the rules of war in this world. Use the organism against the organism.

This is natural, before the gunpowder gun phalanx successfully withstood the cavalry attack. No matter what concept and stage gunpowder guns develop to. He has never been able to compare with the role played by cavalry in the history of human warfare.

Before electromagnetic weapons can truly withstand these machines. It is far from a mature technology.

Kelal knew this very well, so he was mobilizing a large number of Chinese Federation aircraft and pilots to support the Indian military region.

The Indian Military Region looks like a military region, but it is actually one of the very autonomous federations and a federation of the Chinese Federation. He has a certain political and cultural foundation, and with the combination of race and force, it is no wonder that they have always had their own independent thoughts. But in terms of productivity and scientific research capabilities. The scientific research capabilities of the Indian Military Region, represented by Lakshata, may be close to the world's top level, but when it comes to productivity, 80% of the population of the Indian Military Region is agricultural. If it wants to compete with the Britannia Empire for productivity, it will definitely be Can't win.

But with the addition of the Chinese Federation, it is different. In these three months, the Chinese Federation has produced more than 80,000 White Tigers. Among them, 60,000 units are for the other six military regions. Only 20,000 units can support the Indian military region. But even if there are only 20,000 units, they are far more powerful than the 8,000 Sunderlands of the Britannia Empire.

And if we really only let the Indian Military Region and the Britannian Empire face off against each other. So it is lucky that the Indian Military Region has been able to produce 2,000 steel skeletons so far.

This is the difference between industrial and agricultural countries.

And the Indian military region does not have so many drivers who can drive these white tigers. On the contrary, it was the pilots who were supported by Kelal who gave these white tigers a place to use.

Among the twenty thousand white tigers. There are only two thousand drivers in the Indian military region. There are a total of 1,500 Britannian knights loyal to Lelouch. These people are all veterans who have been on the battlefield. But they are all experienced drivers.

As for the remaining 6,500 White Tigers. Then all of them are drivers of the Chinese Federation.

For the first time, Lelouch experienced the pleasure of throwing money at people. Because he was rich and wealthy because of the Chinese Federation, for the first time he did not need to worry about the lack of troops. Now the thing he is worried about becomes how to arrange the more than 20,000 white tigers?

He is good at small-scale battles, but he is still slowly learning about large-scale wars.

Both sides are making intensive preparations for this war.

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