The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 730 Strategic Depth

Chapter 146 Strategic Depth

From chennai to. New Delhi is indeed a bit far. But the infrastructure of the Chinese Federation is well built. Even in the conditions of feudal society, even Bao had already built a route from Chennai to New Delhi. New Delhi's status is not just the capital of India in the 21st century. It is the core of the entire India and is extremely important both historically and geographically. It can be said that even if it has no political significance, it is in a geographical sense. It is inevitable that this place will become the capital of India.

New Delhi is very close to India’s holy river Ganges, but not that close. It is a city with a very good geographical location. Everyone thought so. The Brittanians would land at Calcutta. Then attack along the Ganges River to New Delhi, where Lelouch is now. But obviously. Schneizel's methods are not what others can imagine. Schneizel chose the best place to land.

Then along the coastline, we cooperated with the Bunitalia Empire's navy to cover each other and continue to advance forward.

Their goal was undoubtedly the outlet of the Ganges, Calcutta, or even Dhaka.

To be honest, it is very difficult for the Indian Federation's army to block the Britannian Empire's army. First, there is a road along the coast in the Indian Military District. Railways directly connected to major coastal cities. The knightmare of the Bunitalia Empire happens to be the most suitable for advancement on the railway. In other words, the design concept of this knightmare from the very beginning was to advance on the railway.

Then cooperate with the ships' attacks and supplies on the sea. It can be said that there is no problem at all for the Bunitalian Empire to advance all the way to Calcutta along the sea route.

After taking Calcutta, we then followed the Ganges River and pushed forward all the way upstream from the Ganges River. These roads and railways are very close to the Ganges River. They can completely rely on the supply ship in Yokogawa as the center to advance all the way to New Delhi. Although this is a tactic of fighting from south to north, and then from north to west.

I have to say that after cooperating with my own knightmare. This tactic is undoubtedly very suitable.

Although the Indian army ambushed on both sides of the railway along the way, they continued to use electromagnetic weapons to stop the Bunitalia Empire. But there is no doubt that when the knightmare of land and air combat plus naval combat cooperates with each other, these electromagnetic weapons have no way to play any role at all, and can only allow the Bunitalia Empire to advance forward in a crushing manner. .

Is there anything Lelouch can do to resist the Empire?

Of course not. Lelouch was just luring the enemy deeper. If Schneizel is still immersed in the previous impression that there are only three to four thousand knightmare in the Indian military region, then Schneizel will undoubtedly be surrounded by more than 20,000 aircraft.

You know, even if the Brittanian Empire loses more than 8,000 pilots and aircraft, it will definitely not be an easy matter.

It will greatly damage the strength of the Bunitalia Empire and cause a great delay in the Bunitalia Empire's pace of unifying the world.

More importantly, once the Bunitalia Empire delays its progress, the Chinese Federation and EU will have time to catch up with the empire.

Everyone who knows Kelal believes that once the empire's progress is slowed down, the speed of catching up by the Chinese Federation and the EU will definitely shock the Bunitalia Empire.

Lelouch's current mission is to delay the Bunitalia Empire.

The Indian Federation, no matter how it is, is a large country with a land area of ​​more than 2.98 million square meters.

If a country wants to become an international power, the most important thing is land. Land is not just about producing more things, nor is it just about making the country self-sufficient. One of the manifestations in terms of war is that the country's land area will make the country's strategic depth extremely deep. The length of strategic depth represents the country's fault tolerance rate.

Take China as an example. First of all, the vast northern plains produce a large amount of crops suitable for tank cluster operations. This is why China has always been very worried about Soviet tank clusters, but even if the entire northern China is captured by the Soviet Union. South China, south of the Yangtze River. You can still use the natural dangers of the Yangtze River to resist. The opponent's tank cluster.

Even if we take another step back, the entire south of the Yangtze River will be captured, and China can still retreat into the Sichuan Basin, which is surrounded by mountains on all sides. It is a natural barrier.

Further south, there is Guangdong, an economically important province like Shaoguan that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The Hunan area is even more mountainous. Best suited for guerrilla warfare.

And the other way around. Start attacking China from Guangdong in the south. It also needs to go through layers of rivers and mountains.

During World War II. China is not as good as Japan in terms of the quality of its soldiers, productivity, or economy. Why force Japan to death?

It does not rely on this kind of strategic depth. A land-for-time strategy?

And now this is the method of confrontation that Lelouch chose.

The empire wants to easily take over a country with such a large area of ​​land. There is nothing so simple in this world.

Even though the imperial soldiers were very fast, they were definitely not as fast as expected. They only traveled a hundred kilometers in one day. Coupled with the capture of the cities along the route and the resistance of the Indian infantry, it took them only one day to move forward. Walk 80 kilometers.

And among these 80 kilometers. The city still needs to be sieged.

It can be said that their forward speed is definitely not too fast, but too slow.

This speed is already very fast in modern warfare.

But even so, Schneizel was still dissatisfied and dissatisfied. The pressure he is facing now is very high, whether it is domestic pressure or pressure from Lu Xiu.

Before Lelouch, the matter of taking refuge in the Ashford family had been investigated clearly. The experiences of the following years were also clearly investigated by Schneizel's intelligence agency. It can be said that the previous Lelouch was just a 17-year-old student who grew up in the academy.

Facing such a student, Schneizel looked down upon him very much. But now he had to admit that his younger brother was a genius. Lelouch, who inherited Princess Mariana's military talent, combined with the new weapons given to him by the Chinese Federation, defeated the battle-hardened Imperial Army in the early stages. The current retreat is not so much Lelouch's defeat as it is his tactical retreat measures. Schneizel had no idea that he had to win alone. On the contrary, he was very worried.

When a person retracts his fist, it does not necessarily mean he has given up the fight. But for more. Punch hard.

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