The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 731 Battle of Calcutta

Chapter 147 The Battle of Calcutta

Kolkata, the southernmost city in India, is a port city. It is also the outlet of the Ganges River. It is unique in geographical location.

This place is a very important port in India. Even Lelouch will never give up this place so easily. Of course this is just a lie.

Lelouch had already decided to abandon this place, but in order to make Schneizel believe even more, he entered the Indian Federation without reservation. Lelouch had to do the whole thing.

Here are not only the 130,000 people of the Bunitalia Empire, plus 8,000 mechas, Lelouch also mobilized a full 200,000 Indian Federation soldiers and more than 2,500 mechas.

These knightmare are the white tigers between the sixth and seventh generation mechas.

As for Sunderland, which is equipped with a flight pack, it can barely be regarded as a fifth-and-a-half-generation knightmare. Theoretically speaking, the White Tiger with 2,500 units should be able to beat the Sandra with around 6,000 units. It's not that Schneizel doesn't want to fully mass-produce Lancelot, but the Bunitalia Empire has a great cause.

To mass-produce a seventh-generation Lancelot, there are many interests that need to be balanced. Balancing interests requires a lot of time, so Schneizel was in a hurry. Sunderland was used directly. Anyway, the numerical advantage was on Schneizel's side. He just needs to push it all the way through.

Schneizel's idea has to be said to be a very normal idea. Without Kailar's support, the Indian Military Region now has 8,000 third-generation mecha steel skeletons. It can already be considered a good combat effectiveness, facing the fifth and a half generation Sunderland. The Indian military should have no power to fight back.

But the last time he assassinated Kelal. The Black Knights, who even have jetpacks, can undoubtedly be used as a technical excuse for the Indian Federation. Please do your best to support the White Tigers of the Indian Federation.

Schneizel should also understand this, so he didn't bother with a machine like White Tiger.

Even if he wants to pester him more now, so what? The verbal dispute with Kelal cannot help the war situation. Is it necessary to start a war with the Chinese Federation, which is a real big country? Or are we going to go to war with the European Union, the Chinese Federation, and the Indian Military District?

This war cannot be delayed and is related to the future battle for the crown prince of the Bunitalia Empire. Therefore, Schneizel couldn't retreat even half a step, and he had to try his best to make a quick victory.

As for after defeating Lelouch, the issue of Lelouch's life is not worth discussing. Whether it is killing or imprisoning, Lelouch was defeated by him. It would automatically be equivalent to giving up the throne. In other words, he has proven his excellence to others.

So many knights from the Bunitalia Empire under Lelouch are investing in Lelouch's future.

Lelouch knew this, so he kept slowing down Schneizel.

The most important measure is to constantly arrange the footsteps of these guerrilla groups to organize the Bunitalia Imperial Army along the railway.

There is no doubt that an important city like Calcutta is a good place to put on a show and stop the advancement of the Bunitalia Empire.

All the more than 200,000 troops deployed here are abandoned. They stood firm in defense here, using their own flesh and blood every minute and every second to delay the Bunitalia Empire army.

And those drivers who drive white tigers are more prudent and protective.

In terms of status, these pilots are more valuable than fighter pilots. It is precisely because of this that Lelouch has already told them the tactics and strategic purpose, and they are well aware of this battle. So they play more carefully.

This function is only to contain the White Tiger of the Bunitalia Empire. As for the real defensive operations, it still has to be left to the ordinary Indian soldiers.

This is the second largest port in India and the outlet of the Ganges River. at this place. Whether it's food, weapons or equipment, they have no shortage of it.

200,000 people can resist the Bunitalia Empire if they really want to fight. A matter of months or even a year.

Of course, Lelouch is not that naive. He was very satisfied after being able to withstand Schneizel in this city for about two months.

This is a dead city, and those who own the White Tiger can easily leave here using the White Tiger's jetpack.

As for the other ordinary infantrymen, Lelouch never thought of taking them back from the beginning.

Again, the Indian military region lacks everything, but the most indispensable thing is people. The Indian infantry has the largest, most complex, and largest infantry organization in the world. This must be one of Kelal's most troubled issues. Lelouch now wants to solve this problem, and dying in battle is the best reward for them. Or maybe it's because Lelouch doesn't have any tender heart for these Indians.

But anyway, a battle for Kolkata. It started so directly.

The top leaders of both sides have their own psychological preparations, and this is by no means the first time that the armies of both sides have fought. Each other has a certain understanding of each other's abilities.

The current armor of the Bunitalia Empire is not just the light and handsome knight with a cape. They have large-caliber machine guns on their chests that can shoot at infantry. Both hands are used to maintain a huge shield. These shields are temporarily modified alloy shields used to resist the attacks of electromagnetic weapons.

However, the battlefield is very three-dimensional and enemies may attack from the front, rear, left and right. Even attacks from the sky are possible.

Moreover, electromagnetic weapons are so powerful that even ordinary infantry electromagnetic weapons cannot directly destroy an aircraft body. However, it can also directly attack the joints of the body, causing the knightmare to lose its combat capability and mobility.

If you lose mobility on the battlefield, you will most likely be bombarded by the opponent's electromagnetic heavy firepower weapons and die directly.

Therefore, the aircraft on land are very careful.

Not only the knightmare on land, but also Sunderland in the air was holding a shield and was very careful. Because when they are in the air, their flight packs will be destroyed once they are hit. So. Just falling down is enough for them to drink a pot. And their backpacks are not very reliable. Even if they are shot down by ordinary infantry with magnetic rifles, it is normal operation.

The power of the electromagnetic weapons equipped by these infantrymen has been greatly enhanced. Anyone who dared to be careless would have died on the previous battlefield.

Although the military strength is almost the same as that of the opponent, it is even stronger than the opponent in terms of body. But no one of the Bunitalia Empire soldiers had a relaxed expression on their faces.

They have been fighting here for four months, and they know exactly what kind of people the soldiers on the opposite side are. This is by no means a group of guys that can be defeated easily.

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