Chapter 148 No Choice

Bloody limbs and fragments were everywhere. Attacking a city is more cruel than the soldiers of the Bunitalia Empire imagined.

Trenches were dug outside the city. These trenches were dug extremely deep, that kind of thing. Even if it's a pit that a knightmare can't get out of after jumping into it.

This kind of trench makes the advancement of knightmare extremely difficult. What's more, behind every trench, many pits were dug, and then those electromagnetic tanks or electromagnetic self-propelled artillery were buried deeply in the pits. This makes it extremely difficult for the knightmare of the Bunitalia Empire to hit these self-propelled artillery or tank guns. This method of burying self-propelled artillery directly in the soil caused many of their attacks to hit the ground, because only one barrel was exposed. This can be said to be a kind of turret, which is difficult to destroy from a long distance. If you are at close range, you will have to face these artillery fire and infantry attacks, plus you don't know which ditch the white tiger is hiding in. This makes any Sunderland move forward extremely uncomfortable.

There is no doubt that this was trench warfare in World War I.

This kind of trench warfare has actually become obsolete after facing knightmare. But if we want to fight a city defense battle, we must turn the defense battle of Calcutta directly into a street battle. Otherwise, we can only fight the Bunitalia Imperial Army in the wild.

Lelouch didn't give them many troops. If they wanted to stop the Bunitalia Imperial Army, they could only stop the Bunitalia Imperial Army through trench warfare.

The trenches are for the knightmare. Infantrymen's trenches. On the contrary, it is relatively shallow.

Indian soldiers certainly know how to avoid these trenches or shuttle between them.

Large trenches were prepared for Sunderland. There will also be some knightmare like White Tiger ambushed inside, but on the real frontal battlefield, those electromagnetic cannons are the real protagonists.

A huge blue beam of light flashed across the sky for an instant, and then people were seen turning on their backs in the area where the beam of light hit. A huge explosion erupted directly from the target point.

The ammunition for this electronic cannon is specially made ammunition. After hitting the target, it will instantly fall apart due to the internal design to form a large number of fragmentation grenades.

This ammunition alone is enough to create a crater the size of a ping pong table. But once the ammunition explodes, it will quickly form fragments to kill enemies in all directions.

This palm-sized fragment can cause some damage to a knightmare. For humans, it is really like an invitation from the God of Death that can cut you in half in an instant.

Because there is no intuitive understanding of the lethality of electromagnetic guns, most people who have seen electromagnetic rifles are already dead.

But the power of this electromagnetic artillery shell is obvious to everyone. Most of the casualties of the Bunitalia Imperial Army were caused by this kind of artillery shells.

This kind of shell is common with electromagnetic tanks and electromagnetic guns. In other words, these thousands of electromagnetic artillery shells can trigger thousands of attacks in an instant.

This is an attack that can almost wipe out the entire area. A poor arrangement would cause the Bunitalia Imperial Army to suffer heavy losses. Now that the entire Bunitalia Empire heard the sound of such roaring cannonballs, it was as if they heard the roar of death, and their expression changed when they heard it.

In the roar of the Army God. These infantrymen knew that whether they could survive or not depended entirely on luck. Unless it explodes in front of the knightmare, then use the knightmare's shield to block the fragments. Otherwise, it would be impossible to resist.

This kind of battlefield is completely based on luck.

Moreover, the composition of the Bunitalia Imperial Army is very complex. Among them, more than 60,000 to 70,000 soldiers are composed of numbered people. These numbered people come here to make contributions and ideas, fight bravely against the enemy, and become real citizens of the Bunitalia Empire. Not here to die.

in military theory. An army's death toll exceeds 30~40%. It's already on the verge of collapse.

The only army in this world that can get rid of this theory without collapsing is the miraculous red army. And like now, the numberers who disappeared into formations and formations and regiments under the bombardment of the battlefield naturally fell into wailing. Morale was so low that there was no way to continue the attack.

This is no longer an attack, this is death.

Even Schneizel, no matter how much he encouraged morale, he had no way to make these numbers die in the face of this fact?

And not just the numberers, but even the knights of the Bunitalia Empire, who is in a high mood?

If it weren't for the military law and glory of the Bunitalia Empire supporting their hearts. The hearts of these knights are actually no different from those of the numberers.

This war was really cruel. Any Sunderland who dares to fly in the sky will be shot down by concentrated fire in an instant.

Now the entire battle situation has suddenly reached a stalemate.

Schneizel left his land command ship. Walking slowly on the logistics barracks, followed by a few guards. The entire rear part of the battlefield was in a mess, with wounded soldiers everywhere. Although the Bunitalia Empire has invested heavily in medical troops in recent years, even so. These people still have no meaning to the injuries of the severed hands and feet.

They could only help these wounded soldiers to amputate their limbs. Letting them suffer long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

"Transport these wounded soldiers back to their home countries as soon as possible."

Schneizel's face turned slightly heavy and he ordered the people around him.

Of course, he couldn't be surrounded only by guards and his secretary. His secretary would directly record these things.

I have to say that it is good to have the sovereign initiative to control the battlefield. Because they have an advantage in the fleet, Schneizel and the others can come and leave whenever they want. There are many benefits to transporting these wounded soldiers back to their home countries. First of all, they will not affect morale here, they will not sigh here, and their sighs and groans will not make the atmosphere of the entire army tense. It always makes the atmosphere in the entire army strange.

And after they retreat, they can also give the soldiers who are fighting a sense of comfort. After all, they are fighting too. Once they are injured, they can also expect to enjoy the treatment of returning home.

There is also the relief of the entire logistical pressure.

However, the Bunitalia Empire, which had the upper hand on the sea, was very relaxed in this matter. But now this situation makes Schneizel very confused.

How many more people are needed to capture this city? How many more people are needed to continue to advance to New Delhi after it is captured? It's impossible that Schneizel, who is good at calculations, doesn't know how much investment there is?

But as mentioned above, he had no choice.

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