The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 733 A person destined to fail

Chapter 149 The person doomed to failure

The Bunitalia Empire originally wanted to show off its martial arts and bully the weak, but in this situation, the other party is no longer a sheep to be slaughtered.

The other party changed from a sheep to a strong buffalo. Faced with the buffalo's strong horns, should he break the buffalo into pieces or should he retreat wisely and avoid risks before he is harmed?

Schneizel's choice was to rise to the challenge.

Just like what was mentioned before. They have become completely political battles. Compared with foreign enemy countries, reconciliation is still possible, but compared with political opponents in political struggles. Reconciliation is completely impossible.

Coupled with the bloodline and the battle for the throne. Schneizel had no way out. He is mobilizing all his resources and strength to continuously increase the number of troops in the Indian Federation.

So under this conspiracy plan. Schneizel had to face the fueling tactics once again

But the only good news is this. Because the city had so many trenches dug, and all the ships on the sea were blocked by the warships of the Bunitalia Empire. Therefore, the city's active forces are actually blocked, and it is impossible for the Chinese Federation to send in any more drivers or troops. In other words, there are fewer and fewer people in this city. The Bunitalia Empire's military strength is increasing as it fights.

This can be regarded as the only good news in recent months.

From a positive perspective, consuming the forces of the Indian military region here now will undoubtedly weaken their future effectiveness.

Thinking of this, Schneizel felt better again. He could continue to increase his troops, but the people in this city could only be slowly exhausted.

Here, if all the effective forces of the Indian military region are exhausted. The attacking opponent's resistance will be greatly weakened.

Just like the driver death rate and veteran death rate will affect the combat effectiveness of the entire army, here, after swallowing the entire 200,000 Indian army in one breath, he can even push it directly to New Delhi, India in one breath in the future.

It was with this thought that Schneizel did not hesitate to launch additional troops for this siege.

I have to say that ** Mustache thought the same way when he faced Stalingrad.

Mustache, who had an absolute advantage in combat effectiveness, was dragged into the polar bear's winter and into the polar bear's rhythm.

And now Lelouch discovered what was so scary about Kelal. All of Schneizel's actions were within his expectations.

In other words, when Schneizel, the prime minister of the Bunitalia Empire, who is almost as wise as a demon, faces an enemy like Kelal. He even anticipated every reaction and action.

This made Lelouch think of the past. Kelal gave him two choices. Now it seems that no matter which choice it is, it is expected by Kelal, and he will also choose a different course of action in anticipation of Lelouch's choice.

But now it seemed that all Schneizel's reactions were expected by Keilal, and Keilal could easily respond to his reactions.

Like this one now. The battle plan for the defense of Galgotha ​​was proposed by Kelal. But in fact, Keilal is more encouraging and teaching Lelouch.

After proposing this plan, Lelouch was asked to arrange the deployment of troops, the matching of personnel and the excavation of trenches on the battlefield. These are all training Lelouch's abilities.

And his teachings allowed Lelouch to carefully appreciate his meaning in the war that continued.

Just like it is now.

Lelouch could now understand the profound meaning of Keilal's move.

The increase in troops has been expected for a long time. The defensive side itself has the advantage. Moreover, the Indian Federation, which has superior infantry weapons and firepower, also has a numerical advantage. If only the Bunitalia Empire could kill the defending Indian soldiers so easily. Then there is no need for Kelal to fight against the Bunitalia Empire. That is the real way to seek death.

But obviously, things are developing just as he expected.

The Bunitalia Empire was unable to capture the city. So Schneizel could only increase his troops.

After increasing the number of troops, they fell into the tactics of adding fuel to the fire.

By that time, if you want to eat these 200,000 people, you will need countless artillery tanks and 3,000 white tigers. How many people does the Bunitalia Empire need to pay for?

The thought of weakening the Bunitalia Empire's strength. Lelouch's heart was filled with joy as he took revenge on his father and mother for causing his sister to become like this.

Schneizel thought he was outsmarted. You can see the positive side of everything, and constantly adjust your thoughts and pace to improve your plans, but in fact it is just a puppet on a string being played with by others between applause. This is a huge irony for the world. When Lelouch thought of this, he felt that this world was really ridiculous.

So can Schneizel's previous promise of 120,000 people to capture New Delhi be achieved?

Of course it's impossible. The current 200,000 Indian soldiers in Kolkata alone are enough to make the current 120,000. The Bunitalia Imperial Army was unable to move forward.

You know, the Bunitalia Empire army has never stopped attacking. They attack all the time. But the sacrifice of the offensive was too tragic. They were filling this meat grinder at a rate of 3,000 people every day.

The death toll among Indian soldiers is lower. They are the defenders after all. So the number of people is probably about 2,000 people sacrificed every day.

However, it is worth mentioning that the mortality rate of wounded soldiers is much higher in the Indian Military Region than in the Bunitalia Imperial Army. After all, the Indian Army does not have a complete medical system and logistics system. So in fact the sacrifice rates on both sides are still the same.

But so what if it stays the same. With a one-to-one numerical sacrifice ratio on both sides, it was still the Indian Military Region that won in the end. They can still use the next two to three million people to stop the Bunitalia Imperial Army, but what about the Bunitalia Imperial Army? Just the sacrifice of these 120,000 people is enough to cause heartache. The deployment of troops to other colonies and battlefields on the east and west fronts is enough to plunge the entire Bunitalia Empire into turmoil.

By that time, Schneizel might be stuck in an even more tangled decision.

In the final analysis, Lelouch only needs to hold off Schneizel, and time is on Lelouch's side.

Schneizel is the most passive person.

His failure was something everyone else was happy to see. He was too anxious to get off the field. So Cornelia was happy to see him fail. Therefore, several other princes in the country were happy to see him fail. He has not failed yet, just because the prestige he established in the past has not been completely lost.

But how long can he sustain it?

The countdown was always lingering in his heart, echoing slowly.

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