The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 739 Knights of the Round Table and Failure

Chapter 155 Knights of the Round Table and Failure

"They are so weak." Gino praised the power of those new weapons, but then began to ridicule the weakness of these pilots. Indian pilots and Chinese Federation pilots, for these battle-experienced Knights of the Round Table, , is indeed a bit weak, especially the immature ones. The driving performance of the White Tiger is not as strong as that of the seventh-generation machine. Although their weapons are more advantageous than the seventh-generation aircraft, in terms of mobility, they are outclassed by the seventh-generation aircraft.

Of course, there were a large number of these white tigers. After flying into the sky and facing the white tigers attacking in groups, Cornelia realized how many machines Lelouch had deployed throughout New Delhi.

Those white tigers took off in batches, and were shot down by them in batches. This group of people seemed to be swarming towards them like a steady stream of flies. There were too many, so many that in the end, they even had anti-aircraft guns and weapons on land. No one dared to launch into the sky, because that would most likely injure one of their own.

"Damn it, how many machines are there in this place?" The four of them have been locked in a completely bitter battle. Even if each of them has a Knights of the Round Table level of fighting power, they are facing thousands of machines. During the siege, their combat effectiveness was only at the level of a hundred people.

"Damn it, the troops on the ground are now starting to take off to support us."

It was impossible for the other party to let the four of them rush into their own position and open up a path so arrogantly, so after the first batch of white tigers were destroyed, the other white tigers became alert and began to work as a team, one batch after another. A batch of them took off, preparing to destroy these four people.

Think it all with your little toes. The opponent's four mechas broke into the enemy's formation and were by no means easy to mess with. Precisely because of this, after they defeated the first batch of white tigers, Lelouch did not hesitate to order the other white tigers to stand by and prepare to besiege the opponent.

His reaction speed saved the entire battlefield. The four ready-to-go Knights of the Round Table were forced by these soldiers to call for reinforcements.

But they have now penetrated deep into the enemy lines of the Indian coalition forces. There are still one kilometer away from Sunderland, those anti-aircraft guns. They immediately intercepted the Sunderland who came to support them.

There is no doubt that these Sunderlands were isolated from their air combat range by firepower. If they wanted to support Cornelia and the others, they would have to break through this firepower network. The firepower network in the sky would not be possible. It's just that simple. It can be said that it is even denser than the fire network on the ground, because the fire network on the ground has uneven terrain, but in the sky, there is almost no obstruction. , either you can only hide, or you can only resist.

Ordinary Sunderland cannot block the power of the electromagnetic gun with its own armor, but if they want to block the electromagnetic gun with the shield in their hands, they can only fly in a very strange posture. Flying in this posture , if you encounter those white tigers, you will almost be a target.

Understanding high and low coordination is undoubtedly the method Lelouch came up with to effectively prevent the opponent from breaking in from a high place.

And the results are very effective.

"Retreat." Cornelia said, her words making the other three people feel a little uncomfortable. They have already dispatched two Knights of the Round Table, and two other knights with combat power equivalent to that of the Knights of the Round Table, but they did not take down this place at once. This is truly a disgrace.

But the current situation is indeed that they have no way to move forward even half a step. If they continue to move forward, they will only damage their own strength. They are the Knights of the Round Table, and they all have their own strength in terms of tactics and strategy. A high-level commander of perceptions. So they knew very well that now, as Cornelia said, they had no choice but to retreat at this time. If they continued to fight, the Bunitalia Empire would be damaged.

Even if we continue to be so tough, it may lead to the death of a Knight of the Round Table here. After all, there are too many ants to kill the elephant.

Their thinking is wise and clear.

So when Cornelia gave the order, they immediately opened up their firepower, forcing back the white tigers that were like flies from all directions, and then directly pushed the maximum horsepower of their own bodies and began to rush towards their position.

"The entire army retreats."

Cornelia shouted loudly in the command channel.

This order represented his tactical failure, but her failure did not make the Knights of the Round Table disappointed with her. This was also a point that the second prince was very helpless about. After all, Cornelia was not the kind of person who sat on The commander behind. She was fighting on the front line with the Knights of the Round Table, and precisely because of this, even if she made mistakes, the opponent's fault tolerance rate for her was very high.

Just like now, it was obvious that Cornelia's tactics were very wrong, but the Knights of the Round Table did not complain at all. The atmosphere in the conference room was very dull, and everyone was very disappointed because of this defeat. But everyone knew in their hearts that this was by no means a problem of Cornelia's incompetent command or their insufficient combat effectiveness, but that the opponent's defense line was really impregnable and watertight.

Although the combat effectiveness of the machine is a little immature, it makes up for these problems with its quantity.

"Tomorrow, we will directly lead an army on the ground and attack the other side from four directions." Cornelia's character is very strong, but it is precisely because of her strong character that she is very responsible. , if a normal person makes a mistake in command, or if there is a problem with the command, he will definitely shrink back on the next command, and he will not dare to continue to issue orders and commands, and will be afraid of taking responsibility.

But Cornelia has no such problem at all. In her opinion, she has done well enough, and the reason why she failed is entirely because the other party did it better than her.

If Cornelia was arrogant before, she would never accept the fact that the other party was stronger than her, but after meeting Keilal, Cornelia had to accept this kind of thing. She had to believe that there were such talented players in this world.

Keilal is such a talented player. Marianne is also a talented player of this kind. As she inherited Mariana's bloodline, it is not surprising that Lelouch is such a talented player.

For Lelouch to be noticed by that man Keilal, there must be something special about her.

Everyone was very surprised as to why Cornelia could still maintain a calm command at this time. However, facing Cornelia's command, everyone stood up and shouted: "Yes my lord!!"

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