The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 740 You come and I go

Chapter 156 You come and I go

The Knights of the Round Table are indeed very powerful. It even makes these new recruits of the Indian Federation fearful, but they are well-trained warriors after all. In addition, there are knights from the Britannia Empire and the pilots of the Chinese Federation as the backbone. Now they have lost The pilots of the Indian Federation are far from reaching the point where the entire army collapses

Moreover, the pressure of the Knights of the Round Table was like the University of Death, allowing them to quickly learn these things in death. An instinct that should have been awakened after many battles.

Human beings have instincts. Human beings have been fighting nature and ferocious beasts since the cavemen. At that time, there were no weapons, only sticks and spears. People at that time had the same weapons as the wild beasts. Instinct, knowing when to poke the stick out and when to swing the stone?

Human instincts are actually weakening from generation to generation, because human bodies are getting weaker and weaker, human brains are becoming more and more developed, and the weapons created less and less require strong bodies. Just like now, a knight driven by a child can easily kill an adult. As for any beast on this planet that can threaten the humans in the knight, it does not exist.

In Kelar's view, the Knights of the Round Table are a group of individuals with retro genes. Their physical level has indeed surpassed the strongest humans of this era. It is precisely because of this that they can withstand the sudden impact of their bodies. Big thrust. Only then can one's reflection speed in battle be faster than the opponent's bullets.

Of course, ordinary people don't have such talents as them, but after being oppressed by their high-pressure death, ordinary people may awaken to something that only awakens at the critical moment of life and death. For example, when in danger, human beings' cold hairs stand up. Although humans don't know why their cold hairs stand up, they instinctively feel frightened and feel that there is danger nearby.

Just like when facing an enemy with a gun, you know to dodge. Although it may be a little late, this is the most instinctive dodge and ability of human beings. At the level of the Knights of the Round Table, they would even subconsciously dodge as long as someone targeted them with a gun. This kind of locking is definitely not the locking they see in their eyes.

It's that they themselves have reacted to this kind of locking tens of thousands of times, so they can directly find who is locking them without even looking, and then avoid it. This is like an experienced sniper. He doesn't even need to measure the wind speed. As long as he relies on certain reference objects, he can easily figure out what the wind speed is? The wind direction is geometric, and then a quick and accurate shot is taken.

This is the case for the Knights of the Round Table, so most of the attacks are useless to the Knights of the Round Table. They can dodge if they can. If they can't dodge, they can even use a piece of their own armor to pop out and block the opponent's shots. .

In this era, the Knights of the Round Table are really monsters that are beyond human beings and can produce various cheating and plug-in effects.

But ordinary people who fight against them will also inspire their greatest desire to survive.

In just one day's work, these people have grown up rapidly, whether they are drivers from the Chinese Federation or Indian Military Region. A pilot who defected from the Brittanian Empire. They all quickly grew up under the attack of the Knights of the Round Table.

Early the next morning, thousands of Sunderland units from the Britannia Empire, led by Cornelia, Suzaku, Doretta, and Gino, launched an attack on New Delhi from all four directions of the battlefield. attack.

In fact, the number of White Tigers in New Delhi has accumulated to about 25,000 units. As for other electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic tanks, there are countless others. But the reason why they were surrounded by fewer people than themselves from the beginning was entirely because of the intimidating power of the Knights of the Round Table of the Brittanian Empire.

Lelouch does not seek merit at all, but seeks no faults.

It was precisely because of this spirit of not seeking merit but seeking no fault that the Knights of the Round Table who suddenly came did not penetrate their defense line at once.

But the situation in the sky is relatively simple, because the sky is very empty and there is no cover. They can only dodge bullets by moving left and right. But on the ground, they have more tactics. After all, the terrain of the ground is uneven, and there are so many things they can do. For example, charge directly and enter the enemy's formation before the opponent can react. When shooting, you will worry about accidentally shooting yourself. During this hesitation, for the Knights of the Round Table, there is plenty of time to kill them. Almost most people have the quick attack and reaction speed of the Knights of the Round Table. was killed at the time.

And when we were with them, there were countless Sunderlands, all of whom were quick assault types. As long as this group of people broke into the enemy's position, anyone who could resist them on the ground would

There aren't many people left at this time. The infantry only needs to keep up to easily open a breakthrough.

This is a tactic that the Brittanian Empire has always been good at using.

But this tactic is not very flattering now.

The trenches and bunkers dug by the people in the Indian Military Region were not prepared so that these Knights of the Round Table could easily break into their positions, nor were they prepared so that these Knights of the Round Table could more easily dodge their bullets.

These Knights of the Round Table can fly over the trenches they crossed. For those Sunderland, they must have a Sunderland with a jetpack to cross, but the Sunderland with a jetpack will not be used in land combat. , because the Sunderland with the flight pack is a bit too heavy. If it is just to break through those trenches, it is more convenient to use the Minion Feiyan, but it takes time to use the Minion Feiyan. At this time, the Sunderland is There was no way to dodge the white tiger's target.

What's more, the shield that resisted the electromagnetic gun also caused the Sunderland's speed to drop again.

It is almost impossible for the Knights of the Round Table to tear open this level of trenches through previous battle lines, layer by layer. Even if they can break through the Indian Federation's front, there will definitely be Sunderland and others behind them. If they can't catch up, after they break through the two fronts, there will be very few Sunderland who can keep up.

Another day, the Knights of the Round Table returned without success, which was frustrating.

Now Cornelia could finally understand Schneizel's despair.

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