The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 741 Riding a Tiger and Being Difficult to Dismount

Chapter 157 It’s hard to get off the tiger

Numbers are the best way to stop the Knights of the Round Table. Layers of defense made it impossible for Sunderland to keep up with the Knights of the Round Table. In the end, the Knights of the Round Table could only fight alone, alone among the groups of white tigers.

These white tiger pilots are not fools. As pilots, their IQs are higher than normal people. Although their abilities are not enough to make them weak against the Knights of the Round Table, the advantage in numbers makes them slow down. Slowly learning to cooperate, it is almost like training troops for the Indian Federation.

You can't do what you see. Cornelia finally issued the order to retreat unwillingly.

In fact, none of them achieved enough results. Their most powerful Gino only broke through five layers of defense and had to withdraw, because on the fourth layer of defense, there was no Sunderland who could Following his footsteps, even if he turns around and fights back to the first line of defense, the Indian troops will be able to pounce on them continuously, turning the space between the first and second lines of defense into a new battlefield for fueling tactics. .

This is the advantage of having a large number of people. There is power in numbers.

But this is not good news for the Knights of the Round Table. They never thought that they would face this situation.

"Hey, there are too many people there." After returning to the headquarters, Gino couldn't help complaining.

He was not grumbling or complaining about anything, but was stating the fact that no matter which battlefield it was on, the Brittanian Empire had never faced such enemies that were several times more numerous than them, and These enemies are all elite, and each knightmare is by no means weaker than Sunderland, or even stronger than Sunderland. The Brittanian Empire, which can conquer colonies one after another, is by no means the kind of army that can only pinch soft persimmons but cannot fight hard battles. But this time the bones were really too hard.

The clothes of the Knights of the Round Table in the conference room were soaked with sweat. Even they were tense on the battlefield and looked very nervous. And every dodge and boost is a drain on their physical strength. After fighting for more than four hours, they were like this now, as if they were fished out of the water.

Even Cornelia and Shumu Suzaku are like this.

"Tomorrow, four of us will attack in one direction at the same time."

Cornelia's eyes were burning with blazing flames. Her younger brother, Lelouch, was really impeccable. That guy Kai was indeed right. There really was a Qilin in the royal family, but this Qilin With a rebellious mood. It's just very unfriendly to the empire.

She wanted to see how the second emperor sister, who had experienced many battles, could break through the entire defense line set up by her good brother.

She still didn't believe that there was no way she could overcome this line of defense.

Gino and Doretta both nodded. They are the Knights of the Round Table. They cannot give up because of this setback. They don't want to lose face, right?

The morning of the third day after the arrival of the Knights of the Round Table. The four Knights of the Round Table level of combat power rushed straight towards a line of defense like tigers descending a mountain. Behind them were two to three thousand Sunderlands. They had to work together to take down the first line of defense first.

Sure enough, in front of the Knights of the Round Table, the white tigers and infantry on the first line of defense were like slaughtered fighting machines. It was easily slaughtered, and the entire first line of defense was filled to the brim by a steady stream of Brittanian Imperial troops. At this time, New Delhi would probably have to pay a lot of money to recapture the first line of defense. cost.

But when Lelouch in the command room looked at the densely packed Sunderland through the monitor on the balloon in the sky, he smiled slightly and pressed a button on the remote control console in the command room.

Just like setting off firecrackers, there were crackling explosions from all directions in the trenches of the first line of defense and on the battlefield.

These explosions went from left to right and from right to left. In the end, the entire first line of defense seemed to be exploding.

Just for a moment, except for the four flying machines used by the Knights of the Round Table. Those 3,000 Sunderlands were all reduced to ashes in an instant. In just two seconds, the Britannia Empire lost its 3,000 aircraft and an even more precious 3,000 pilots.

Lelouch hasn't made a move for so long that people have forgotten that lifting the floor is his best move.

"Lelouch!!!" Cornelia gritted her teeth and shouted on the public channel.

She really didn't expect it at all. Lelouch would actually plant explosives in his own defenses.

It seemed that he had already prepared for the fall of the first line of defense. So the problem now is that the first line of defense is safe, but what about the second line of defense?

The second line of defense almost certainly contains explosives! Even if it were captured, it would only involve innocent soldiers from the Brittanian Empire. As for the results, how many soldiers' lives did they need to invest to penetrate New Delhi?

Only then can we enter the real street fighting.

Just thinking about this is very frustrating.

This explosion almost drained all the courage of the Brittanian Empire soldiers. Even Cornelia, who had the strongest will to fight, couldn't help but issue an order to retreat.

The entire Britannian Imperial Army lamented that 3,000 pure-blooded Britannian knights were just gone. The Indian troops easily recaptured their first line of defense.

Seeing how busy they were, maybe they were planting explosives again. This pessimistic thought made the morale within the Britannia Imperial Army plummet.

The war has become what it is now, and it is no longer a war at all. Just like two children in a mud pond, although I got a piece of mud, I will definitely give you a piece of mud back. When the time comes, whoever is the cleanest will be the winner.

But looking at the situation now, I’m afraid there will be no winner in the end.

Even ordinary soldiers could see things, so why couldn't Cornelia and Schneizel see it?

But what can they do if they see it? Can they still retreat now?

About 30,000 people were lost in Calcutta. Even if Cornelia leads her own troops to fill the army, the current Britannian Imperial Army is only about 100,000 people. How many troops are there in New Delhi? 100,000, 200,000, or 300,000, or even more.

Even the two of them couldn't help but feel frightened when they thought about this amount. Feeling tempted to quit.

Now is the real moment of difficulty.

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