The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 754 There is war in the Middle East

Chapter 171 There is war in the Middle East

After Keilal returned to the EU, the operating efficiency of the entire EU suddenly increased, and the accumulated problems of the entire EU were dealt with almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Wagonari Wang knew that there was a big gap in the political level and internal affairs capabilities between the two parties, she really didn't expect that there was such a big gap.

"It's very complicated. When I saw Kai now, I couldn't express it." Kou Kou said with a smile, standing next to Wagong Liwang.

"Perhaps it is because I stand taller than you that I am even more amazed by his talent and the strength of this man. You have no idea what this man's talent means to the world. Look at his short What the world has become in a short period of time.”

Koko held her hands and put them on her chest, looking at the silver-haired man behind the glass who was processing documents in the office and said with a smile.

Compared with her, Gong Liwang's vision and height are indeed not high. If it weren't for Keilal and her father, she would not be qualified to sit in this office and control the EU in Keilal's place.

However, it is precisely because of her existence that EU and Keilal are connected, and Miyazawa is the link between Europe and Keilal.

Otherwise, it is obvious that Kelal prefers the Chinese Federation.

However, even if we start with the Chinese Federation, Bunitalia will always come to EU for layout based on her strength.

It's just a matter of sooner or later. But at that time, the story of Keilal's encounter with them was probably not as beautiful as it is now, and their relationship would never be as close as it is now.

Keilal in the room stretched and stood up from the chair, turning his eyes to Kou Kou and the others.

"What's the matter?" he asked

"Yes, that Knight of the Round Table can't wait to see you." Kou Kou nodded and said.

"Monica, that's fine, bring her here." Keilal nodded lightly. He knew that Coco should have other things to do when she came here, but it was better to solve one thing first.

I only saw Monica with a waterfall of golden hair walking in from the door. After all, she was a Knight of the Round Table. After coming to the EU, she was naturally taken care of. The thought of Monica in the courtyard of the Chinese Federation made her nervous. She was a little trembling, but if she moved to a house of less than 20 square meters, it would only make her tremble even more.

Coupled with social death and political death, Monica can't wait to regain her freedom. So what if she works for Keilal? She has had enough of her current life.

"I surrender, I surrender completely." As soon as she saw Keilal, Monica couldn't wait to surrender to Keilal. It seems that as long as the iron pestle is ground into a needle, these words will have an impact on this round table person. The same applies to knights.

"Oh, can you really abandon the past feelings of comrades-in-arms and draw swords on your friends and comrades-in-arms without hesitation?" Keilar looked at her with a half-smile and asked.

"You have to give me a reason to believe it." He crossed his hands in front of the desk and asked softly, raising his head slightly and looking at the tall Monica.

"You have captured Cornelia before, right?" Monica said with gritted teeth. Cornelia didn't even tell her about the fact that she was Cornelia's friend. She hid something very important. matter.

It was precisely because of this incident that Monica fell further into the abyss.

"That woman didn't even want to tell me such an important thing. Even her sister fell into your hands. I can guarantee that you have follow-up means to deal with Bunitalia."

"To be honest, I don't have any confidence in Bunitalia right now. I even deeply doubt whether Bunitalia can continue to exist after being calculated by you."

Behind her, Kou Kou and Gong Liwang looked at each other and smiled. It was obvious that Miss Monica was a very smart person, just as Keilal was carefully surrounding Bunitalia. The women around him are full of confidence in him, and he uses his credibility that has never failed to guarantee what he is doing.

And what he is doing now is to encircle and suppress Bunitalia. Every card in his layout is frightening. Monica, who only saw the slightest corner of these cards, is already interested in Bunitalia. Ya doesn't have any confidence anymore.

There is no need to examine whether the two cards of Lelouch and Nunnally were prepared by Kelar in advance, but the effect he exerted is indeed far greater than the combination of Cornelia and Gaschneizel—— Facts have proved that this is the case.

Then look at his attitude towards the Bunitalia people after conquering District 11, and you will find that this man has a purpose for the entire Bunitalia. He is a white man, so the rule of the Chinese Federation is guided by him. It will even be accepted by a large part of the Bunitalia people. On the other hand, he has Euphemia and Nunnally in his hands. No matter whether he marries any of them, it will affect the 11th district she rules. It has a great reassuring effect on Australia.

Not to mention that he had actually captured Cornelia and had skin-to-skin contact with Cornelia.

If Kelal is more radical, he can even directly cultivate Cornelia to become the emperor of Bunitalia. By that time, the EU, the Chinese Federation, and Bunitalia will also be included. The female leaders of these three countries all have very close connections and relationships with him, and he can gain the entire world almost effortlessly.

Even if all these methods are eliminated, Kelal is still stronger than Bunitalia on paper.

From the perspective of Monica's status as a Knight of the Round Table, and the Hercules, a transport plane that can cross the Eurasian continent in one night, the EU or the Chinese Federation only needs to produce a large number of transport planes and leave a small amount of defensive troops to resist Buni. After Thalia's attack, a large number of troops from both sides can be thrown in from one direction to create an overwhelming advantage and defeat Bunitalia.

If that's the case, why would she resist this overwhelming trend?

A man who knows the current affairs is a hero. For the sake of his own life freedom and future, Monica surrendered without hesitation and declared her allegiance to Kelal.

Her words were so convincing that even Keilal had to accept her theory.

He smiled slightly: "Okay, I accept your allegiance, but luckily there has been a war recently that requires a lot of ace combat power. It would be great if you are willing to join in."

His words startled Monica slightly, and she blurted out the question: "Are you planning to attack the Middle East?"

Miss Monica's sense of war is indeed surprising. She is right, they are indeed going to attack the Middle East.

After arriving in the Middle East, the entire Eurasian continent can be integrated. At that time, if Bunitalia wants to attack the EU or the Chinese Federation, it must pass through the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and cannot sneak around from the Indian Ocean to give them a killing blow.

If the Bunitalia Army in the Middle East has always existed, then they will need to divide their forces to defend against attacks that may come from the Middle East. This is not the case that one country in the EU or the Chinese Federation needs to defend against attacks from the Middle East, but that both countries need to defend against attacks from the Middle East. A certain amount of troops needs to be kept there to guard against them.

But if the Middle East is taken over, some of its troops can be directly stationed there, and another country can be free to focus more on defending its homeland.

Moreover, the Middle East, a thorn in the throat, may have miraculous effects in the hands of a general like Cornelia who is expert in military use but extremely decisive.

Of course Kelal will not let this happen, so the Middle East must be taken before Bunitalia can free up his hands.

Bunitalia can understand the importance of the Middle East without even telling her about it, so on the battlefield in the Middle East, Bunitalia rarely has two Knights of the Round Table stationed, Nonit and Anya.

This importance hardly needs to be reiterated by Bunitalia, but they still don't know how determined Kelal is about the imperative to win in the Middle East.

This kind of global strategic vision is not only possessed by the emperor, there is a man here who can be equal to the emperor.

On the other hand, Monica was able to see through Keilal's intentions at once, so she was worthy of being a Knight of the Round Table.

But since Monica is willing to be loyal to Keilal, Keilal will not only have the combat power of a Knight of the Round Table.

Violet is the EU's ace who was recently promoted.

Keilal had heard who she was, but had never met her.

After adding Violet, the entire EU has two Knights of the Round Table level of combat effectiveness. In addition, the average combat effectiveness of the machine is more powerful than the Sunderland troops stationed in the Middle East, so there is no doubt that this battle The EU side has the upper hand in the battle.

As long as the Knights of the Round Table hold off the enemy, the next thing will be very easy to handle.

Although the fifth-generation body Alexander III is not as good as the sixth-generation body White Tiger from the Chinese Federation, but combined with the attack of the P51 fighter jet, those Sunderlands cannot block this attack at all.

For example, the latest model of Vincent is not even equipped with the equipment of the local army, let alone the army of a colony like the Middle East.

So this battle has almost become a must-win situation after Monica joins, and Monica can guarantee that, don’t look at what Keilal is saying now, as if he can’t do it without her. Once, she is on the battlefield If she betrays her, they will definitely have other backup methods to restrain her, such as placing a remote-controlled self-explosion bomb in her cab, or preparing more ace pilots.

The opportunity Keilal gave her this time was like a test. After passing the test, Monica would be able to truly serve Keilal.

Yes, this is the hierarchy of the world. People with status and status like Kelar, even those at the level of Knights of the Round Table, need to go through his trials and tests if they want to serve him.

It's like his students are all selected. How can people without a certain identity and status be qualified to be his students. Of course, being too old doesn't work either.

Since Monica had planned to be loyal to Keilal, she agreed to this matter without hesitation. For him, it was inevitable that he would be disturbed. He had had enough of his current life and had to make some changes. .

"Go and sit next to it." Keilar said, pointing to the sofa next to the office.

Monica nodded and sat on the sofa obediently, listening to Keilal deal with things.

Only to see Kyle raise his head and look at Button and ask: "What's going on with the nuclear bomb now?"

Nuclear bomb? Is that a new EU bullet? It sounds very powerful. Monica thought to herself as she listened.

There is no concept of nuclear weapons in this world, and it is precisely because of this that no one would think of how terrible a weapon nuclear weapons are.

It is precisely because Keilal described the horror of this weapon to Kou Kou and Wagong Liwang, and he also knew how to make this weapon, that he was more convincing and made them feel even more terrible.

"The heavy water plant is being built, and we don't have a clue about the others yet," Kou Kou shook her head and said.

"Then what's your purpose of coming today?" Kailar asked a little strangely.

"Our battleship is about to be built." Kou Kou proudly declared with a smile on her face.

Even Keilar couldn't help but have a smile on his face. The battleship they were talking about was not a battleship or a cannon ship, but a battleship that had been transformed into an aircraft carrier.

These warships have already begun to undergo development and transformation work after the appearance of the P51, and before the P51 was remanufactured, you had already consulted the design plan of how to get on the aircraft carrier.

In fact, there was already a plan to put this aircraft on the ship at the beginning of the design, but the transformation of the battleship has been delayed again and again. Now there is finally better news.

This is a project that Keilar began to lead after taking over the EU. Compared with the P51, which produced immediate results within a few months, it is undoubtedly more difficult to transform these warships into aircraft carriers.

But now that the good news has come, Kelar's various tactical arrangements can be made easier.

Among other things, wherever he takes these battleships to go, his army will have air fire support. Air support is a more important resource than logistics.

Today's people do not realize how important air supremacy is, but the existence of air supremacy can ensure that the army can easily fight or leave whether it wants to.

Moreover, in terms of the mounting capacity of the P51, the bombing support the P51 can provide to the ground is also good. The P51 that can carry a heavyweight aerial bomb can easily blow up a bunker or a trench.

The P51 equipped with a ground attack firepower pack can easily take on the role of a ground attack aircraft. However, the P51 in the sky still has no opponent because it is too fast. Those new Vincents still have It can't catch up with the speed of p51.

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