The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 755 Sage Prince

Chapter 172 The Sage Prince

The significance of this matter is more important than other things.

So most things were put off, and the top brass of the entire European Union came to this military port, waiting for a modified ship.

In the past, if it were not a 10,000-ton battleship, it would not be qualified for someone with Kelar's status to inspect it, and it would not even be worth having a congressman come.

But today's modified battleship is different.

This battleship was originally an old gunboat. The hull was too wide and the speed was too slow. It was almost an old thing that was about to be eliminated from this battleship sequence.

It's just that it is precisely because of the existence of this old thing that a platform that can be converted into an aircraft carrier is provided.

That's right, an aircraft carrier platform.

The so-called platform is based on this and can be modified into various things.

For example, the P51 fighter jet can be mounted with bombs, ground attack packages, and air combat packages. This means that the P51 is used as a platform to produce the air-to-air P51A, the bombing P51B, and the ground-attack type. P51C.

The use of old hulls to convert into aircraft carriers is based on this platform.

Many members of the European Union's Parliament gathered around Keilar and Wamiya Riwang and marveled at the ship in front of them.

They had never thought that there was such a thing as being able to park a plane on a ship in this world.

They were not military personnel and did not have a strategic view on this matter, but Monica, who accompanied Keilal and had become Keilal's escort knight, changed her face slightly when she saw the ship.

Of course, with her tactical training, she could immediately discover the power of this ship.

This is not a ship! This is an airfield operating on the sea, which can effectively shorten the flight range of the aircraft and allow the aircraft to attack the enemy with a higher load.

It can stick to the enemy at an extremely close distance and raise the aircraft to attack the enemy.

This is a completely offensive weapon. From the day it was born, it has been tasked with attacking all the time. As for defense, it is completely left to other ships.

The so-called national strategy is this kind of thing.

When Kelar was designing the P51, this kind of aircraft carrier modification plan that could take off and land the P51 was proposed together. After this kind of aircraft carrier was proposed, electromagnetic gun frigates to escort the aircraft carrier were also proposed. This electromagnetic gun frigate is completely Used for air defense,

It has five large anti-aircraft guns and dozens of small anti-aircraft guns. The large anti-aircraft guns can fire 30 mm caliber electromagnetic artillery shells, and the small anti-aircraft guns can use nine mm caliber electromagnetic artillery shells.

A 30 mm caliber electromagnetic artillery shell will explode in mid-air to form a metal fragment flow air defense barrage about ten meters in diameter.

The nine-millimeter caliber electromagnetic gun is exactly the kind of small electromagnetic gun that wins with speed and quantity. With a small electromagnetic gun that can fire 30,000 rounds per minute, I can instantly fire a large number of metal barrages on the left and right sides. Used to block the approach of flying mechas.

That is to say, if two ships like this are on the left and right of the aircraft carrier twice, they can directly protect the aircraft carrier, not to mention the P5e fighter jets that are constantly taking off.

Such a combination is enough to cope with a naval battle, but it may be slightly insufficient. Because many of Bunitalia's knightmare dive into the sea to fight.

This may be a glimmer of hope for the other party, but is Kelal someone who will ignore this aspect?

In addition to electromagnetic guns and electromagnetic gun ammunition, these frigates also have something called electromagnetic torpedoes.

This electromagnetic torpedo can release an attack similar to Emp in an instant. Once it loses power in the sea, only death awaits them.

Moreover, this kind of Emp attack has a particularly wide range and high intensity. However, due to the wave propagation in the sea, it can block all attacks under the sea.

This is a weapon specially designed to target underwater knightmare. After all, Sunderland is built on the same platform, so you only need one weapon to target him. It is particularly easy to fight.

As for the other flying knightmare, if they can't raise their speed, they are targets in front of these metal storms.

Keilar never meant to look down on Vincent, but unfortunately, in front of these metal storms, everyone here is rubbish.

In other words, what Kailar came to cut the ribbon was not an aircraft carrier, but three battleships, a fleet.

"Does this aircraft carrier have a name now?" Keilar asked.


He Gongliwang turned to look at Kelal and said with a sweet smile.

"What do you think of calling it the Sage Prince?"

Keilal was stunned for a moment, then smiled. "It's a good name, let's call it this."

Of course the Prince was a joke. In history, there was a ship called the Prinz Eugen, and the Sage Prince was just a joke. But it also reflects the importance that the European Parliament attaches to Keilar.

Only after Kelal arrived at the Chinese Federation. Only then can they realize what a good leader can lead them to do.

For example, most of the new weapons in Europe now are concepts proposed by Kelar. It seems that big projects such as the Eurasian Railway were only proposed by Kelar after he entered the Chinese Federation. There are many things like this. , if they did not have a clear understanding of the concept of Kailar's existence before, then when Kailar became the prime minister of the Chinese Federation, they quickly realized how powerful Kailar was. There is no doubt that the European Union also needs such a leader, so when Kellar comes back, these MPs welcome it with both hands.

Although he does not even have any identity, power or status, he still stands at the center of most parliamentarians.

Many people looked at Kelal with a flattering smile, and there was certainly no shortage of flatterers.

When Kelal picked up the champagne and stood on the stage, he suddenly hit the port side of the Sage Prince aircraft carrier.

I only saw the aircraft carrier slowly sliding into the sea because of this.

Banwa Miyazaki and another well-known congressman smashed two bottles of champagne on the port sides of the two frigates.

I saw these three ships slowly sliding down the sea.

Looking at the three ships slowly entering the sea, Keilar knew that everything was difficult at the beginning. After the first aircraft carrier was transformed, could the second one be far behind?

Just like Bunitalia is doing its best to produce Vincent, Kelal is not idle either. Neither side has any intention of surrendering or truce. Both sides are doing their best to control the entire battlefield. Become beneficial to yourself.

Cornelia and Schneizel have been kept in cold storage by Bunitalia since their defeat on the Indian battlefield, but not everyone thinks that their failure was due to incompetence.

They have proven their talents before, and even the two Knights of the Round Table, including the two Knights of the Round Table, did not win this war. I am afraid it is really because the enemy is too powerful.

But if the emperor doesn't give them the rights, they won't be able to struggle. Fortunately, Schneizel, the emperor still needs his internal affairs ability to help the operation of the entire Bunitaria, but if a general like Cornelia is lost, My own rights can only become a boring thing at home.

As a result, not only Cornelia, but also Shumu Suzaku was affected and was also idle at home.

Both of them have been sick for the past two months. On this day, Shumu Suzaku finally summoned up the courage to ask the question that he had always wanted to ask.

"Your Highness, have you ever considered replacing the emperor and becoming the emperor yourself?" Shumu Suzaku said something treasonous, but considering his identity and Cornelia's identity, it was not heinous.

Seeing that his hope of becoming the first knight of the Round Table was getting slimmer, Suzaku Shumu couldn't help his patience, and finally asked Cornelia directly.

If Cornelia's answer is incorrect, Shumu Suzaku may defect to the Chinese Federation, the country that owns District 11.

Cornelia, who was sitting in her home wearing ordinary clothes, was quite lonely. Her sister Yuffie had been captured by Kellard. It could be said that the only confidant and caring person in the palace was Suzaku Suzaku.

Cornelia poured herself a glass of wine and looked at Shumu Suzaku sideways and said, "Emperor, of course I want to be the emperor. Who among so many princes and princesses doesn't want to be the emperor?"

"But Suzaku, this is not something you can have if you want it. The current emperor is very powerful."

"Although we looked down on the decadent emperor in the past, there is no doubt that the emperor's recent state is unprecedented. The emperor is very excited to control everything. He doesn't even let me interfere with anything in the army, but believes in First Knight Bismarck.”

"Suzaku, you have no idea what this means to Bunitalia."

"Doesn't this mean that the chances of Your Highness Cornelia becoming the emperor are getting smaller?" Shumu Suzaku, wearing a knight's costume with his hands behind his back, stared at Cornelia with thick eyebrows and big eyes and asked rhetorically.

Cornelia was stunned and didn't expect Suzaku to be so straightforward, but what he said was not wrong. As the emperor began to take power, Bismarck, the first knight of the Round Table, began to control the army, Cornelia's chances of becoming the emperor were increasing. The smaller, after all, Cornelia relied on the formal army, and the appearance of the first knight Bismarck made the army quickly move closer to the emperor. After all, the emperor has the righteousness of the entire country, and Cornelia cannot compete in this regard. his.

"In my opinion, it would be best for Your Highness Cornelia to become the emperor, and then marry Lord Kelal. The two adults would not even have to live together, and the world would become peaceful."

Shumu Suzaku held his hand behind his back and gave some serious advice, leaving Cornelia a little stunned.

"What's more, has Her Royal Highness Cornelia ever communicated with His Highness Schneizel? Maybe His Highness Schneizel has no intention of aspiring to the throne."

Sometimes it's not a bad thing to look at things from Shumu Suzaku's point of view.

Instead, he saw something that Cornelia usually couldn't see, pay attention to, or care about.

"Want to talk to Brother Huang?" She showed a thoughtful expression.

"In that case, you should take a trip, Suzaku." She raised her chin, raised her head, and said.

"Follow your orders." Shumu Suzaku was not afraid to deliver orders or go to see Schneizel. When they were in India, they had established a deep comradeship through getting back orders.

I'm sorry for those infantrymen, but unfortunately this is war.

Shumu Suzaku had already learned this kind of thing when he was in District 11.

He got up and went to the second prince's residence.

The place where Schneizel is located is also a palace, but it is far away from Cornelia's palace.

Schneizel and Cornelia were both strong contenders for the throne, and their previous relationship was not good. It was precisely because of this that their palaces were far apart.

But this is no longer the case. The eight-month life-and-death battle between the two sides in India, and the friendship of fighting side by side, allowed the two sides to resolve the issue of the throne and ease their relationship a lot.

This mood was further relaxed after Cornelia was refrigerated.

Shumu Suzaku's arrival was not met with hostility, he was even welcomed by the servants.

This polite young man from District 11 did not betray the empire when District 11 was taken away by the Chinese Federation. Instead, he politely greeted everyone. He was not at all as domineering as his master Cornelia. He gained enough popularity.

His identity allowed him to enter Schneizel's study easily and without hindrance. After waiting outside the study for a while, he met the prime minister of the Bunitalia Empire, who was busy with everything.

Suzaku had met Keilal when he was in District 11, so after meeting Schneizel, he was still amazed by the similarity in temperament between the two.

In other words, Schneizel seemed to be getting closer to Keilal's temperament - after he was defeated by Keilal.

"Suzaku-kun." After seeing Suzaku, Schneizel's face showed an elegant smile. He stood up with some joy and faced Suzaku, which was flattering.

"It's been a long time since I came back from India." He was two meters tall and 1.75 meters tall. Suzaku was like a child in front of him, needing to look up.

He put his arm around Suzaku's shoulders and walked to the bar next to him.

"Let's have a drink."

"Okay, Your Highness." Shumu Zhuque did not refuse, and was carried to the bar and sat down.

Schneizel personally came to the bar, took down a bottle of wine, opened it, and poured half a glass for Suzaku.

"Brandy, produced in 1988, French product, good stuff."

To be honest, Suzaku didn't understand this, so he just took a sip and put it down. Then he looked at Schneizel, who poured himself a glass and tasted the wine carefully, and looked at Shumuzaku with squinting eyes. He opened his mouth and asked, "So, Suzaku, why are you here today?"

Zhumu Zhuque turned around, looked at Schneizel and said seriously: "I'm here for the throne."

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