The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 76 Objection! (35,000 recommended plus more updates)

Chapter 076 Objection!

Keilal was wearing a white suit, a black shirt underneath, a red tie, and brown leather shoes. His shawl silver hair was tied back in a ponytail, and he looked energetic and upright. .

He walked into the court where the hearing was held, and there was a burst of noise.

In everyone’s impression, so-called professors are on average between 4 and 50 years old. They wear thick glasses and old clothes. They are very inhumane. Of course, they may also have weird tempers and messy personalities. Hair, clothes that have never been taken care of, just magic to remove stains and odors, etc.

But he completely refreshed everyone's understanding of the profession of [professor].

The readers’ wives who came here suddenly screamed.

It's great to meet such a handsome and knowledgeable author.

Then the ladies started screaming.

Keilal smiled and raised his hand to greet them. Although they had never met before, they had been friends for many years just by reading his words.

Then Keilar came to the central interrogation table and stood there. He bowed slightly to the judge's bench in front of him, and then bowed slightly to everyone behind him. This action alone earned him enough favor.

A person who is calm and personable when going to court, coupled with his extremely handsome appearance, even the judge has to admit that the "person being interrogated" who comes to the stage is not inferior in terms of momentum and has no shyness.

"Are you Kelal Pan Dragon?!" the judge asked from the high platform.

"Yes, I am." Keilar stood there with his head held high and his chest high, and he spoke.

"Do you know what crime you committed?" the judge asked again.

"I don't know." Keilal replied neatly.

His words caused a murmur, and everyone thought he was playing dumb.

"Quiet! Quiet!" The judge knocked the hammer twice and then said: "Two days ago, you killed twelve dementors who were chasing Sirius Black at Hogwarts College. You admit this. ?"

"If you're talking about protecting my students from dementors, I admit it!"

"If you're talking about defending Hogwarts from the threat of Dementors, I admit it!"

"If you are talking about the fact that the dementors broke into Hogwarts in violation of the Ministry of Magic's ban and were killed by me, I admit it!"

Kelar's three neat rhetorical questions directly ignited the entire court. All the wizards shouted "Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty!" Then they slapped the fence of the court, stamped their feet on the floor of the court, and shouted , in fact there were several teachers from Hogwarts in the court, but more of them were wizards who came after hearing the news, and the parents of the little wizards.

The courtroom, which could accommodate more than a hundred people, was packed to the brim. People were whistling, clapping their hands, and stamping their feet like a carnival. Hermione had never seen anyone speak so sonorously and powerfully, and she had never seen anyone speak so sonorously and forcefully. After facing the cross-examination in court like this, she just felt that the blood in her whole body was burning, and she couldn't help but join the cheering team.

Professor Flitwick, a dwarf, kept jumping up from the front row and cheering loudly, and he was also the most enthusiastic one.

"Silence! Silence! Silence!!" The judge, who couldn't quiet the group of people even by hammering the courtroom hammer, finally got angry. He pulled out his wand and put it against his vocal cords and shouted: "Silence!!!"

The entire court seemed to be swept by sound waves, and everyone was shocked into silence and looked at the judge.

"I have to say, Mr. Kelar, your eloquence is very good." The judge first praised.

Keilal smiled, not saying anything, but waiting for the but.


The judge actually said it: "However, you undoubtedly killed the enforcer of the Ministry of Magic without mercy."

"This is a serious crime that will lead to being thrown into Azkaban." The judge looked at Kelal meaningfully and said.

The Minister of Magic was sitting behind him among the group of magicians in red robes. He stared at Kelal, frowning, not knowing what he was thinking. Fudge was not a bad person, he was just incompetent, but in that position Incompetence is the greatest original sin.

As for his loyal follower, Dorothy, she stared at Kelal with a pair of triangular eyes, wanting to tear him into pieces.

As for the others, they all stared at Kelal to see how he would answer.

"If you equate dementors with humans, then it is indeed a great sin, but everyone, what are dementors? Dementors are evil creatures that feed on human happiness. They are forced to obey the orders of wizards in order to save their lives. Creatures, their status should be the same as that of house elves, no, even lower, they are evil creatures after all."

"So, why did this evil creature not only fail to become a humble servant of the wizards, but now it is above the lives of the wizards and my students, and why is it that a Hogwarts student was killed because of these evil creatures? What about the professor throwing himself into Azkaban? Is this still the terrifying period of Voldemort, when these evil creatures are the masters of this world?" Keilar asked rhetorically.

The whole court was in an uproar. Everyone was bolder than Keilar who dared to directly say that name. More importantly, the combination of these things Keilar said and yesterday's article made everyone discuss this Ministry of Magic. What's going on? Is it true that a large number of Death Eaters have been mixed in? These Death Eaters are all allies of the dark creatures. Now facing the Hogwarts teacher's self-defense counterattack, not only did he not give him a medal, but he also wanted Throw him into Azkaban.

Are the lives of a dozen Dementors really as important as the life of one Hogwarts professor? He actually wanted to throw a professor into Azkaban because of this matter. You must know that Azkaban only kills people!

How could there be so many heinous people? Being sent to Azkaban just because you protected students is simply an injustice for the ages!

"Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty!" Although there were fewer people making noises this time, they were still very loud. However, as soon as they got up, the judge mercilessly shouted back: "Quiet!"

After the court became quieter, the judge looked at Kelal and said:

"Mr. Kelar, if you only rely on these judgments, there is no way to forgive your pursuit." Now after being provoked several times, the judge has become very impatient, especially those onlookers who are making a lot of noise. Irritated, the judge couldn't help but want to ask someone to throw them out.

"I have an objection." Keilal said loudly.

Since you want to play law, I will play law with you.

Kelar sneered and said loudly: "According to the "Code of Conduct for Non-Wizards and Half-Human Creatures" stipulated by the wizarding legal community, if these creatures go berserk and threaten the personal safety of wizards, wizards have the right to defend themselves and fight back until the other party dies!"


PS: There is one more chapter to be added and it will be updated after 1 o'clock, so you don't have to wait.

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