The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 77 Released in court! (Congratulations to Black Wing for the new son)

Chapter 077 Released in court!

When he heard Keilal say the "Code of Conduct for Non-Wizards and Half-Human Creatures", the president of the court already secretly screamed that it was not good.

The so-called code of conduct for non-wizards and semi-human creatures refers to all non-human but close-to-human werewolves, banshees, vampires, and other creatures. Once they are unable to suppress their instincts and hurt wizards, wizards have all the power to defend themselves and fight back. The other party dies. This is a bill drafted by wizards to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, in order to include evil creatures, dementors, the Ministry of Magic also classified dementors into non-wizard semi-human creatures, which means that dementors are also included in this legal regulation.

When Kellard took out the regulations, Minister of Magic Fudge, Deputy Minister Dorothy, and the judge opened their mouths at the same time, wanting to refute him, but Keilal did not give them a chance to speak at all. Instead, he continued to speak.

"Secondly, according to the Hogwarts School Protection Regulations, we teachers have no problem taking action to protect students when they are in danger."

The faces of Minister of Magic Fudge and Deputy Minister Dorothy became a little darker. They are masters of playing with the laws of the magical world, so they naturally knew about the existence of such laws.

You must know that many times Hogwarts naturally gives up this right of self-complaint, just like ordinary people in the real world (after all, Rowling cannot be blamed too much), but in fact Hogwarts as a The highest academic institution in the UK, and even the best magic academy in the entire wizarding world, has an extremely lofty status.

The British Ministry of Magic even established a law specifically to ensure the safety of Hogwarts. In fact, this law was born to target the countless creatures in the Forbidden Forest. Even if Hogwarts strictly prohibits students from Entering the Forbidden Forest, but every year there are always a few who seek death, such as the Weasley family, the Weasley family, the Weasley family and other brothers like to do things, including exploring the Forbidden Forest.

It is precisely because of this that teachers at Hogwarts actually have the right to protect students. The embodiment of the right to protect is that if the teacher kills certain magical creatures, even evil wizards, or even Ordinary wizards who want to harm students are exempt from crime!

Dorothy's mouth was bitter, and her eyes became more and more vicious. Is she going to let Keilal escape today?

Resentment and jealousy filled Dorothy's heart, and she wanted to kill Kelal right now.

If she were to cast the Cruciatus Curse now, even Voldemort would be defeated. (*The Cruciatus Curse can only be cast by those whose hearts are full of hatred and viciousness.)

Keilar didn't care and continued: "If there is anything else to say, then I can only question why the Ministry of Magic released the Dementors to hunt down Sirius Black."

"The Ministry of Magic has so many elite Aurors and directors of mysteries. They are all extremely powerful wizards. They can even compete with Death Eaters. They far surpass the Dementors in terms of intelligence and ability. I would like to ask, what is the Ministry of Magic's intention in such a dangerous matter as sending Dementors out of Azkaban? What is the intention of letting Azkaban close to Hogwarts? You need to know Hogwart Ci is a school full of laughter and laughter. Before sending the dementors, did they consider that the laughter and laughter in the school are the best nourishment for the dementors?!"

Keilal's words were sonorous and powerful, directly hurtful. Minister of Magic Fudge's face was pale, his lips were trembling slightly, and big beads of sweat kept coming from his forehead. He kept wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, but nothing happened. Can't wipe it clean.

Keilal's words were so heart-wrenching, it was like a knife inserted into his heart, making him unable to breathe.

That’s right, Keilar’s ​​words directly captured the crux of the issue.

If the Ministry of Magic has considered this matter and still insists on arranging Dementors to hunt down Sirius outside Hogwarts, then it means that there are really intentions towards Hogwarts, and there must be Death Eaters working in the Ministry of Magic.

But if this matter has not been considered, then this matter has completely exposed the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic. No matter how the Ministry of Magic answers, it will be wrong.

"Stop joking, this matter and your matter are completely different. Please answer the president's interrogation seriously now." Dorothy stood up and said with a slightly panicked bluff.

There is nothing wrong with scaring ordinary students with her style, but how could Keilal be frightened by her?

Someone recognized her as the Deputy Minister of Magic, and immediately started a burst of boos. After a while, the entire court was full of boos.

Listening to these boos, Dorothy's face turned pale. She was still sitting in the crowd. She was already flustered and at a loss after being booed like this. But you must know that Keilal has always suffered it on the stage. Everyone's eyes.

Glancing at the woman with disdain, Hermione looked at Keilal with admiration. Now she finally understood what the word eloquence meant. She couldn't help but think of Keilal eloquently speaking to several great sages in ancient Greece. I was so fascinated that I wanted to travel back in time and space to watch him speak eloquently about the wise men.

And Keilal's attack was not over yet. He rejected Dorothy's statement without mercy, and became more aggressive: "How can these be two things, Ms. Dorothy, these two things are enough There is a causal connection. If the Ministry of Magic had not assigned the Dementors, the Dementors would not have attacked Hogwarts, and I would not have accidentally killed the Dementors."

"If the Ministry of Magic sends Aurors, will the Aurors attack the students? Will they be killed by me!?"

Keilal's words immediately caused a burst of applause. This is indeed perfect logic. You cannot blame the victim for appearing there. You should reflect on why the perpetrator appeared, and you should not blame the victim for being harmed.

Although it seems that Keilal is the perpetrator of this case, in fact Keilal has used public opinion and self-defense to reverse everyone's thinking. Dementors are evil, and Keilal's protection of children is just, even if it is justice. Killing the evil by mistake was at best an over-defense, not to mention that Keilal was not protecting himself but his students!

So when Keilar posed the whole problem to the Ministry of Magic, the Minister of Magic Fudge's lips turned blue and he couldn't speak a word. As for Dorothy, she was so frightened by everyone's gaze that she couldn't speak.

Seeing that the whole thing was out of control, the judge banged the hammer a few times to calm everyone down, and then asked: "Anyone who thinks Mr. Kelal is guilty, please raise your hands."

Dorothy hesitated for a moment, but seeing that no one in the entire venue raised their hands, she finally did not raise their hands.

"So anyone who thinks Mr. Keilard is innocent, please raise your hands."

The forest-like arms were raised in unison, which was simply spectacular.

"Then, this court hereby declares that Kelal Pan Dragon's killing of the dementors was purely an act of self-defense and protecting students, and he will be released in court!!"

PS: Khan, I said be closer, but I didn’t say be on time.

PS1: Also, it’s 2 o’clock here in Japan…

PS2: This chapter is an additional update for Black Wing. Congratulations to him on the birth of his son.

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