The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 89 Forced into the Palace

Chapter 089: Forced into the Palace

This article detonated the entire wizarding world in an instant.

It is obvious that the total population of the wizarding world is only tens of thousands, and the death of a dozen or dozens of people is already an extremely big deal.

It is precisely because of this that the wizarding world attaches great importance to human life. If a wizard is killed, the murderer must have committed a heinous crime. After the trial, he will be thrown directly into Azkaban.

So what will be the consequences of the deaths of a dozen Aurors?

This is enough to cause the Ministry of Magic to step down!

Although Keilar's arrangement is not yet mature and complete, it is obvious that the time is ripe. A pie is falling from the sky. If Keilar does not catch it, he will miss the opportunity.

So he visited Dumbledore without hesitation, and then rushed to the Ministry of Magic early the next morning.

What is very interesting about the Ministry of Magic is that they have cast the Reflection Spell here, which means that Apparition is absolutely impossible to use here.

To come here or leave, you need to use those huge fireplaces. In these fireplaces, you can use things like apparation or Floo powder to go wherever you want to go.

In short, the Ministry of Magic is a very large comprehensive collection. Most wizards do not necessarily have to work here. They may come to sell things (of course they may also go to Diagon Alley), they may come to watch the news, or they may come here to see the news. Or, like today, come and watch something big that could affect the entire wizarding world.

Kelal changed into a pure white silk robe and a pure white cloak, which just touched the ground. His whole body was spotless, with a wand hanging on his waist and a dragon-grained wood staff in his hand. His whole person exuded an aura of aura. Such a graceful and luxurious demeanor makes him look very arrogant and extravagant, like an aristocratic prince.

But his temperament is calm, and his closed eyes make him look very stable, and he is different from the ordinary noble wizards who have their noses turned up to the sky. He looks very quiet and calm, and he looks like everyone in the school. An approachable teacher is completely different.

This is the normal magnanimity of Keilal in the kingdom.

Arturia was in charge of military strategy, and he was in charge of internal affairs. There was a tacit understanding, and he, who was in charge of the entire kingdom, also had a certain dignity in it.

He came to the Ministry of Magic through apparation. In the previous court hearing, the Daily Prophet had published his portrait, along with the dynamic picture, so he came here for Keilal this time. Most of the wizards knew him. After seeing him, all the wizards slowly moved out of the way.

The hall outside the Ministry of Magic was already bustling with people, but now the crowd parted like a tide, like Moses opening the sea.

This is a spectacular sight, even at the front of the square, the Minister of Magic Fudge and Deputy Minister Dorothy on the top platform are stunned as they look at Kelal who is slowly walking over. Fudge's face turns blue. , and Dorothy trembled all over. At this moment, she finally knew where Keilal's strength came from.

This unknown blind man has actually targeted the position of the Minister of Magic, the highest power in the British wizarding world, from the very beginning. This is simply a fantasy, but the other party not only thinks so, but also does it, and it is very... It may be about to succeed!

This is simply outrageous. What is outrageous is that even the worst novelists would not design, write, or dare to write like this!

"You can't impeach me! You can't replace me! You don't have this right!" Fudge's face became more and more ugly. As Kelal got closer and closer, he finally couldn't bear the fear and roared.

"He actually does!"

Dumbledore's voice had always been loud, and now it was even louder in this quiet space.

"We, the Supreme Court of the Wizengamot, are now formally charging you with three counts of dereliction of duty, corruption, and misconduct in command. Until you clear your charges, the position of Minister of Magic is vacant. Of course, Ms. Dorothy can temporarily take his place. Your position, but I think that if Professor Kelar wants to apply for the position of Minister of Magic, everyone present will not refuse."

Dumbledore came out with a group of old men. These are his old friends and council members of the Wizengamot. The Wizengamot Court is the highest court in the wizarding world and has fifty of the most respected people in the wizarding world. As judges, this group of wizards attended Kelar's trial last time. These people were also the ones who voted to acquit Kelar at that time. They were also Dumbledore's old friends and Kelar. Your allies.

"You, you..." Fudge's expression was distorted, he just felt betrayed.

He pointed at them incoherently, speechless.

Dumbledore's face flashed with sadness. Although he had already thought that Fudge was very incompetent, but at this point he couldn't even say a word. This level of incompetence still exceeded his imagination. Now, it is time Correct this mistake!

Keilal's face was solemn, and he slowly walked forward with a kind of calmness under everyone's gaze, and then walked up to the stage. Fudge and Dorothy looked at each other, at a loss, but Keilal didn't do anything at all. Take care of them both.

Instead, he stood between the two of them and said loudly.

"The wizarding world is a democratic wizarding world, a wizarding world that respects the law and respects life, so when most people from the wizarding world have appeared here, I feel that we only need to hold a vote here. "

Keilal's voice was low and serious, full of authority but convincing.

It was quiet below, and everyone was quietly looking at the radiant man above. Even Dumbledore and even the Wizengamot councilors were quiet.

"Someone needs to take responsibility for the deaths of the Aurors, someone needs to take responsibility for the raging Death Eaters, and the entire magical world has become what it is now, and someone needs to take responsibility."

With every word Keilal said, Fudge's face changed. By the end, he was already livid, pale and without a trace of blood.

"However, what is more important than responsibility is how to clean up this mess, this mess."

Kelar's calm and clear voice echoed throughout the hall and echoed in the ears of all wizards.

"I, Kelar Pen Dragon, will promise that after becoming the Minister of Magic, I will severely crack down on the Death Eaters, never allow the Death Eaters to wreak havoc again, rebuild the Auror Department, and strengthen their combat effectiveness. Finally, I’ll give you a cleaner magical world than before!”

He raised his staff and knocked it heavily on the table. Below, a wave of applause swept through the entire Ministry of Magic.

PS: Please vote for recommendation!

PS: There will be an additional update later!

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