The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 90 Trap (45,000 tweets plus more updates)

Chapter 090 Trap

"I have an objection," a hoarse, gloomy, cold, and proud voice interjected.

This voice made everyone's skin crawl. Because it was amplified by magic, everyone could still hear the voice even amid applause and cheers.

Everyone turned to look at the place where the sound came from. Because there were tens of thousands of people there, everyone's heads instantly turned in one direction when they looked at it from the stage.

In that direction, people involuntarily pushed away and stepped back, revealing that person.

Then everyone gasped, and the crowd receded like a tide, for fear that they would die if they receded too slowly.

There, the bald Voldemort stood like this, with a ferocious smile on his face, looking at the crowd fading away, very satisfied with his majesty.

And he immediately looked at the radiant man standing in front of the highest stage. He frowned instinctively. With his huge black magic power, he would naturally gather all negative information, and the man full of light Every minute, every second, and every moment of this man's existence is an existence that makes him extremely unhappy.

"he came!"

someone exclaimed.

"That man is resurrected!"

"The Dark Lord is really back!"

Turmoil, uneasiness, and fear spread among the crowd. At this time, the old man in gray robe forcefully pushed away the people around him and walked forward.

He was flanked by members of the Wizengamot Court.

"Tom, you're back." His voice was not enchanted, and it was no worse than Voldemort's who was enchanted.

"Hahahaha, I'm back, teacher, I've crawled back from the hell of immortality." He opened his arms and laughed wildly.

A trace of ridicule flashed in Kelal's eyes. The hell of immortality is indeed the case. He who has a Horcrux to save his life is the lowest level soul. No matter who he is, as long as he knows a little magic, he can repel him. If he is a little stronger, , it just means having a body that is inferior to that of a child. After that, you need to use magic to reshape your body.

Although the magic power is still there, the incompleteness of the soul is inevitable.

No one knows how much of Voldemort's soul is still in his body.

But what is certain is that he divided his soul into multiple parts, which definitely caused irreversible damage to his soul. The seemingly powerful Voldemort is only powerful in appearance.

"Why are you talking about these nonsense?" Keilar asked loudly from the high platform.

Everyone turned to watch him transform into a white swallow, and then glide down in an instant.

"Animagus, he's an Animagus."

Animagus refers to the master of animal transformation. Even if Kelar published a paper about Animagus, it does not mean that he is an Animagus.

In full view of everyone, Kelal's white swallow came to the middle of the confrontation between the two in an instant, and then turned back into a human.

Kelar, who had turned back into a human, suddenly pulled out his staff and shouted to Voldemort: "The Death Curse!"

Voldemort is indeed a man who has dominated the wizarding world for more than ten years. Even if he is reborn, even if he has not fought for thirteen years, his reaction speed is definitely not slow. In just an instant, he drew a magic flow and shouted : "Avada Kedavra!"

The white magic power and the green magic power collided together instantly, confronting each other, splashing, flying everywhere like melted plasma. Ordinary wizards may be melted instantly if they touch it even slightly, but the magic flow of the two shooting at each other. But it didn't weaken at all, it just repeated the magic power endlessly.

At this time, the fireplaces on both sides burned instantly. Some people used Floo powder to arrive, while others used Disapparation.

But most of these people who have just arrived have one characteristic, they are Death Eaters with death eaters tattooed with skulls and snake heads on their arms!

"They're coming! The Death Eaters are coming!" In just an instant, more than twenty Death Eaters rushed out.

They laughed wildly and gathered around, intending to reach out their wands to deal with Kelal and help their master.

But Voldemort yelled: "Get away! He is mine!!"

That's right, ever since Kelal shot his host body with a laser and made him run away in panic, he has been holding his breath. His pride as the Dark Lord made him must complete his revenge on Kelal with his own hands. Just fine.

Kelal smiled.

While maintaining his output, he turned his head and asked.

"What are you waiting for?!"

Although Death Eaters were still rushing out in an endless stream, Dumbledore showed a smile. He swung his wand and knocked down a Death Eater, and then whistled.

A few meters behind him, the old wizards of the Wizengamot were old enough to enter the coffin. They took out their wands, and then violently drank spells, knocking down several Death Eaters in an instant.

Death Eaters were still emerging from the fireplace in an endless stream, but a dozen people suddenly appeared behind the fireplace.

Many wizards looked intently and saw the famous Mad-Eye Moody, Sirius Black, Moony Lupin, Dumbledore's brother Aberforth, and Disguise Magus. Tonks is here, Professor McGonagall is here, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are here.

The entire Order of the Phoenix is ​​here!

The newly rushed Death Eaters were attacked from behind as soon as they rushed out of the fireplace. These cunning members of the Order of the Phoenix began to sneak attack on the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters were attacked from both sides from the beginning.

On the front are the old men of the Magic Tribunal headed by Dumbledore. The average age of these old men is over eighty-five. They have eaten more salt than the Death Eaters have eaten, even if they cannot catch up in terms of physical strength and mobility. That group of Death Eaters are infinitely better at magic than those little brats. Immobilization spells, invisibility spells, protection spells, and other spells are used in conjunction with each other, plus there is another Dumbledore, the world's greatest wizard, was in front of them.

The entire line of defense is watertight.

Since the Death Eaters cannot break through the defense line led by Dumbledore, it will soon be the end of the Death Eaters.

Once the Death Eaters turn around and want to attack the members of the Order of the Phoenix, they will be hit by the curses from the old men behind them. These old men cast spells fast and hard, accurately and without prejudgment. Basically, they will hit the target. You will lose combat effectiveness in an instant.

"You are plotting against me!!" Voldemort shouted angrily. The two servants beside him, Barty Jr. and Bellatrix, stood behind Voldemort and struggled to resist the attack of the Order of the Phoenix. If it was an ordinary battle, they would not be able to fight at all. It won't be that simple, but if they want to protect Voldemort while fighting at the same time now, it will really be one-sided.

"So what if I plot against you?" Keilal asked loudly.

"Who do you think I am, Tom Riddle!"

PS: A small climax, written a bit slowly.

PS1: Then I got caught up in personal matters, and my writing became even slower.

PS2: Finally, I’m asking for recommendation votes. I hope there will be 50,000 recommendation votes tomorrow.

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