The Infinite Journey of the Sage

Chapter 91 Voldemort is dead

Chapter 091 Voldemort is Dead

"Do you think you are a genius? Voldemort!" Keilal's voice echoed throughout the space.

The energy convection between the two of them did not relax at all. Instead, because of the battle situation, both of them increased their magic output. Voldemort wanted to deal with Kelal as soon as possible, but the situation was reversed, while Kelal was delaying Voldemort. Let him have no time to do anything else.

As long as Voldemort has no time to clone himself, then the entire Death Eaters are nothing to Dumbledore.

"Has your power in magic made you look down on the world?!" Kelar's loud shout did not receive Voldemort's counterattack at all. If he had the upper hand before, he could still laugh, but now he is facing a difficult situation. At this time, talking nonsense is not as useful as doing it.

"I'm going to beat you to death here today!" Kelar continued to stimulate Voldemort's nerves.

"When I beat you to death here, how will you be resurrected next?"

"How many of your father's ashes are left? Ordinary flesh and blood. I will leave all your servants here today. As for the blood of your enemies, after I kill you, your enemies will become me. Who can take away the blood of your enemies?" Will I bring my blood to you?"

"Let me see what else you can do! Voldemort" Kelar laughed loudly, revealing all his secrets in words, making him seem naked to all. Among wizards.

He finally roared: "Peter Pettigrew!!"

That's right, only Peter Pettigrew, who resurrected him, is qualified to know so many things, and Kelar knows these things, obviously all of them were told to him by Peter Pettigrew.

Unexpectedly, Peter Pettigrew was actually a traitor!

After hearing the news, not to mention Voldemort's inner trembling, even Barty Jr. and Bellatrix were trembling. They had been breached internally, so this ambush was too normal.

The Order of the Phoenix has people in the Ministry of Magic. These fireplaces have been designed to be switches that can only be entered and cannot be exited. It is a desperate situation in this place where it is impossible to apparate. During this period, more than forty Death Eaters only A few people are still holding on.

"So, do you have any backup plans?!" Kailar asked loudly, his voice echoing in the space.

"If not, I, Kelal, will beat you to death here today!"

Kelar was not just stimulating Voldemort, he also announced in front of everyone that Voldemort would die here today and be killed by him.

Today, the Death Eaters will be destroyed, destroyed by him.

With a lifetime of foundation destroyed in this way, how many more times can Voldemort come back?

This time, the straight hook fishing directly hung up Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Once they were destroyed, Voldemort would be equivalent to a tiger without teeth, a lion without claws, and a leopard without legs. Not worth mentioning anymore.

To be honest, isn't it because Voldemort was able to make a comeback so quickly because these Death Eaters have been plotting plans?

But even so, this group of Death Eaters with the Dark Lord's brand tattooed on their arms actually slipped through the net, and they were still able to cause trouble before they were all caught.

Aside from Animagus like Peter Pettigrew, Kelar really couldn't figure out why.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that although the Ministry of Magic had purged the Death Eaters, it was afraid of the Death Eaters' counterattack and killing people, so it did not continue. The people in the Order of the Phoenix felt that the Dark Lord was dead and the Death Eaters We can no longer afford the big winds and waves, so there is no need.

To be honest, this is a huge strategic mistake. As the Dark Lord, Voldemort can be reborn again only by followers like Professor Quirrell and Peter Pettigrew. If the Ministry of Magic purges their followers from the beginning, If killed, Voldemort would have no manpower to help him resurrect.

Look who helped Voldemort resurrect, it was Peter Pettigrew!

Obviously Voldemort couldn't trust other capable Death Eaters, he only dared to use Peter Pettigrew!

This not only shows that Voldemort cannot believe anyone, but also shows that the number of Death Eaters is actually very low.

Why did he go to blow up Azkaban as soon as he was resurrected?

Because all his truly loyal subordinates are there!

Now that Keilal planned to catch them all, Voldemort really thought of this problem.

Even if Kelal and the others don't know the secret of the Horcrux he resurrected, from now on, after he was defeated in public, how many people are willing to follow him and be willing to be driven by Voldemort in ghost form to resurrect him?

The more Voldemort thought about it, the angrier he became, and the angrier he became, the more anxious he became, and then he couldn't help but increase the output of his magic power. As for the Death Eaters behind him, only Barty Jr. and Bellatrix were left to cooperate with each other to resist. .

Kelar was overjoyed. He just wanted Voldemort to lose his mind. The enemy who lost his mind would have a significant drop in reaction speed and other aspects. What's the use of a sudden increase in power for a while? !

Kelar held the wand in his right hand and waved it violently with his left hand. Then three chains suddenly jumped out of the air, and then rushed out from the ground like snakes, avoiding the energy fluctuations on both sides. Lived on the ankles of Barty Jr., Bellatrix and Voldemort.

Even in such a fierce battle, what appeared on their feet still made them all subconsciously lower their heads and look at it.

Then in an instant, the chains contracted suddenly, and the three of them were brought down to the ground in an instant, and then pulled in different directions.

But thanks to this, the three of them escaped the attacks of the Order of the Phoenix and Kelal.

No, at this time Kelal had no attack. The wand in his hand turned into a sword with cold light, which was the magic of transformation.

And Voldemort, who was pulled quickly, was rushing towards him.

At this time, Voldemort and his men instinctively began to attack the chains. They knew that once they were trapped by this magical chain, freedom would already be within the reach of others, and no matter how hard they struggled, they would not be able to take the initiative.

So that chain is the real thing that kills people.

Kelal's chains were just ordinary magic and were quickly destroyed, but the inertia still kept them sliding on the smooth floor.

Little Barty and Bellatrix slid to both sides. When they looked up, they saw six or seven wands pointing at them, casting spells at the same time.

Whether it was petrification, confinement, upside down golden bell, or destruction spell, etc., in just an instant, they lost all their fighting power.

And when Voldemort slid on the floor and raised his head, what he saw was Kelar swinging the sword suddenly...

A big head suddenly rose into the sky, blood splattered everywhere.

PS: Even if the votes are less than 50,000, I still love you, so I will write the second update now. I don’t even have time to write a PS...please vote.

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