The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1422: Big dream

Lu Li was well thought out about selling arrays. The arrays can help with the layout, but not too much, otherwise the entire Youyan land will be in chaos.

For example, Youyan Land has 10,000 forces, and then Lu Li arranges a large array of Wanlong Locks for all forces. At that time, all the forces are as solid as gold, and it is not that the Supreme Divine Supreme cannot break the battlefield, is the land of Youyan still the land of the original Youyan?

The most unique place in Youyan Land is that you can kill freely, and it is easy to be powerful. If all the forces are in a big battle and no one can break through, then the land of Youyan will not be chaotic. You can't arbitrarily **** others' territory, you can't kill at will. If you want to kill, then you must break the battle. This battle must be broken by the Supreme Divine Supreme, which means that it is not the Supreme Divine Supreme who cannot kill it ...

At that time, the land of Youyan will become another divine realm, even more stable than the divine realm. How can it attract the warriors into the land of Youyan?

Therefore, Lu Li can only arrange a small amount of forces, so as not to cause chaos in the land of Youyan, otherwise he will be mercilessly killed when the nine kings are dissatisfied.

Elder Tang and Elder Yuan groaned. Three billion Yuanyuan is nothing. The superior forces have a lot of resources and many ways to earn divine sources. However, they always feel that they have a taste of extortion. The most important thing is that they are extorted by a middle-class force. When they pass out, they feel that their faces are dull, which will greatly damage the reputation of the two major forces.

It's just that the defense of Wanlong Lock Dome is so strong, they are very heart-warming. And Lu Li's attitude is so tough, he will never help to arrange without giving Shenyuan.

The two have no right to decide, but they both have special methods of communication. The two secretly take out the communication tools and start the communication.

The two people passed the news for more than an hour, and the result was quite satisfactory. The leaders of the two forces have agreed, and they are willing to give out three billion **** sources, but it must be ensured that this array is indeed so strong, otherwise a **** source will not give it.

After they were confirmed, the two immediately asked Zhao Xi to invite Lu Li and start to discuss the subsequent transactions. Lu Li is overbearing and requires that one billion yuan must be paid for the materials before the formation of the array, otherwise everything will be avoided.

One billion gods!

In case Lu leaves the pit, the two forces will not only suffer heavy losses, they will also become a joke in the land of youyan. If the two forces cannot break through the Kunlun Mountains, then they will not be able to step down.

It's just that Lu Li is extremely resolute. If you don't see the rabbit, don't scatter your eagle. Anyway, if you like to buy or not, you even talk away behind you and make Elder Tang and Elder Yuan angry.

There was no way the two could continue to communicate. The Heavenly Palace responded quickly, and the two elders came with a billion gods. The palace master also specially circulated, if Lu Li dares to pit their divine source, he will directly find the opportunity to do Lu Li.

"Get rid of him?"

Elder Yuan thought of Lu Li's two moves and clicked to kill Elder Li of the Demon Mansion, and immediately rejected the proposal. Although two elders were sent over, Lu Li really wanted to kill them.

"I hope Lu Yan will not bully people too much!"

The Elder Yuan thought for a while and then murmured, and then went out to tell Zhao Xi that their people had arrived, and they would be there in half a month. At that time, Lu Lu was ready to leave to set up a large array.

After receiving the news, Lu Li fell into deep contemplation. Shenyuan was very profitable. With so many divine sources, he could buy many good things, for example, he could find a way to buy one or two deities.

The steles are said to be the treasures of the Xeon, with some insights into the laws of heaven and earth. With a **** monument, you can directly comprehend the true meaning of the Tao from the source, and often there are not one or two true meanings in the monument, but many.

The stele is usually a Xeon who burned many real meanings into the stele before he died. Then pass it to the descendants of the family, this can ensure that the descendants of the family continue to produce strong, and ensure that the family generations are Yongchang.

But a monument can really guarantee a strong family for generations?

This is obviously impossible, so many families did not fall behind, and the sacred monument was inevitably robbed. There are also many monuments excavated in many monuments. Some of these monuments will be put up for auction, which can basically sell for sky-high prices.

If Tu Temple can buy one or two monuments, it will be very beneficial to the development of Tu Temple, and Lu can also benefit a lot. It is estimated that Tu Shen Temple can produce a number of powerful people within a few years. By then, Tu Shen Temple will become a top-notch power.

After staying at Tushen Temple for a long time, Lu Li also had feelings for it and wanted to take Tushen Temple to grow and develop together. If one day the Temple of Slaughter really turns into a big tree in the sky, when he will take the warrior who slaughtered the Temple back to the kingdom of God, capture the kingdom of God, or even unite the kingdom of God, how magnificent and shocking it will be ?

The elders of the ancients had to revenge and promised the elders to do things. Without suppressing or destroying the God Carpenter Sect, Lu Li could not return to the **** realm to find Lu Ling. If you do not suppress the time and space government, you will not be able to return to the realm of the emperor.

There is a big dream in Lu Centrifugal, that is to kill a group of people back to the **** world, suppress the four super **** forces, and then become the master of the **** world.

That kind of life is a life without regrets, that way we can't let people dominate our own destiny, we can do what we want to do, and we can be happy.

So Lu Li has been thinking about how to strengthen himself, how to strengthen his power, what can one do? How many people can you kill? It is necessary to form a power. At this moment, there is such an opportunity to grow and develop. Lu Li will not miss the opportunity.

The question is--

How does this **** source make money? Shenyuan is very profitable. If you don't want a good strategy, you may have the ability to earn Shenyuan and have no way to spend it.

For example, he goes to the Heavenly Palace to form an array. What if the opponent's super power can give him a second after the array is completed? At that time, not only will Shenyuan not be able to earn, the treasures on his body will be taken away by the Heavenly Palace.

And the Heavenly Palace is a little far from here. Even if Heavenly Palace doesn't make a shot, what if someone is watching? For example, the palace master of Tiandi Palace shot it himself?

Therefore, Lu Li had to guard ~ ~ After leaving Kunlun Mountain, the crisis was perilous and he could be killed at any time. In addition, he has made so many **** sources, and there will surely be people who will follow him. He will go to Panwangcheng to buy a **** monument. Will it be destroyed immediately?

The matter of Tu Shendian earning billions of divine sources will surely spread. At that time, Zhao Xi and others who go to Panwangcheng to buy materials are expected to be watched.

"Do it before you talk!"

After half an hour of thinking, Lu Li got up abruptly, and he didn't have to do anything when he looked forward and backward. If a force wants to develop and grow, it must experience **** storms and countless battles.

Didn't he kill all the way in Dou Tian Jie? Now he still has an ace, which is flying across the void, and he can escape at any time when the timing is not right, even the Supreme Supreme may not be able to kill him.


PS: Make up for it. The latest update is unstable, but the old demon should not owe it as much as possible, and write it later.

(End of this chapter)

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