The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1423: When brother comes back

After discussing the conditions, half a month later, the people from Po Tianfu came, and Elder Tang repented. The sky-breaking palace now grabs a jackpot, and Lu Li will go all out for the first time. The sky-breaking array should be no problem.

The first big team is fine, the second one may be wrong. Why do you say that? Because after the successful deployment of the first large array, Lu Li is likely to be killed, carrying three billion divine sources on his body, how could Po Tiangong not have thoughts? How could the remaining forces have no idea?

A man is guilty and guilty of it!

Lu Li not only possesses three billion **** sources, but also possesses a powerful skill. Lu Libu's ability is so strong that any force wants to subdue him. If you can't use it for yourself, then you can't let Lu Li be used by others ...

So Elder Tang is secretly angry. If their leader can be decisive, their headquarters will be able to add a powerful array, and they are likely to take Lu Li for their use.

Lu Li didn't care what the Elder Tang thought. He wanted to take out some **** sources and let Zhao Xi and others buy the gods. Later, I thought I would go to Panwang City in person.

Zhao Xi and others were spotted last time, and this time he was going to buy several copies of such materials, which would cost hundreds of millions of gods. If you send Zhao Xi and others to go, it will be easier to be followed. Not only will the Shenyuan materials be gone, people may not be able to return.

There are two elders in the Heavenly Palace, plus the elder Yuan. These are three free thugs. Take the three to Panwangcheng to buy the magical materials, and then head straight to the Heavenly Palace. This is more efficient. Zhao Xi and others have been here for more than a month.

Lu Li brought four elders and elders, and also brought in Xi Xier, ordered some things, and gave Elder Zhao a hundred million divine sources, allowing him to continue to manage the Temple of the Slaughter.

He also told Zhao Xi the control method of the Wanlong Suo Qin array, so as to prevent someone from capturing Kunlun Mountain during his absence.

"Brother, I want to follow you!"

Chi Xi'er heard that Lu Li was about to go to the Heavenly Palace, and he barely hesitated to speak immediately, and his expression was extremely firm.

For her the closest people in the world are Lu Li and Zhao Xi. Especially Lu Li, she has transferred Chi Junfeng's feelings to Lu Li here. At this moment Lu Li is going to go so far, and who knows what will happen? How could she be assured?


Lu Li coldly reprimanded: "I'm going out to do business, what are you going to do? Stay in Kunlun Mountain and cultivate well. This Kunlun Mountain is extremely safe, you can't go anywhere."

"I'm going!"

Chi Xier stubbornly said on his back: "Where I go, I will go. If I don't take me, I will secretly break the sky."

Lu Li was angry and said with a stern face: "No, this matter hasn't been discussed, you can't go anywhere. I'm not going to play this time. The road may be dangerous. Taking you will drag me down. You don't listen. Mine, I don't recognize your sister. "


Chi Xier panicked, kneeling in front of Lu Li, reaching out and hugging Lu Li's legs, "Brother, don't you want me, I listen to you, I listen to you."

Seeing Chi Xier's tears falling like water, Lu Centrifuge panicked, his face calmed down. He squatted and hugged Chi Xi'er and said, "Don't cry, don't cry. Brother wants you, but you have to listen to him. Believe me, I will be back soon. You can kill me in the land of Youyan. More than fifty people! "

"Fifty people ..."

Zhao Xi and Chen Yue's eyes brightened, and the fifty people in front of Youyan's Land seemed to be the supreme gods? Does Lu Li mean this by representing that he can compete with the super powers of the gods?

However, thinking of Yue Chenshan as the super power of the gods, he was easily repelled by Lu Li, and the two were relieved, full of confidence in Lu Li.

"Well, brother, you must not abandon me!"

Chi Xi'er raised his face and looked pitifully when he landed and said, "If you don't want me, Xi'er won't live."

"Yes, yes!"

Lu Centrifuge is about to melt, and hugged Chi Xier tightly, "You will always be my younger sister, and you will be forever. I won't abandon you, rest assured, until my brother comes back."

After so many things, Lu Li thought his heart was hard enough. But when seeing Xi Xier's pitiful face with tears, he still couldn't harden. Regardless of how ruthless he is, every man always has a soft place in his heart. This is where Chi Xier touched Lu Li.

After appeasing Chi Xier, Lu Li explained a lot of things and left a jade charm to Chi Xier. If it is a last resort, crushing Yufu Luli will rush back as soon as possible.

After arranging all of this, Lu Li was watched by all the members of the palace, and the three elders of the Heavenly Palace left.

Elder Tang also left. It doesn't make sense for him to stay here. He will not continue to talk to Lu Li until he has set up the battle and can survive.

Waved his hand, Lu Li got on a strange tank. This chariot looks more like a spaceship, with a few iron wings, fast speed, barely faster than the speed of God.

"This is a Hida tank!"

Elder Yuan and Lu Li stood side by side, explaining with Lu Li: "This is a very expensive flying tool with the mark of our Heavenly Palace in front. Many big guys in Youyan Land will still give us some face in Heavenly Palace. .Otherwise, if you travel on such a reckless chariot in another Hida tank, you will be easily destroyed. "


Lu Li bowed his head slightly. This flying chariot is not bad, much faster than the Void Beast. You can play with it later. Of course, the elder Yuan reminded that unless the large-powered flying tanks, ordinary flying tanks dared to fly so brazenly, they would likely be killed by some reclusive old monsters.

Feiyu now flies directly to Panwang City. Lu Li needs to buy materials first. He stood on the splint with some worries, in case there was a spy of the master craftsman in the pan city, found his identity, and then spent a lot of divine sources to ask the elders of the pan palace to kill him directly?

"You must hide your identity!"

Lu Li thought for a while, and looked to the Elder Yuan and asked, "Elder Yuan, do you have any treasures like masks? Can you cover up one's breath and make others not recognize you?"


The elder Yuan frowned and thought, saying, "I have such a treasure. Generally, the superpowers of the gods cannot recognize you, but this treasure ..."

Lu Li smiled and waved, "Elder Yuan, please cut love, how much **** source I buy!"

"Not particularly precious!"

Elder Yuan smiled ~ ~ Then he leaned over and touched his arm soaring above Lu Li, and said with a smile: "If Lord Lu Dian is willing to come to our heavenly palace, don't say a mask, we will give you a hundred. you."

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li smiled slightly, and did not directly refuse, but said, "I will go back to your heavenly palace to see it again, and our slaughter temple is also very good."

"it is good!"

A hint of ruddy luster appeared on the elder Yuan, and he took out a silver mask from the ring of space with a smile and handed it to Lu Lidao: "This silver fox mask will be given to Lu Dianzhu. I hope that Lu Dianzhu will consider my proposal carefully. You can definitely come to the Heavenly Palace. Get more, talk about everything ... "

When you handed the mask over, the elder Yuan touched Lu Li's chest "accidentally" again. The glamorous eyes were full of spring and teasing. Lu Lu was swaying in his heart and cursed this wave hoof too hungry. ...

There are several cabins in the Hida tank, and the other two elders each enter a room. Lu Li believes that if he wants, he can bring this wave hoof into a room at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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