The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1427: Divine Demon Sin

Man is a very strange species. Sometimes people have known each other for many years, but they are just strangers. Even in a bed every day, I don't understand the other person's heart at all. And some people just met for the first time, just a few words, but they felt like confidants, like old friends for many years ...

At this moment Lu Li and Pan Yuqin are like this.

For Lu Li, this panjia lady has a very unique feeling, which can make people involuntarily get close and make people trust her. It can make people put off guard, even forget that she is a big beauty, and there is a tacit understanding and instinctual intimacy between conversations.

This feeling has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, it's more like a cherished relationship between heroes, or ... the same smell.

From the perspective of Pan Yuqin, at first it was more curiosity about Lu Li. Because of Lu Li's information, she is very clear. A genius warrior who has soared for less than ten years, he stunned immediately. The most important thing is that he dared to compete with the master craftsman. thing.

Lu Li did it, and he did it very beautifully. He fancied the face of Shenzong Zong fiercely, and waved away smartly, sneaking into the land of Youyan.

The four super-god forces are the deadly enemies of the nine **** kings in Youyan's Land, and the deadly enemies of countless warriors in Youyan's land. Many people and families have been forced into the Divine Realm by being forced by the four super-god forces to escape into the land of Youyan. Many people dream of killing the gods and destroy the four super-god forces. Already.

Of course, that's just thinking about it, no one has this strength, nor this courage.

Lu Li did something for many people that he didn't dare to do. If Lu Li's identity was revealed, he would immediately become a celebrity in Youyan Land and a guest at the palace of the nine gods.

Because of Lu Li's prestige, Pan Yuqin put him on an equal footing, and even felt that Lu Li was much better than her. That's why she just started asking Ye Kai for a 30% discount. If she wasn't afraid of Lu Li's misunderstanding, she would give it to Lu Li directly.

Of course, Lu Li spent hundreds of millions of gods to save a pet, which also made Pan Yuqin secretly admire. She saw more cold-blooded and ruthless, and all those who only value their interests, Lu Lu is really rare.

Reverence, curiosity, admiration, and the charm of Lu Li himself, let Pan Yuqin relax his alert to him and have a natural closeness. Or because Lu Li's life is very young, so that Pan Yuqin is not so restrained, this is why the dialogue just now ...

After the two looked at each other and smiled, they didn't talk, and they didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, there is a kind of glance that can understand what the other party wants to say. This feeling made both of them feel wonderful, and neither of them broke the wonderful feeling, just sitting quietly.

"Om ~"

Until the restraint in the room was touched, Pan Yuqin was like a guilty conscience, immediately covered with a veil, and then walked toward the door, trying to close the restraint.

She paused when she came to the door. She took out a token and handed it to Lu Li. "Lu Gongzi, this is my token. After refining, you will silence your mind and you will be able to brief me. . Anything needs Yu Qin's help, despite speaking. "

Lu Li held a beautiful jade charm, feeling heavy. A person who had just met and had spoken a few words, or a large family lady actually trusted him so much, which undoubtedly moved him.

"Don't say thank you to friends!"

Lu Li took the token, then sincerely looked at Pan Yuqin's eyes and said: "Miss Pan has anything in the future, despite the news to me, Lu can do nothing, nothing!"

Pan Yuqin nodded slightly. Lu Li was able to pay 500 million divine sources in order to treat a spiritual pet. It can be seen that this person is indeed a most affectionate person, and what he said is absolutely countable.

Opening the restraint, Ye Kai stood outside, and he arched his hand and said, "Miss Qin, Lu Gongzi, that spiritual pet is already being treated. Tian Lao said it won't be long before he can wake up!"


Lu Li's eyes flashed lightly, he put on the mask and walked outside excitedly. He glanced away and saw that the old man with white eyebrows had just given a pill, and then a green light glowed in his hands, which seemed to be helping Xiaobai's healing power.

The elixir that was fed was never seen, and no one knew what the elixir was. Of course, even if it wasn't Bing Ling Cao, it was just an ordinary elixir, and Lu Li recognized it. As long as he could save Xiao Bai, he didn't care.

Lu Li waited nervously, Pan Yuqin stood quietly, and waited for half an hour, Xiao Bai's body suddenly moved slightly, then his eyes slowly opened.


Lu Li screamed in surprise, Xiao Bai heard Lu Li's voice, his small eyes opened, his eyes locked on Lu Li's body, and he jumped into Lu Li's arms.


Looking at Xiaobai's excitement and affectionately on his own, making his face drool, Lu Li laughed, tears gleam in his eyes.

Xiaobai was a companion who grew up with him from a young age, and saved his life many times. In his heart, Xiaobai is like a younger brother. At this moment, his own brother and brother finally woke up after falling asleep for many years. Why wasn't he excited?

Ye Kai waited for Lu Li and Xiao Bai to get close for a while, took out a ring and handed it over: "Lu Gongzi, this is the spiritual material you want to buy ~ ~ It's all in it, please check it."

Lu Li nodded, took the ring and swept away. After confirming that the number was correct, he asked, "How many gods are here together?"

Ye Kai glanced at Pan Yuqin and said with a smile, "Lugongzi would give 200 million gods in total."

"Two hundred million?"

Lu Li was a little surprised. Previously, one piece of material required sixty to seventy million divine sources, and five copies amounted to more than three hundred million divine sources. Now only 200 million are received. This discount is lower than before.

He glanced at Pan Yuqin, who had a faint smile in his eyes and didn't talk much. Lu Li didn't sullen himself. After taking out Shenyuan and paying Ye Kai, he arched out: "Ms. Qin, Ye Steward, the mountains are high and the water is long. There will be a period in the future. Lu has taken a step in advance."

Pan Yuqin didn't keep it, but just said slightly: "Lu Gongzi, you will definitely have time to sit down in the future. Just go to Ye Kai and he will take you to see me."

"it is good!"

Lu Li said only one word, then arched again, turned and followed the maid to walk outside.

Ye Kai didn't send Lu Li, he asked Tian Lao to wait, and then asked: "Ms. Qin, why do you value this person so much, is he really who he is?"

"His information must not be leaked!"

Pan Yuqin ordered in an unusually firm language: "Even if the family can't report it, you don't have to ask any more, and explain to Tian Lao and everyone. This person's information is top secret. Anyone dares to leak it, let alone kill it!"


Ye Kai quickly took the lead, Pan Yuqin stood alone, with a faint smile in his eyes, and murmured: "The evil spirits of the God Realm have come to the land of Youyan, can you let a place of Youyan in the backwaters stir up? Will it make the land of Youyan turn upside down? Really looking forward to it ... "

(End of this chapter)

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