The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1428: Skybreaking Palace

Lu Li returned to the castle with Xiaobai, and had a full half-hour with Xiaobai. Then he also took out the magical materials from the ground and asked Xiaobaidao: "Xiaobai, what kind of magical materials do you like? eat!"

Xiaobai eats something special. He originally eats soul crystals and absorbs thunder and lightning, so Lu Li doesn't know what it eats. He simply takes out many sacred materials and eats them freely.

"咴 咴 ~"

Xiaobai jumped up happily, and then plunged into a pile of magical materials. He looked at the right and sniffed, and his claws flipped. Many of the intelligent materials were not interested, and they just opened it.


Xiaobai suddenly found a white spar, sipped a few mouthfuls, and immediately screamed in excitement, and swallowed the spar in a few mouthfuls.

"Cloud Crystal!"

Lu Li knows this kind of magical material, this is not a precious or ordinary spar. This spar needs more than a dozen divine sources. If Xiaobai eats a hundred a day, it also needs more than a thousand divine sources ...


Lu Li took all of the cloud crystals aside, and looked carefully at about a thousand. He thought about it and asked, "Little white, do you like to eat this stone?"

Xiaobai glanced at a bunch of sacred materials, and flipped around, eventually the little paw still held the cloud crystal.

"That line, you let go!"

With a big wave of Lu Li, he went out and told the maid outside to buy 30,000 cloud crystals. Hundreds of thousands of gods are nothing to Lu Li. As long as Xiaobai is happy, he will eat millions of Gods blink.

The maid went out to ask Ye Kai, and Ye Kai immediately sent Lu Li 30,000 cloud crystals, which was worthless to Lu Li as a face. Pan Yuqin saved Lu Li several hundred million divine sources in two sentences. What are these hundreds of thousands divine sources ...

After doing all this, Lu left to find Yuan Changshang and said that he could start at any time. He had already bought the materials. Yuan Changshang was afraid of long night dreams, and decided to set off at the moment. After all, the Wanlong Locking Dome array was built earlier, and then the Sky Valley would be more secure-the headquarters of Sky Heaven Palace is in Sky Valley.

The four of them left the city and drove all the way in the Hida tank. After leaving the Hida, he entered the cabin and opened the ban. Playing with Xiaobai for a while, Xiaobai slept after eating hundreds of cloud crystals. It had just woke up, and was still a little weak. At this moment, it had naturally consumed so much energy to digest.

It takes seven or eight days to get to the Temple of Heaven here. This is still the case when flying on a flying puppet, but it also proves that the Temple of Heaven is not too far from Panwang City.

Lu Li continued to practice in seclusion, learning about space strangulation, while practicing divine power and improving the soul. Cultivation of divine power is a bit slow, and the soul ascension is very fast, because the elixir he is using is the most powerful elixir in the world, which is the top elixir, and his soul strength is increasing rapidly.

There was no time for retreat. Seven or eight days felt like a blink of an eye, and Yuan Changshang had touched the prohibition. Lu Li helplessly got up and walked out.

Hida arrived outside a huge valley, which is larger than the artifact valley, with three cloud-like peaks on three sides. On the front of the valley is a city wall with a height of thousands of meters. The whole valley is estimated to be thousands of miles wide. From a distance, there are castle lofts and manors, and there are many big trees in the sky. The scenery is very beautiful.

"Heavenly Palace!"

The three bling characters above the gate, as well as the row of sergeants standing brightly on the city wall, all show the power of the Heavenly Palace.

"Squeak ~"

With the city gate wide open, an elder bearded man with robes came out with a group of people, and dozens of sergeants in two rows outside the city gate immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted, "I've seen the deputy palace lord, you've seen the elders!"

At this moment, Lu Li and Yuan Changshang and others jumped down to fly away. He glanced at the old man with long robes in the robe, and his heart was slightly shaken.

Skybreaking Palace will attract people's hearts very much. The deputy palace lord came out to greet him. This one is a super-powerful **** in the world, and he also brought a dozen or so elders. This face is big enough.

Yuan Changshang took the landing and greeted the others. Yuan Changshang laughed far away and walked over to respectfully and said, "Shang Chang has seen the Lord of the Palace, all the elders."

After the two elders around Lu Li also saluted, Yuan Changshang then introduced: "Lu Dianzhu, this is our deputy palace main road Changhe, Lu Gongzhu this is the temple master Lu Yan."

"Shang Chang works hard!"

Lu Changhe nodded slightly, and turned to Lu Li with a smile. Others give face, Lu Li naturally knows to be a man, and he politely arches his hand: "Lu Ye has met the master of the palace!"


Lu Changhe laughed and caressed Changxu, saying: "The master of Lu Dian's life is so young, he is actually the master of a temple. He is really young and talented, and his future life is awesome!"

Lu Changhe had a good attitude, but the elders behind him were slightly dissatisfied because Lu Li wore a silver fox mask and did not salute them. Several people's faces became a little gloomy, but Lu Changhe was here, and no one dared to say anything.

Lu Changhe didn't pay attention to these details. He actually walked over to pull the landing handway: "Lord Dian, please! Our Gong Zhu is already waiting, and we have a special banquet for you to take the wind."

"Thank you very much!"

Lu Li replied aloud, he was very alert to this group of old guys. All these obvious means of drawing together are used. It seems that the Heavenly Palace is fancy for his ability to form a formation. This is to pull him into the group ...

Lu Li is a master of the palace of Chinese products, and his combat power is still okay. He can kill some of the power of the gods. But this point of combat power is not **** in the eyes of the super powers of Divine Realm, you can suppress it by turning your hands.

Unless the Heavenly Palace knows his true identity, how can it be possible to send a deputy palace lord to greet him? There is only one explanation. The Heavenly Palace wants to solicit him and wants him to join the Heavenly Palace.

If it was before, Lu Li might consider joining the big forces, but now he has broken this idea. He feels like a home in the Temple of Slaughter, and it is impossible to abandon a group of people to join the remaining forces.


Even if Lu Li wants to join the great forces, he will not join the forces at the level of Skybreaker. There are superpowers on it, and there are the powers of the nine gods. How can he join the skybreaker?

Therefore, his attitude is not too good ~ ~ It is not too bad, and he must not blame the heavenly palace. Of course, if Skybreaker is going to mess up, he wouldn't mind using a few Thor's wrath to level it.

The sky-breaking palace is really big, and there are many warriors in it. After Lu Li entered, he found a lot of divine thoughts coming in quietly, and many people quietly peeped, and his eyes were curious and confused.

Who is Lu Li? Actually shocked Lu Changhe to meet in person?

Walking around, he went deep into the valley, and finally reached outside a beautiful white jade palace. A row of sergeants and maids stood outside, which was very elegant.

Lu Changhe landed and entered the palace, and Lu Li saw the woman sitting on an ice throne at a glance. What surprised him was not that the palace owner of the Heavenly Palace was a woman, but that this woman actually looked like Yuan Changshang. It was carved out of a mold, but the breath of life felt much younger than Yuan Changshang.

"Lord of Lu Dian don't have to guess!" The Master of the Heavenly Palace said faintly: "My name is Yuan Yuyu, and Chang Chang is my half-sister."

(End of this chapter)

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