The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1488: Hongling Tianbao

Lu Li flew across the void to the north, too fast.

Yu Qingtian just received the news in Overlord City. Lu Li appeared here, and one hour later, someone was rumored that Lu left hundreds of millions of miles north. Another hour later, news came that Lu had left Tiantian Temple hundreds of millions of miles away ...

Yu Qing ’s heart was desperate, Lu Li flew across the void to the northeast all the way, every hour spanned hundreds of millions of miles. Even if he chased all the way, he could not catch up at his speed.

Five hours later, it was reported that Lu Li appeared in the middle of the Green Devil Mountain, and Yuqing ordered the withdrawal. The side of the Green Devil Mountain already belongs to the scope of other **** kings. Even if he is afraid to sneak in, otherwise it will cause great misunderstanding.

Lu Li has run away, what else can Yuqingtian do? Has it kept the army full of people around the world? Withdrawal can only be ordered.

Of course, he didn't intend to swallow that tone. He went to Panwangcheng to meet Panwang the same day, and talked with Panwang for an hour. Then he took a Panwang order and walked out. He disappeared out of Panwangcheng.

Many people are actually guessing, has Yuqingtian stepped down by himself? Even if he took the Pan Wang Ling to the sphere of influence of the other **** kings, the **** kings and great forces over there would not be held accountable. Can he really find Lu Li, can he catch up?

However, some people believe that if Yuqingtian pursues hard for a few years, he may have a great chance to win Luli. After all, the Supreme Divine Supreme pursues himself in many ways.

In addition, Yuqingtian can scatter a large number of **** sources and invite many tracking strong people to chase Lu Li. You must know that the land of Youyan is not only a human race. Most of the southwest side are human races, and the rest of the place are demons or demons.

There are some special races in the demons and demons that have very powerful tracking methods. If Yu Qingtian invites those clans, it is easy to track Lu Li.

Once Lu Li was found, Yu Qingtian could kill him with a thunderbolt, and Lu Li would certainly not be able to withstand the supreme attack of the gods.

The southwestern part calmed down with Lu Li's departure. After the war, Lu Li's fame rose to the forefront of all the divine superpowers in the southwest, and he was approaching the gods.

The humanization of the Tushen Temple has been secretly gone, and most of them have fled the southwest. Anyway, the warriors in Youyan Land basically flowed around, and stayed where they were.

Most people quickly forgot about Lu Li, after all, many people have never seen Lu Li after joining the Temple of the Slaughter, and there is no deep feeling. Only a small number of people secretly remembered, waiting for Lu Li to rebuild the Temple of Slaughter, and then returned immediately to re-effective under Lu Li's Majesty.

There are also a small number of people who were killed before they rushed out, and these people were also beheaded and killed by people of all major forces. Because many people know that Lu Li divided the treasures and gods obtained in Xingchen Fu.

Xingchen Mansion and Tushen Temple became history. Xingchen Mountain was occupied by a divine superpower, and the southwest soon subsided. Except for some people who talked casually after tea and dinner, not many people have paid attention.

After Pan Yuqin returned, she closed her retreat again. She couldn't help much about Lu Li. After all, compared to Lu Li, Yu Qingtian is more valuable to Pan Wang. Although Lu Li has unlimited potential, this kind of temperament can never be tamed. For Pan Wang Mansion, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. It is impossible for the King of the Pan to kill or expel Yu Qingtian who has been loyally following for many years because of Lu's departure.


A month later, Lu Li appeared here in a beautiful valley in the middle of Youyan Land. There is a big river in this canyon, and there are ferocious beasts in the river, so ordinary gods dare not come here.

After Lu Li came here, he decided to settle here for a while. He released Chi Xi'er and Xiaobai, and also released the deaf Taoists, allowing them to play nearby.

Several powerful wild beasts in the river were suppressed by Lu Li's use of space, and then strangled with space. The vicinity is now safe.

Lu Lipan sat in a cave on a cliff near the river to practice. Chi Xier and Xiaobai were playing in the river, and the deaf people looked at them from below.

"咴 咴 ~"


Xiao Bai's cheerful cry and silver bell laughter came from Chi Xier. Lu Li glanced down to see Chi Xier like an elf walking on water while Xiao Bai was chasing her. There was a slight smile on his face, and it would be nice if the world was full of strife and killing.

Lu Li thought in his mind, looking for a beautiful and good place in the world of God, bringing all his loved ones, and finding Lu Ling. What a wonderful life to live with as a family and have a group of children.

Unfortunately, dreams can only be dreams, and reality is always so cruel.

In order to get that kind of life, Lu Li must constantly become stronger, and no one can threaten him and dominate his destiny.

Perhaps only by standing on top of the divine realm can he get the life he wants, and be truly carefree and free.

"Right, boy ..."

Lu Li remembered one thing, he seemed unable to conceive a woman. He used to suspect that it was because of the Silver Dragon Mark. He wanted to solve the problem after coming to the **** world, but now he came to the **** world but didn't know how to solve it.

"咻 ~"

The deaf Taoist below saw that there were no accidents. He stood beside Lu Li and asked, "Master, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Li has told the deaf Taoist about the previous matter. When he saw this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "What? Do you want to return to the Demon Realm? Would you like me to take you to the entrance?"

"No, master don't get me wrong!"

The deaf Taoist quickly waved his hand: "The master gave me a lot of gods. I practice very fast. It is estimated that I will be more powerful than the gods in a few years. Following the master is my blessing, how can I leave the master?"


Lu Li touched his chin and asked, "What's your good idea?"

"I think…"

The deaf Taoist took out a map and said, "The master can go here and there. The ancient devil is called here. The ancient gods here are forbidden a lot, so few people go. The master himself has a high level of restraint, and he has blood spirits. Here, there are a lot of prohibitions here that should n’t trap the owner. There are many ancient ruins and many treasures. It is said that someone digged a Hongling Tianbao hundreds of thousands of years ago. At this moment, the Hongling Tianbao is evil in the north. King's hand! "

Lu Li heard this for the first time, and asked with some curiosity: "What is Hongling Tianbao?"

"Master doesn't understand?"

The deaf Taoist smiled wryly ~ ~ and explained: "The strongest treasure that human beings can make is the holy artifact, and Hongling Tianbao is beyond the existence of the holy artifact, which is formed naturally by heaven and earth. The law of heaven and earth has been bred over many years. For example, in a super-horrible volcano, if you are lucky, there will be a fire source stone that has been bred for many years. This kind of stone can release the source of fire and burn the general divine supremacy. , It is said that the master craftsman suzerain has a source of fire. "

"Burning the Divine Supreme?"

Lu Li's eyes widened suddenly, as if he had opened a new world, his eyes shone brilliantly, and asked, "Do you mean there are Hongling Tianbao in the dead of ancient demons?"

"This is hard to say!"

The deaf Taoist shook his head and said, "But to say that the land of Youyan is the most exciting, horrible and most precious place is the ancient devil. The aura of heaven and earth here is 100,000 times outside, and the charm of heaven and earth is so many, so Many strong men who are about to run out of Shou Yuan will go in and try to take the last step, but they basically died in the end, leaving endless treasures ... "

(End of this chapter)

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