The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1489: Ancient Devil Dead

The ancient dead land is very famous in Youyan's land, but Lu Li doesn't pay much attention to it. This place is actually a land of Youyan's land to attract outsiders.

The ancient demon died a lot. In ancient times, this place was said to be a place where a powerful demon emperor lived. The demon emperor arranged a lot of ancient gods and dared to enter and die. Therefore, it was called the ancient devil.

This place eventually became famous because the Hongling Tianbao was dug out, and many warriors were brought in later, and more treasures and treasures were found inside.

There are many natural restraints in there, as well as the weird ancient gods forbidden by the ancient demon emperor. It is very likely that ordinary gods will never come out.

The heaven and earth aura is particularly strong inside, and many places have heaven and earth charm, it is easy to feel the true meaning in it.

That is where opportunities and dangers coexist. If you are brave and have good luck, it is easy to grow fast and become strong. If you are lucky and get a Hongling Tianbao, you may be able to ascend to heaven in one step.

Of course, the inside is extremely cruel, and the three races stand side by side. Killing in it is the most common thing. No matter whether it is a foreign race or its own race, as long as it encounters, it will basically start a war.

After hearing the story of the deaf Taoist, Lu Li felt quite agitated. As the deaf Taoist said, he had a high level of banning the magic circle and the ability of Xuelinger to break the line. After entering, at least don't worry about being trapped or killed by the ban, it will be a little bit more likely than others to survive.

Lu Li also has his own worries, because Chi Xier, it is too dangerous to enter such a place. In case he dies, Chi Xier and Xiaobai are also finished. Chi Xi'er and Xiaobai are too weak, and they must not come out when he dies ...

Lu Li actually has his own plan, and that is to hang out for a month or two, and wait for the calmness of the southwestern part of Youyan Land to completely calm down. He sneaked back quietly, and then entered ... Ghost King's Hall!

The Ghost King's Hall is very safe, and the canyon is a land of cultivation. He sits there, and his power and physical strength are getting stronger.

There are still several Daoyuns left by the ghost king there. He realized the true meaning of the power of space from within that Daochen Daoyun, which immediately increased his combat power, and now he can kill the super power of the **** world.

How could he miss such a precious place? The most important thing is that it is absolutely safe inside, you don't have to worry about being killed, you can practice with peace of mind.

The only shortcoming in the Ghost King's Hall is that Chi Xier can't give out the evil beads, otherwise he will be killed by the silenced soul wave in a few minutes. Inside, he could not even enter the sky evil bead, so Chi Xier could only stay alone in the sky evil bead.

A flowering girl, just in her youth, Lu Li felt that this was not fair to her. It is just that he does not know how to place Chi Xi'er, and does not bring it with him. First, he is afraid of an accident, and second, Chi Xier will not do it.

"It's a headache ..."

Lu Li didn't know what to do, the deaf Taoist stopped talking, and let Lu Li think for himself. He just gave advice, and it was Lu Lu who took the idea.

"咻 ~"

After half an hour, Chi Xier and Xiaobai were tired from playing below. Chi Xier also caught a few fishes and leapt up. Lu Li smiled and said, "Xi wants to eat fish? I'll cook for you!" "

Lu Li had done a lot of work before. He asked the deaf Taoist to find some wood, and quickly set it up. He also found some spices from the space ring, but only a few fragrant fish were grilled out in half an hour.

Xiaobai gave a disdainful glance, yelling at Lu Li, and Lu Li threw a few cloud crystals, Xiao Bai swallowed, and lay down in the cave to rest.

"Xiao Bai should become a beast!"

Lu Li Shennian inspected it, nodding his head slightly, Xiaobai's breath was no different from that of the beast, and I didn't know when it would take shape. The deaf Taoist is Warcraft, and can also change into an adult. The demons are said to be able to transform into humans. After the little white, they are the demons.

Chi Xier happily finished eating two fishes, and found Lu Li's brows contemplative. She cared and asked, "Brother, why don't you eat?"


Lu Li woke up, handed the fish to the deaf Taoist, looked at Chi Xier and said, "I'm not hungry and I don't eat much these years."

When you reach the realm of detachment, you can practice it casually, and the heaven and earth aura can be converted into the energy required by the body. There is no need to eat.

"Brother, do you have a mind?" Chi Xier sat smartly beside Lu Li, holding one hand with Lu Li's arm, and didn't mind touching his arm slightly.


Lu Li also did not hide from Chi Xier, and told the situation of the ancient devil and the ghost king's palace and Chi Xier again. For their current situation, it is unrealistic to find a common place for hidden cultivation, and they can only go to these two places.

Who knows if Yuqingtian will stop? What if Yuqingtian has been looking for someone secretly to follow them? Once they lock their specific positions and touch them quietly, it will be the end of Lu Li and Chi Xier.

So now either go to the Hall of Ghost Kings, or go to the dead of the ancient demon, neither of these two places Yu Qingtian can track. Even if the ancient devil's dead scouts entered, they would certainly die inside, let alone find Lu Li and Chi Xier.

After pondering for a long time, Chi Xier thought, tilting her head, she said, "Brother, let's go to the dead of the ancient demon. Xier doesn't want to grow up under your wings all his life. His father said that Xier is still smart and learns Soon, it ’s just a lack of actual combat. With you by my side, I can try to keep fighting and grow. "

After Chi Xi'er finished speaking, Xi Yiwang looked away and landed. Lu Li looked at her water-clear eyes, her heart warming slightly.

He was very clear that what Chi Xier was talking about was just excuses. Chi Xier really wanted to be with him and stay a little longer. She was afraid that she would be alone in Tianxiezhu.

Although Lu Xi was also in danger when he died in the tomb, Chi Xi'er was also included in the evil bead, but at least it was safe to meet Lu Lu. Once in the Ghost King's Hall, unless Lu Li comes out of it, Chi Xi'er will never see Lu Li.

Lu Li meditated ~ ~ After thinking about Ayaka for a long time, he nodded and said, "Let's go, let's go to the ancient devil."

Now back to the southwest of Youyan Land, it is easy to be exposed when flying across the void. Once he enters the Ghost King's Palace, Yu Qingtian knows that if Yu Qingtian grabs a supernatural power and forcibly drops it into the Ghost King's Palace, it is likely to touch the ban of the Ghost King's Palace. It led to the collapse of the Ghost King's Hall, and by then he would not know how to die inside.

Lu Li realized a "sword mark" in the Ghost King Gorge. This meaning requires many years of understanding. Maybe it is easier to go to the ancient demons to succeed?

There is another point, there are many ancient gods in the ancient demons. Lu Li is thinking about letting Xuelinger break the battle, which can improve the ability of banning the magic array. With blood spirits, the ancient devil should be less dangerous to Lu Li. Is n’t it possible for the Divine Realm to leave in the dead? As long as you do n’t encounter the divine supremacy, ordinary divine super powers are still unafraid.

"Brother, you are so good!"

Chi Xi'er smiled sweetly. In this world, she had nothing but Lu Lu. So she didn't care about anything, only she could stay with Lu Li.

(End of this chapter)

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