The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1495: Show you grandpa

There is a powerful skeleton hidden in Liusha Hanoi? And does this skeleton still seem to be wise? He wouldn't believe such a thrilling thing if he hadn't encountered him.

Skeletons have one from their own. This kind of thing is generally ridiculous, or human bodies and beasts are made by people using powerful mysteries. How can this kind of thing be wise?

The reason why the skeleton was wise was that Lu Li and the skull's eyes looked at each other, and Lu Li found the human feeling in his eyes. The eyes clearly told Lu Li that he deliberately let Lu Li Yima and save his life.

Xue Linger's tentacles are very long, and he has just explored a long distance, but nothing was found. With such a big skeleton, Xuelinger didn't have any sense. And it seemed like there were a lot of skeletal hands just now? Are there many skulls?

Thinking of a lot of powerful skeletons lurking under the Liusha River, Lu Li felt a shuddering feeling again. He was just too embarrassed. Fortunately, luck was good, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

What secret is hidden under the quicksand river? Is there any psychic in the skeleton? If there is a psychic skeleton, why should you let yourself go?

Many questions came to Lu Li's mind, he thought for a moment, then shook his head and left. Since you can't figure it out, and you can't go under the Liusha River to investigate, it doesn't make sense to investigate this. Looking back, if you encounter the Liusha River, be careful.

Moving on, there is still an endless desert in front. It is not so hot here, but the wind is much stronger. The yellow sand is flying and the visibility is much weaker.

Lu Li released the corpse, and at the same time released the deaf Taoist, but Chi Xier and Xiaobai did not release it. Avoid sudden entry into a place where Tianxie Zhu is suppressed, and there will be no way to take them in.

"Master, we should have passed the outer area."

The deaf Taoist reminded him that the meaning is obvious. After arriving here, the danger level will start to rise, and various prohibitions will become more and more. Of course, there may be treasure lands and treasures, all of which depend on luck.

Lu Li bowed his head slightly, and Shen Nian kept searching around, carrying the Tutudao in his hand, and two Thor's fury hidden in the sleeve of the other hand. There have been some situations before, the space ring can not be used, Lu Li had to guard.

After walking for an hour, the terrain ahead changed. No longer an endless desert, but turned into a Gobi, Lu Yuan looked far away and saw countless towering stone peaks at the end of the line of sight.

"There are problems with these peaks!"

Lu Li doesn't need to see clearly. Based on his research on the legal array for many years, he can see that Shi Feng is not right there. Either there is a magic array, or a lost array, or a sleepy array or a killing array.

Looking at both sides, it was found that Shi Feng was at the end of the sight on both the left and right sides, and Lu Li was too lazy to explore. Depending on the situation, if you want to move forward, you must cross these stone peaks.

"Go ~"

The prohibition of Lu Li was not afraid, but he secretly looked forward to it. He himself has a deep understanding of the Legal Array, and being able to see more of the Legal Array is a good learning opportunity for him. These legal arrays are all forbidden by ancient gods. Many have been lost to now.

Arriving beyond the stone peaks, Lu Li found that these stone peaks are very strange and strange in appearance. Some look like a tree, some look like a giant, and some look like a giant beast. There are mottled traces on all the stone peaks, recording the passage of time.

Lu Li didn't venture in and observed outside Shi Feng. Xue Linger also probed out the tentacles and penetrated into the ground. Half an hour later, Xue Linger said: "Master, there are lines under the stone peak, very complicated and complicated lines."


Lu Li's face was curious and his expression relaxed a lot. As long as there are lines, there is no pressure on Xuelinger, because Xuelinger's tentacles can be integrated into the lines, they can quietly change the lines, and then easily break through the lines.

He asked inquisitively: "What is the legal formation in this Shifeng? Sleepy or killing?"

"Every law circle has it!"

Xue Linger said for a moment of silence: "The large array here is magical, and the area inside has stored powerful energy. It should be that the stronger the person enters, the stronger the backlash that the endurance is. There is endless energy stored in the inner area. If all of it is released, I feel that ... the Supreme God may not be able to stand up. "


Lu Li moved slightly, Xuelinger never said panic, and his perception should not be wrong. It seems that this stone forest array is very powerful and can absorb energy accumulation automatically. Once a strong person rushes in and tries to break the battle with force, it is likely to suffer the backlash of the legal array and be bombarded directly.

"Master rest assured."

Xue Linger probed for a while and then rumored: "The master's surface strength can only be more powerful than that of the gods, and it will be weak when backed by the law. Also give me some time, I modify the formation, the master can easily pass . "

"it is good!"

Lu Lishen thought swept to the ground, but was isolated by a light energy shield, he could only stand and wait quietly. While chatting with the deaf Taoist, he informed the deaf Taoist about the situation in Shilin.

"This should be the Demon Stone Forest!"

The deaf Taoist thought for a while and explained: "It is said that this is a very scary place in the dead of the ancient demon. If you understand the French formation, it is easy to pass by. If you do not understand the legal formation, it is very difficult to pass through the brute force. If you want violence If you break the battlefield, you will often die very quickly. It is said that even the Supreme Supreme can bombard here! "


Lu Li was surprised, and asked curiously: "Deaf Taoist, why are you so familiar with ancient demons?"

"Because many people in my family have been here!"

The deaf Taoist explained: "My grandfather was still a hegemon in Demon Realm. After he sought to break through and entered here, he didn't come out again. My grandfather took a group of strong people to enter here to find his grandfather. The result was more than a thousand years later. Only my father came out ... My father informed me a lot about the situation here, and gave me two books, both about the situation inside the dead of ancient demons! "

"Master ~ ~ I'm guilty!"

The deaf Taoist suddenly knelt down on one knee, and said with some shame: "I told the owner that it was selfish to come to the death of the ancient demons, and I wanted to see if I could recover the remains of the grandfather and grandpa. When the time comes, he will bring them back to the realm. My father will be very happy. With my fighting force, he will surely die. The master ’s level of restraint is high, so ... ”


Lu Li's face sank and his murderous spirit surged. He lifted his leg against the deaf Taoist's head and kicked it fiercely. How powerful is Lu Li? He is now a hundred times stronger than before, kicking the deaf Taoist with blood on his face in a rage and rolling off his body.

"Master is angry!"

Lu Li was soaring, the deaf Taoist suddenly panicked. He did not hurt Lu Li's heart, but he did mean to borrow Lu Li's power at that time.

Lu Li didn't do anything after kicking. He looked coldly at the deaf Taoist who was kneeling on the ground and scratching his head. He said, "Everything must be truthfully told to me in the future. If there is next time, I will send you to see your grandpa!"

(End of this chapter)

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