The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1496: Followers arrive

Lu Li has always been very good to his opponents. Even Soul slaves treat him the same. He thinks that he is very good to the deaf Taoist. He has to let the Deaf Taoist leave many times, and even gave him a lot of spiritual training.

Didn't expect the deaf to use him?

What he hated most in his life was to threaten him, betray him, and deceive him. Although the deaf Taoist used him not to be completely betrayed, but also annoyed him.

Fortunately, this time the deaf Taoist did not encourage him when he accused the ancient devil of death, but just told the situation here objectively, what he said was basically true. Otherwise Lu Lu will never show mercy to his men and directly kill the deaf Taoist.

The deaf Taoist was scared. This is the first time Lu Li has soared in these years, like an angry beastmaster. This makes Deaf people think of Chaos Purgatory, when Lu Li was as terrible as it is now, making people fear.

"The owner is angry, angry, I was wrong ..."

The deaf Taoist kept scratching his head. Lu Li didn't look at him and turned to look at Shilin. The deaf Taoist didn't dare to talk nonsense. He could only bow to the ground, but Lu Li didn't say that he kept kneeling.

After kneeling for an hour, Xue Linger finally reacted. He sent a message to Lu Lidao: "Okay, master, I can almost figure it out. If there is no accident, I can guarantee that you can wear it easily. Pass this stone forest. "

"Okay!" Lu Li nodded slightly, Yu Guang glanced at the deaf and said, "Want to kneel here forever?"

After talking about Lu Li striding forward, the deaf Taoist hid his head three times and quickly followed, and the two of them entered a stone forest.

"Om ~"

After the two men and one dead body entered the stone forest, the stone peak outside shone a faint light, and then the two men and one dead body disappeared into the stone forest. From the outside, they could not be traced at all.


Three hours after Lu Li entered the stone forest, a flying whistling came from outside the ancient monster's death. After reaching the dead ground, Feiyu disappeared into the air, and Yu Qingtian shot down from the inside.

It's not that Yu Qingtian's flying cricket is particularly fast, nor is he very close, but Yu Qingtian went to find another demon tribe in a hurry, traveling with time and space, and arrived here in a few days. .

The ancient devil is very familiar with him. The more complicated the terrain is, the harder it is to find Lu Li and others. And he didn't dare to go in many places, or couldn't get in, so it took a lot of **** sources to ask the monsters to help.

Shenyuan doesn't make much sense to Yuqingtian, killing Lu Li is more important to him than anything. Not to mention that it only cost some **** sources, as long as he can kill Lu Li, it doesn't matter if he sends out his only holy character soldier. In the future, you can find ways to buy holy artifacts, and you can find ways to grab them. How can you mix them in Youyan after the face is gone?

When he arrived here, instead of walking inward immediately, he took out a wooden token and crushed it. He waited quietly in place, but a figure floated from a distance after half an hour. The man's body was translucent, his nose was a typical hawk-nosed, and he was a member of the Yuling tribe.

"See Lord Yufu!"

The people of the Yuling tribe kneel on one knee, Yu Qingtian waved his hand and asked, "Where is Lu Li now, can you detect?"

"do not know!"

The Yuling tribe's answer made Yu Qingtian very disappointed. The Yudai tribe paused and said, "But half a day ago, a tribe followed Lu to the Liusha River. The next tribe was found by Lu Li. Dare to continue chasing. At this moment Lu Li either crosses the Liusha River or is still before the Liusha River. "

"Quick sand river?"

Yu Qingtian's eyes lightened slightly. Liushahe knew that there was some distance from Liushahe, but it was not too far away. If he catches up and Lu Li hasn't crossed Liusha River yet, he will have great hope to catch up with Lu Li.

"This is the quicksand river!"

The Yuling people took out a map and circled it. Yu Qingtian's eyes were so cold that he took out a space and gave it to the Yuling people. After grabbing the map, he flew away.

"Thank you Lord Jade House!"

Youyu people swept away from the gods, and found that there were actually one hundred million gods in it. Yu Qingtian's body has drifted away, and a word came back: "Continue to help me find ways to search around. If I can find the exact location of Lu Li, I will give you 5 billion gods.

"it is good!"

The Yuling tribe became ecstatic, and drifted away in the distance, preparing to gather the tribe to start the arrangement. Yuqing Tian is too generous, even if no such thing is ordered by the clan king, they will be happy to help him find Lu Li, Yuqing Tian will remember this relationship ...

"Hey, Lu Li, right?"

The Yuling tribe flew over again, sneering and whispering, "Well, you can't leave. You actually ran to the dead of ancient demons. This place can come from a warrior of your level? A divine supreme chase, Even if you have bad luck, you won't escape in the end. "


Lu Li was in the stone forest at this moment. I didn't know that Yu Qingtian had followed him. Xue Linger had almost absolute confidence to break through the stone forest, so Lu Li came in very leisurely. He looked east and west, and did not rush to the road, but instead observed and studied the methods of prohibition and arrangement here.

After entering Shilin, Lu Li didn't find any special place or feel the crisis. The only feeling was that it was like a maze, and lost his direction almost immediately after entering.

There is a mystery in Shilin. This is well understood. Lu Li doesn't care about mystic. He cares about the killings inside. He wanted to see how to arrange the array here. After spending more than a few hours in it, he basically saw some seedlings.

The stone peaks here are strange, some like people, some like trees, some like strange beasts, all kinds. There are prohibitions in these stone peaks. If they are forcibly attacked, they will immediately cause a backlash.

This large array knows auto-sensing. The stronger the people come in, the higher the level of the large array will start, and the more horrible the counterattack power will be. Lu Li walked quietly with the deaf and did not touch any stone peaks, so the killings inside did not start.


After Lu Li wandered for another hour, he found some clues. He found that the angles of the arrangement of these stone peaks were very strange ~ ~ to start a whole body. If you attack any stone peak, you are attacking all the stone peaks, and you will make all the stone peaks come alive!

In other words-these stone peaks are not stone peaks, but 傀儡!

It's still a very powerful puppet. Once the whole battle is triggered, all puppets will come alive. These puppets are one, and any one puppet can mobilize all puppet powers, as well as the horrible energy accumulated in the pool below.


The more Lu Lu thought, the more frightened he was. The ancient **** forbidden was mysterious and infinite. It was much better than the law array arranged by Tian Lingzi and others. It even exceeded the restriction set by the ghost king.

In other words, in the ancient times, the ability of the demon emperor to arrange the forbidden law circle exceeded the master of the master craftsman and reached an incredible level ...

Although the corpse of the **** has been away from the landing, Xue Linger's tentacles have been pierced into the ground. At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice: "Master, I want to stay here for a while. This legal array is more powerful as I explore. Learned a lot in it! "

(End of this chapter)

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