"咻 ~"

In the midst of a trance, Lu Li felt like he was crossing a space-time tunnel. He felt that time seemed to be flowing backwards, and he felt that his body was floating, and it seemed that it would never end.

It was dark all around, and nothing was visible except the sound of the wind. He can't control his body, can't move, he can only be sucked and flew in, he doesn't know where the end point is, he doesn't know how long to float, and he doesn't know what will wait to meet him, will the end of the passage be Is hell?

He was inexplicably panic!

He was not afraid of encountering a crisis, was not afraid of death, and he was trapped in a panic. He could not return to the Nine Realms and was unable to rescue his family.

Thinking of the family members being killed one by one, thinking of the Eight Kingdoms allied forces swarming away from the Emperor's Realm to settle down, imagining the dead bodies in the mountains and mountains, Lu Li's inner panic became more and more inexplicable.

"Ah, ah ~"

He wanted to yell a few times, but he found that he couldn't even yell, and his mouth could not be opened completely. He could do nothing but float like a flat boat in the angry sea with the stormy waves.

He could only sink his heart and think about nothing, forcing himself to forget about the Emperor Realm, otherwise he would not be able to face the next crisis. If he died inside, what more could he say to rescue the people from the land of the emperor?

Gone with the wind, Lu Li waited a moment to simply retreat, who knows how long it will go? Anyway, he can't do anything right now, he might as well hurry up and practice.

He forcibly dispelled distractions, forcing himself into a state of mysterious spirit, and began to realize the "sword marks" killing moves, while he began to cultivate divine power.


When he practiced divine power, his body suddenly trembled, because he found that the speed of practice here was really scary. Even his power in the canyon of the Ghost King's Palace grew faster, more than ten times faster.

"what's the situation?"

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. He felt that the surrounding heaven and earth aura was not particularly strong. Why is the cultivation speed so fast here? This doesn't make sense.

At this moment, he feels a little stunned. Is he wrong? The surrounding heaven and earth are not only rich, they even feel very thin. How can the speed of practicing divine power be so fast?

He stared blankly around for a few moments. He simply stopped thinking and continued to practice with his eyes closed. If this is an illusion or a dream, then it is a dream. At least now he is practicing very fast, which is enough to comfort him.

Lu Li has a very good quality. He can calm down in a more dangerous situation. In this case, he can concentrate on cultivation, which is evident.

Cultivation also has a benefit, it can make people forget time, forget everything, and be completely silent in cultivation, so that there will not be panic and madness.

One day, ten days, one month!

Lu Li's eyes opened, he found that he was still floating in, and hadn't reached the bottom of the black hole in time and space.

Lu Li's spirit became choked again. Is he in a dream? Is he wrong? He is now attracted to fly very fast, almost ten times faster than his full speed. How could he not reach the bottom of the black hole in time and space for a month?

He imagined a possibility. Perhaps after he entered the black hole of time and space, he was in a coma. Everything he felt at the moment was actually a dream. The black hole of time and space forced a thought into his dream and made him feel wrong?

Or ...

He is now in an illusion, is he perceiving an illusion? In fact, he has already reached the bottom of the black hole in space-time, but it just forms a fantasy around him, making him feel that he is still flying?

True, false, false, imaginary, Lu Li's spirit feels a bit split, there is a feeling of going crazy.

He forced himself not to think too much. He entered the state of mysterious spirits and continued to practice, but how long would he have to fly? Is it impossible to fly forever?

The only consolation for Lu Xunling is that he practiced fast here, not just divine practice. In the mysterious realm, his thinking became extremely clear, and the rules around him became extremely thorough.

He realized the four true meanings in the "Sword Mark" killing move, and he felt very well. The second true meaning was almost felt, and it was a big difference. The other two sincerity ideas have been introduced for a long time, and it is a matter of time to see the great achievement.

Langzhong, Lu Li didn't know how long it had been, maybe half a year, maybe a year. He opened his eyes blankly, and found that his body was still drifting away quickly. His body couldn't move at all, and he couldn't even open his mouth and roar hard.

"One year?"

Lu Li murmured in his heart, his eyes darkened. If the time really passed by a year, then the emperor's realm would have become hell, and it would be meaningless for him to calculate the space-time black hole now.

One divine supreme, two divine super powers!

Not to mention a strong man of this level, even if he goes to three ordinary gods casually, he can easily control the strong in the lower realm, and gather the power of the eight realms to attack the royal realm. Can the Lu family resist?

Even if the Lu family has a divine city, it is only a low-level artifact, which is indestructible to mortals ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not fart for the strong gods. The three Luo Luo could not enter the realm of the emperor, but they could grant mortal artifacts, and give the remaining eight powerful men some superb soldiers. I ’m afraid they can easily split the city.

Human fear often comes from not knowing the unknown!

Lu Li didn't know what was happening to the Emperor's Realm at the moment. I didn't know what happened to the law enforcement elders, Lu Zhengyang, Lu Renhuang, Bai Qiuxue, Jiang Qiling, Bai Xiashuang and others.

That's why he becomes more and more afraid. He can't accept the tragedy of all people being killed, and can't imagine the danger that everyone will encounter. Therefore, he will be upset, irritable, and afraid ...

"No, I'm going crazy this way!"

Lu Li's face became distorted, his eyes became red, and his breathing became short. He can't move yet. This situation can easily drive people crazy, easily lead to mental breakdown, and make people crazy.

"Calm, calm, maybe it's not that bad?"

Lu Li himself comforted himself, and he tried to think in a good way. In this way he will not be so panic, not so scared, and will not drive himself crazy.


He suddenly remembered one thing. There seemed to be several types of space-time black holes. One type of space-time black holes had a particularly slow time flow rate. They spent 10,000 years inside and only one year passed outside.

If this is the case of the space-time black hole at this moment, then maybe he stayed inside for thousands of years and only one month passed outside?


Lu Li comforted himself. He had no other hope than that.

Because no one knows how fast this space-time black hole is flowing. In case he has been in it for a hundred years, but it has passed 100,000 years outside? By the time he went out, things had changed.

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