The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1567: Sword Mark Killing

Gone with the wind!

Lu Li is like a meteor, constantly flying in the void, never ending, maybe wait for all the energy to burn and turn to ashes.

A person travels in a dark place, can't see anything, can't hear anything, he can't move, I don't know where the ultimate goal will be ...

This feeling is very frustrating. If Lu Li is not strong in mental endurance, I am afraid it would have collapsed at this moment.

The most unbearable thing is that the shuttle in the black hole of time and space will give people a feeling of being unable to distinguish between real and illusory. This feeling is the most uncomfortable and the easiest to drive people crazy.

"How many years have passed? Five years, or ten years? Is the emperor's kingdom still alive? Grandpa, grandpa, father, Linger, Qiu Xue, Xia Shuang are they still alive?"

Lu Li woke up again in retreat, and the whole person's mental state became worse, because he found that he was still floating.

He felt that he had been floating for at least a few years. If it had really been a few years, then the royal kingdom would be completely over.

He has become less passionate in cultivation and the whole person has become muddy. He is not a saint. He cannot be strong all the time. He will also be sad, lost, confused, helpless ...

His depressed emotion some time ago broke out recently. He didn't want to do anything. His mood became extremely pessimistic and extremely sad. He started to think wildly, his spirit was beginning to show signs of collapse. If it continues, he is likely to become mad and even die.

At that time he will become a dry corpse, floating in the black hole of time and space for a long time ...

As the world went on, Lu Li's expression became more and more ugly, the pupils in his eyes became diffuse, his spirit gradually became weak, and became extremely dangerous.

Five days, ten days!

Lu Li's face became squinted, his eyes began to turn red, getting redder. A deep roar continued in his throat, like a bound beast trying to break the chains.

"嗷嗷 ~"

He kept roaring and struggling, and his heart was full of suffocation and killing. He was anxious to tear all the nearby creatures. He wanted to destroy everything nearby and break the void.

Lu Li has reached the most dangerous stage. He has lost his mind. If he continues, he will become a lunatic. The normal thinking in the mind will be occupied by radon, and you will completely lose yourself.

"Om ~"

At this moment, the dragon soul in Lu Li's mind suddenly lighted up, then a soft light enveloped the whole soul, and a pure energy entered Lu Li's soul.

Like a thirsty person, drink a drop of Ganquan!

Lu Li's entire soul was resurrected, and the suffocation and negative emotions in his mind gradually disappeared and were gradually purified. The red light in his eyes slowly disappeared, and the haggard color on his face gradually calmed down.

After a moment of incense, Lu Ji opened his eyes again, and his eyes became extraordinarily calm and calm. It can even be said that calmness is scary, calmness is like a beast.

He stared at the dark void, did nothing, and looked at the whole hour like this, he closed his eyes and continued to practice.

He figured out a lot of things, whether or not something happened to the Emperor Realm, no matter how many years had passed. At least he can't get out now, can't move, nothing can be done. He can only cultivate, he can only become stronger, and he can only be strong enough to get out of this space-time black hole.

If you go out, the emperor's realm has been destroyed and everyone has been killed. Then he is going to take revenge for the dead, and chase down Luo Luo and others to death. This is what he should do.

Sadness doesn't make any sense. Depression can't change any situation. Only when you become strong can you do what you want to do.

After thinking about things, Lu Li entered the state of mysterious spirit, this time into a deep retreat, he didn't want anything, just wanted to see the sword marks and kill tricks.

He only had two thoughts in his heart, and that was to realize the sword mark killing, become stronger, and then escape from the black hole of time and space.

He was completely silent in cultivation, and the breath in his body became extremely weak. He seemed to have turned into a stone, a meteor flew towards the distance, to an unknown end, or to an end where there would never be an end ...


Ten years, thirty years, forty-six years!

In Lu Li perception, he should have been in the space-time black hole for forty-six years, and there may be deviations or misperceptions.

Today, his eyes opened, and his eyes were full of spirits. Because the sword marks killed him, he finally realized, and he realized all four kinds of true meanings, and they also merged.

He has a very strong self-confidence. If he can move at this moment, he will definitely release the ghost sword's "sword mark" killing trick and possess 70% of the power of the ghost king's trick.

Because after so many years of cultivation, his **** pan became golden, and the divine power inside was very strong. According to calculations, he should be super powerful in divine power.

The only pity is that his soul is still weaker, because he can't move and cannot refine the soul tonic.

In the past few years, when the divine power was cultivated, the soul automatically grew. Although the growth rate was still okay, it was definitely worse than the super power of the **** world.

The sword mark killing is very powerful, and the specific power is unknown, but it should be no difficulty to kill the general superpower of the **** world. However, it seems that it is not very useful for Lu Li's current situation, because he finds that he is still floating inside ...

"At this time, there seems to be no end to the black hole in time and space. If I don't want a way, I will float in it for thousands of years, millions of years, or even forever ..."

Lu Li had been participating in Wu Jian's killing moves before, so he didn't have time to think about it. Now that the sword mark kills Dacheng, he will finally have time to think about the black hole of time and space.

He always had a wrong view ~ ~ I thought that the black hole of time and space would take him to a mysterious place. He flew and flew to the end.

It is only now discovered that this space-time black hole, perhaps a space-time tunnel, will never have an end. Once the people are trapped inside, they will always be restrained, and they will always fly in and out ...

"so amazing!"

Lu Li secretly sighed, because at the current speed, if he flies for decades, he may be able to fly back and forth dozens of laps around the world of God. How could this space-time tunnel be so long?

"Is there a natural illusion in it? Actually, I haven't moved forward. I've always been there, but I just feel that I'm moving forward?"

Lu Li thought of a possibility in his mind, he thought for a moment and transmitted the sound to Xuelinger. Ask Xuelinger to explore the surrounding space to see if there is a restraint?


The space ring in Lu Li's hand lightened slightly, and a blood-red tentacle came out and looked around. Blood Linger was a spirit body, and no entity was not bound by the power here.

Its tentacles continued to extend into the distance, probed in all directions, and extended out hundreds of miles before it slowly retracted back.

"Master, there are no ban fluctuations nearby!"

Xuelinger confessed: "There is nothing but the void nearby, nothing, no lines, nothing without eyes, there should be no law ban!"


Lu Li blinked, and some couldn't figure it out. If there was no prohibition, how could a black hole in time be so long? This doesn't make sense logically.

"Time and space? Time and space? Wrong--"

Lu Li's heart suddenly moved, but here is a space-time black hole. The rules of time and space here are different from those of the outside. Perhaps the problem lies here!

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