The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1590: Refining

The Dragon Soul called before, but he couldn't command at all. The Dragon Soul would take the initiative to protect the Lord only when the soul was attacked. Therefore, Lu Liji Zhongsheng Zhi thought of a way to let Xuelinger attack the soul.

"咻 ~"

Xue Ling'er pierced out of the space ring instantly, pierced into Lu Li's mind like lightning, and then began to attack Lu Li's soul.

"Om ~"

The Silver Dragon Imprint outside Lu Li's soul appeared for the first time, lighting up the silver light, walking away from the soul. Blood Linger quickly retreated, and it was very clear how powerful this dragon soul was. If it was allowed to attack it, it was afraid it would be swallowed by the dragon soul.

The Dragon Soul walks inside Lu Li's soul, and at this moment the Void Worm has poured into hundreds of thousands and entered Lu Li's head. How big can Lu Li's head be? How can so many Netherworms fit? Naturally, there will be Netherworms coming towards the soul body.

"嗷 ~"

Lu Li seemed to hear a silent roar, and then Dragon Soul released a brighter light, whistling towards those Nether Worms. Lu Li was tense as a whole. If Dragon Soul could not suppress these bugs, he would be dead.

"Om ~"

The Dragon Soul exudes silver light, and walks in Lu Li's mind, what Lu Li can't understand is that Dragon Soul did not devour these bugs, but whistled past them.

"not good!"

Lu Li's screaming is not good, do those worms become entities, and Dragon Soul cannot devour them? Dragon soul is an incorporeal body that seems to be able to devour it? And these bugs can become solid, so these bugs are so difficult to kill.


Lu Li felt a sudden shock in his heart, and he found a problem. There were too many bugs in his mind. If those bugs became solid, his mind would not be crowded?

"Well, the bugs don't move?"

Lu Li quickly discovered another problem. Wherever the dragon soul swims past, the bugs are not moving, and they stay in place.


Lu Xizhong was happy, but he was not completely relieved. He watched nervously, the dragon soul quickly turned around in his mind, and all the insects that came into his mind were motionless.

There are still bugs coming to Lu Li's head. Fortunately, it is a virtual body, otherwise Lu Li's head will definitely burst. The Dragon Soul continued to swim, and the insects that came in after the Dragon Soul swept away remained honest, and no one dared to move.

After a scent of incense, all the bugs entered Lu Li's mind, and they seemed to be suppressed by Dragon Soul? Lu Li Shennian glanced a little and determined that there were no bugs in his body, he became even more nervous.

Dragon soul does not know how long it can suppress? If so many worms move, his head will be eaten instantly. At that time, he will become a headless body like the corpse ...


Lu Li found that Dragon Soul suddenly stopped, returned to the soul, and then went silent. Lu Li was so scared that his soul was almost out of touch, and the dragon soul was silent. In case the bug was not suppressed, could his head be gone for a moment?

"Not moving?"

Lu Li quickly rejoiced that the bugs hadn't moved, and it was all right after a long time.

Lu Li waited for a moment and suddenly a mental connection appeared in his mind, and he felt a little inexplicable.

"Uh ... this is the Nether Worm?"

Lu Li found that he had a spiritual connection with a Void Worm, which was even more baffling. Why was there a spiritual connection with a bug? How could he have a spiritual connection with the bug? Didn't he refine the bug?

"Is it Dragon Soul?"

There was a thought in Lu Li's mind, and there was no other explanation than this. Since Dragon Soul can suppress Netherworms, refining Netherworms can also theoretically do it. Dragon soul has a spiritual connection with him. Refining Nether Worm with Dragon Soul is equivalent to him refining.

But why is there only one worm in a spiritual connection? Is it ... this worm is the mother worm? The rest of the bugs are split from this bug?

Lu Li moved inside and controlled the worm to fly into the body. The worm quickly penetrated into the lower abdomen, and all the worms moved when it moved!

"It really is the mother bug!"

Lu Li felt a shock in his heart, and his face was hilarious. This one is really the mother worm, it splits into two worms, two into four, four into eight ... It is equal to all the void worms, and all worms obey its orders.

"come out!"

Lu Li ordered the mother worm, and the worm immediately flew out of Lu Li's body. Then all the worms followed and flew into the air.

"it is good!"

Lu Li's body flew out of the water tank, looking at the translucent bug in midair with great joy. "These worms have now become entities, all of which are only the size of rice grains. They look like a big ant and have nothing to show off.

"Woohoo ~"

Lu Li panted, and he finally came out of the dead gate, and the Void Worry that had troubled him for so long was finally broken.

"Dragon soul, dragon soul, why don't you start refining the Nether Worm earlier?"

Lu Li secretly felt a little depressed. If Dragon Soul could refining the Nether Worm, he would not use it for Green Valley, and he would not have to bear this pain, and would not leave any sequelae in the future.


It seems that Dragon Soul cannot be refined before? Can only be swallowed? Has the dragon soul evolved? Evolved after devouring the energy within the strange poison for six months? Can this refine Netherworm?

Lu Li doesn't know ~ ~ Anyway, the situation has become like this, he can't help but think too much.

"Om ~"

The gate restraint suddenly lighted, and it was clear that the Lugushan people were coming in. Lu Li quickly took out the Celestial Pearl, and collected all the Nether Worm.

When Lu Li collected the Nether Worm, the door opened, and the Lugushan came in. He saw Lu Li outside the water tank, and asked erroneously: "Why did you come out? Is there something wrong?"

Lu Li groaned for a moment, arching, "Thanks to the mountain people, all the Void Worms have been broken!"


The Lugushan people are a little bit confused, because according to his expectation, it will take at least a month or two for the Void Worm to die slowly, and the Void Worm will not die all at once, but will die in batches. How can all be dead at once?

He glanced suspiciously for a few glances, but did not detect the thoughts, but just asked, "Are you sure?"


Lu Li nodded, without explaining the reason, because it involved the secret of Dragon Soul, and ... Now Void Worm was subdued by him, this is one of his secret weapons, he didn't want to be exposed.

"That's good!"

Lvgushan smiled, did not continue to question, but nodded: "Then you can nurse in the valley for half a month. Although your body will not have any problems at present, it will gradually weaken and you will become more and more afraid of cold. You need to go your own way in the future, I can't help you! "

"The mountain people have helped me a lot, you saved my life!"

Lu Li bowed his thanks and said solemnly, "The mountain people are assured, I will start planning after I go out, and I will kill Zuo Qiuyan."

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