The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1591: Agave Leaf

After living in Lugu for half a month, Lugushan people helped Lu Li to nourish his body and used a lot of elixir to nourish Lu Li. But Lu Li didn't feel his body getting stronger, instead he felt his body became weak.

The situation described by the Lugushan people appeared, and Lu Li felt a little bit frail, and he was afraid of cold. At this moment, it was San Futian, but Lu Li felt somehow cold ...

His face also became a little pale, with much less blood, like a scholar who had recovered from a serious illness. However, Lu Li's physical foundation is still there, which has no effect on his combat effectiveness.

He disguised himself, put on a thick robe, disguised as a bearded man, and left Green Valley. After leaving Green Valley, he teleported towards Shenjian Mountain all the way, he was very worried about Chi Xi'er.

On the way, he can find that many cities have scouts, not only from the artisans, but also scouts of various major forces, but how can these low-level scouts see his identity?

He teleported all the way, and the route of the teleportation constantly changed. He would rather teleport a few more times, and also modified a few times, changed a few appearances, which would be more secure.

After arriving at the Rising Sun Palace, Lu Li did not teleport, but sneaked away, and quietly went up to the Excalibur Mountain.

The moment he entered the castle, Xi Xier, who was notified, immediately ran and cried.

"Lu Li, take a rest first."

The Emperor Dou Tian smiled and retreated. Now that Lu Li can come back, it means that he has broken through the Void Worm, and other matters will be discussed later.

Lu Li comforted Chi Xier for half an hour before calming down, and promised to take Chi Xier to the next actions, and the latter showed a sweet smile.

"Brother, why do you wear so much? Aren't you hot?"

Seeing that Lu Li was wearing a thick robe, he did not look well, but Chi Xier was a little confused. Not to mention Lu Li, even ordinary gods, afraid of cold and heat? Lu Li seems to be a little afraid of cold?

"It's all right!"

Lu Li smiled lightly: "I was poisoned before, and I just detoxified a while ago. Now the poison has all been resolved, but there are some sequelae, and some are afraid of coldness and weakness, so it ’s good to keep for a while.


Chi Xi'er thought alone, and didn't think too much, she also knew that Lu Li would not return to see her if he did not detoxify.

"Sit down first. I'll talk to the emperor."

Lu Li kissed Chi Xier's red lips and walked outside, chatting with the Emperor Dou Tian, ​​saying that the Lugushan people helped him detoxify, but some sequelae, and some were afraid of coldness.

The Void Worm is the most terrifying. As for the sequelae, the Emperor Dou Tian did not think too much. After all, there are too many treasures in this world. Lu Li's breath has reached the super power of the **** world. How powerful is the physical body? So the Emperor Dou Tian didn't care.

After staying in Shenjian Mountain for a few days, Lu Li contacted the Emperor Doujin and the Emperor Realm again, reassuring the law enforcement elder Jiang Qiling Bai Qiuxue and others. And he vaguely told the law enforcement elders and others that he had cracked the Void Worm.

The Emperor Lu Ren was not there. He took the army to attack the Eight Realms, and had successfully hit six interfaces. There was no problem in unifying all the interfaces. In a year at most, the mortal world below will become the Lu family.

Lu Li reassured everyone, and he would contact them every once in a while. Jiang Qiling Bai Qiu Xue Bai Xia Shuang only felt relieved after hearing about it.

After doing all this, Lu Li took Chi Xi'er away and could not always live in Shenjian Mountain. If the identity leaks, it will bring devastating disaster to Shenjian Sect.

He took Chi Xi'er to Mount Weidi and planned to take Xiaobai away. Xiaobai is also not assured here. In case of being arrested and killed, Lu Li will feel guilty for life.

He entered Weidi Mountain with ease, and Lu Lishennian swept towards the mountain, and his eyes soon showed surprise, because he did not see Xiaobai in the mountain.

A large hole appeared in the mountain. This mountain has been eaten by Xiaobai for a little while, but there is no trace of Xiaobai inside.

"What's wrong? Brother?" Chi Xi'er asked with concern when he saw a shocked expression in Lu Li's eyes.

"Xiaobai is gone!"

With a touch of urgency, Lu Li's tone led Chi Xi'er to the mountain with one hand, and the divine thought kept glancing, but no trace of Xiaobai was found.

"The ban didn't move. Did Xiaobai run out by himself?"

Lu Li found that the restraints he arranged were all there. There were no signs of the magic array in the cave being broken, and the one-way teleport array he arranged was also there.


He took Chi Xi'er around and looked for Xiaobai's trail. He also released Xuelinger.

But after looking for a full half month, I almost turned over Mount Weidi, and I couldn't find Xiaobai.

"Where did the kid go? Was he taken away? Or was he running away and running away?"

Lu Li's heart was burning, Xiao Bai's combat power was too weak and too weak, even if the swallowing of the red-red stone combat power increased a little, it would at most be the army combat power? There are so many warrior gods in this level ...

"咻 ~"

Lu Li decisively descended the mountain, went to the Blood Blade Hall in the Rising Sun City, and he met a person who surprised him, Elder Xilai.

"Lu Gongzi, you have been waiting here for a long time."

Xilai gave a bitter grin and said, "Where has the son gone during this time? We can't find him in Blood Blade Hall."

"Something went wrong, and I found a place to repair." Lu Li explained casually, and asked, "Elder Xilai, is there something wrong with me?"

"The chief lord asked me to pass on a word to you!"

Xilai told Lu Li the words of Pan Yuqin ~ ~ Let Lu Li attack no more than thirty sub-sects, otherwise no one can save Lu sub.

Lu Li didn't understand. He frowned and asked, "Hidden power? What other hidden powers can the Master Sect kill me in an instant? If they have this ability, why not use it now?"

"I don't know exactly!"

Xilai shook his head and said, "I only know one thing-the killing of the emperor that year was in the top ten. He was not killed in the Jedi, but was secretly killed by Time and Space!"


This is the first time Lu Li has heard of it. He frowned, and his morbid complexion became paler.

He nodded slightly, but said nothing else, but said another thing: "Thank you Elder Xilai, Lu wants to ask the elder Xilai to help two things, I will make Blood Blade Hall happy with this reward. "

"Stop paying!"

Elder Xilai waved his hand and said, "Let's talk first, I will do my best if I can."

"First, I lost a spirit pet. This spirit pet is very important to me!"

Lu Li took out a portrait, which was exactly Xiao Bai's portrait. He explained it, and asked Blood Blade Hall to search nearby and pay attention.

This kind of thing is a trivial matter for Bloodblade Church, but if you can't find Xilai, you can't guarantee it, you can only say that you try to find it.

Lu Li took another picture and handed it to Xilai: "This is a holy medicine, it is called dragon tongue leaf. This is a picture of this holy medicine."

Xilai glanced at it and handed the picture to Lu Lidao: "No need to give me the picture, the agave leaves are famous, and it is one of the most precious holy medicine to enhance and nourish the flesh. This holy medicine ... is almost impossible to obtain, because it is currently known There is only the Temple of Life and Death. "

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