The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1617: Overcast

Hundreds of millions of human races and more than 100 million demon army gathered in the sea of ​​demons.

On one side is the invasion, the will to win. The other side is a guard. If it is captured, hundreds of millions of people in the realm of God will be enslaved, so there is no retreat on this side, only death fighting.

The three armies on the other side of the Devil Army were not too far apart, echoing each other and becoming a horn. Like three sharp knives, they came straight to the side. The targets were the three big islands in Xingyue, Xingyue Island, Qingkong Island, and Huangquan Island.

The Demon Army marches quickly, and they also have scouts, and the scouts on the human side begin to kill. Some demons were slain by human scouts, and some demons were demonized by demons.

The Xingyue Island Master and others all backed off. They all knew that by virtue of their inability to stop the Demon Army, they came back and dispatched with the Army to play a greater role.

The Terran Army was not dispatched here, but instead they built law formations in the four major islands, and they were formed by the powerful mages of the Master Craftsman Sect.

The master craftsman Zonglian is the best in the world, and it must be very strong for the Fa Zhen.

In fact, the strongest aspect of the entire divine circle is the God Craftsman Sect. The powerful law formations were almost arranged by the master craftsman ancestors. Because the God Carpenter once spoke, this city cannot be broken in a short time even if it gathers all the powerful people in the **** world.

The purpose of the formation is not to defend, but to kill demons. So many demonic forces can't be prevented by defense. Divine realm is vast and boundless. Can it prevent four islands and the demon from invading it?

This time the cloth formation was created by the ancestors of the artisan ancestors to kill the demons. It is called the town demon formation. The demon's combat power will be weakened during the formation, which is more conducive to human killing.

Half a month!

The demon army has arrived near three islands. Although the demon army can bypass four islands and detour to the **** realm, the demon commander did not do so. There must be a line of defense over the Divine Realm. If they go around and attack the Divine Realm, they will suffer enemies in the abdomen, and it will be easy for the entire army to be overwhelmed.

The demon's intelligence is not lower than that of the human race. They are very clear that if they want to break into the realm of God, they must first defeat the human army in the sea of ​​demons. You must fight firmly to win the **** world.

A million miles east of Xingyue Island, there is a small island here. It was originally inhabited, but it was evacuated long ago. The demon army in the middle arrived here, then camped here, and did not attack immediately.

The same is true of the other two armies. The three armies of the Demon Clan are separated by tens of thousands of miles. If they come at full speed, it will take only a few hours. The three armies have found some small island groups and stationed them. There is no intention of attack.

The front of the Terran side has been set up, but there is no offensive on the side of the Demon Army, the Terran Army is not easy to move, otherwise the layout of the large array is useless.

The Terran Army can only wait patiently, because the Demon Army has already camped there, and it is shrouded in demonic breath. If the Terran Army took the liberty to attack the Demon Camp, many Terran Sergeants would be demonized.

The four super-god forces give out various rewards, promising to kill the devil to reward the **** source, and the rewards of the demons at different levels are different. If you can kill the Ten Winged Demon, you will get the rewards of the four super-god forces, one trillion **** sources!

The ten-winged demon is the highest peak in the devil world. It is estimated that the combat power is comparable to the top ten in the **** list. Who has the ability to kill? If you can kill the strong of the Ten Winged Demon, it is estimated that it does not care about the source of God.

Despite this, the morale of the Terran Army was still strong.

The purpose of killing demons is to protect the human race and to protect their own family. Is there still a source of God? Many sergeants sharpened their swords and looked forward to the war.

Three days later, the Demon Army launched an attack at the same time, but none of them sent any troops, but sent several small troops separately. Each unit numbered in the tens of thousands and began to attack small islands near the three major islands.

The Divine Realm is actively fighting.

Over 100,000 people were sent here on the three major islands, and the two sides began to warm up. This war did not last long, but only a few hours after the war began, both sides withdrew their troops.

The devil world has not invaded the **** world for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is not familiar with the fighting mode of the warriors of the **** world. The same human race is not familiar with the demon's fighting methods. Both sides are testing and are familiar with each other.

In this battle, only a few hundred human races were demonized by the demon breath.

In this situation, there are not many strong men fighting on the demon side, and on the other hand, the sergeant of the human race has been given the elixir, Yu Mo Dan, distributed by the Hall of Life and Death.

This elixir was developed by the strongmen of the Hall of Life and Death long ago, and it is for the professional restraint of the devil. This elixir cannot completely resist the attack of the demon breath, but it still has a certain effect.

After half a day, the Demon Army was dispatched again, and it was also a small unit, but the number of troops increased, and the three large troops sent dozens of small units to attack. The same did not attack the large islands, all attacked the small islands.

The Terran side also sent a small unit of troops to fight, and it was out of battle ~ ~ to let the tribal soldiers be familiar with the devil's attack methods, and they would not know how to deal with the devil.

The devil's method is actually very simple. First, the devil's breath, and second, the physical defense is strong and fast. The third is that some demons possess the technique of reclusiveness, and can sneak attack without interest.

Another point is that the blood of the devil is toxic. If the demon is injured, if he does not immediately retreat from the wound, the devil will release his blood to invade. There is a demon's origin in the blood of the devil, which makes it easier to be demonized ...

In a few days, the Devil's Army attacked hundreds of times, and both sides were killed or wounded, adding up to more than one million. There are also many human races being demonized, but once they are demonized, the human race will immediately kill him by wielding a butcher knife.

This is the death order under the four super-god forces.

Even if it is your own brother, as long as you are demonized, you must kill him immediately. Otherwise, not only you will die, many people will be affected and die ...

Be demonized, then it is not human, it is the messenger of the demon, the slave of the demon. Since it is the enemy, there is nothing to say, just kill him directly.

In a few days, the Terran Army took turns out of battle and watched the battle, which was basically about the demons. Many people's internal fears have disappeared. The devil is just a strange monster, which is essentially no different from the beast and the monster of Warcraft.

They also have hands and feet. They will bleed when they are injured, and they will die if their heads are cut off. So why should you be afraid, why should you be afraid?

The twelfth day!

The demon army finally launched a great war. Perhaps ... the demon is familiar with the human race's fighting mode and began to start a full-scale war.

The three demon armies did not attack the three islands, but the other two armies gathered towards Xingyue Island and set up a battle to fight the human race on Xingyue Island.

The wind blows, the battle drums swell, and the battle is about to start!

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