The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1618: Angel devil

"Ah, ah, ah--"

The war between the gods and the demon army is about to begin, but Lu Li is still tortured by the demon breath. Fortunately, he found an uninhabited island, otherwise he would surely be seen by outsiders.

The island has become a mess, all the wild beasts were torn by his bare hands, and even the flowers and trees on the island were destroyed. Many hills on the island were smashed, there were potholes everywhere, and several bottomless cracks were irrigated by sea water ...

At the moment Lu Li was in the middle of a pile of gravel, bending his body, arching his back, his eyes bloody, except that his whole body was covered with black scales, which looked just like a demon.

The breath that pervaded him was evil, cold, bloodthirsty, irritable, ferocious, and so on, and he looked like a crazy monster.

He was attacked by the demon breath all over him, leaving only his soul untouched. The reason why the soul can not be attacked is because of the guardianship of the dragon soul.

Despite the guardianship of the Dragon Soul, the demon breath continues to affect his soul. He becomes irritable, bloodthirsty, ferocious, evil, and unlike the normal human, all the negatives in his soul Emotions broke out.

There is an angel and a devil in everyone's body.

Everyone will have the good side of kindness, purity, love, tolerance, modesty and so on. There will also be bad aspects of arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, lust, lust, and overeating.

Once a person is born, it is a blank piece of paper. If bad habits are learned in elementary school, that bad thing will occupy the soul of the person, and the person will become a bad person. If he had been well educated since childhood, a good character occupied the soul, he would become a good person.

But bad people are not without good genes, nor are good people without bad genes.

It's just that the bad things of good people are suppressed, and the good genes are suppressed. Once he wants to do bad things, good genes tell him that he can't do it ...

This is the case with Lu Li. He is not a good person, but many negative and evil thoughts have been suppressed. He is still principled, and he will not violate principles and the bottom line.

At this moment, the reason why Lu Li becomes like this.

It is because the bad genes hidden in the soul are released indefinitely, occupying and dominating his soul, that is to say-now he is not the same as he was, he has become another him, the other is bad "Lu Lu".

The most terrifying part of the devil's breath is not that he will attack the soul of the warrior, but quietly mobilize the negative emotions in the soul of the warrior, let the warrior himself become a demon, and eventually lose himself completely.

If a person is completely controlled by emotions such as killing, bloodthirsty, irritability, sexual desire, evil, etc., is such a person still human?

What is the difference from a demon?

This is the case at Lu Li at the moment. The demon breath cannot demonize his soul, but the negative emotions are quietly affecting his soul. If he can't persist, he will eventually lose himself, become mad, or sink completely.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Lu Li growled like a beast. He already killed very heavy people. How many people have he slaughtered in these years? He had all the killing genes in his bones, and he was completely ignited at this moment. There is an endless desire to kill in my heart, and I want to kill all beings and destroy the entire world!

Had it not been for Lu Li ’s strong willpower, I was afraid he would have been enchanted at this moment. If it is completely affected by external forces, Lu Li can still resist. Now another evil and negative thought in his soul is also fighting for control of his soul, which makes him unable to suppress it.

This is like starting a war between two forces. One force was originally weak. During the war, this force also had internal and internal disturbances. It can be imagined that the war was fierce ...

"Ah! Ah--"

After half an hour again, Lu Li finally couldn't control it, he made a few roaring sounds like wild beasts, and then rushed out violently while carrying the slaughter knife.

After he rushed out of the island, his body suddenly reversed, and his backhand slashed sharply at the small island.

"Hey ~"

A terrible sword appeared, and it suddenly banged on the island. This small island was full of scars. This time, it couldn't stand it completely. It shook violently several times and sank to the bottom of the sea ...

The sea rolled and splashed, and the surrounding beasts escaped in horror.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Lu Li kept yelling, snow-white hair had been reddish more than half with blood. He waved the slaughter sword and kept slicing towards the sea. Every sea beast was slaughtered, and the bodies of many sea beasts soon floated on the sea ...

Lu Lidao was not completely crazy, and he did not rush to the bottom of the sea to slaughter. There is a powerful existence under this deep sea, and it may die once encountering the Divine Supreme.

Lu Li walked on the waves and did not know the direction. He rushed all the way, all the beasts that were disturbed were slaughtered, and the sea was stained with blood.

After running for half an hour, Lu Li didn't know how many sea beasts had been slaughtered, but the violent and killing in his heart could not be calmed down, but it became more and more intense.


An island suddenly appeared in front of me. Lu Lishennian swept away and found that there is a tribe on the island, all of which are low-level deities. The strongest is only three divine powers ~ ~ with a number of two or three thousand people.

"嗷 ~"

Lu Li Yangtian roared, a blood-stained white hair flew in the air, and his body began to shake violently.

He is trying to suppress the desire for killing in his heart ~ he knows that if he can't control it, then thousands of people will be slaughtered by him, one is left!

"Can't, can't kill, once I kill these thousands of people, I will be completely mad, I will become a real demon. I will become a killing lunatic, so I would rather die!"

"Kill, kill, kill, kill them all, tear them apart. Only by killing everyone, you can redeem, you can live, you can live forever!"

Lu Li's mind alternated between the two thoughts, his body shivered even more, and he kept roaring to the sky. The seawater around him was stirred up by his roar, and his violent and horrible breath spread out, scaring all the sea beasts in the surrounding waters and fleeing wildly ...


The people of the tribe over the island were alarmed, hundreds of sergeants flew out, and the guards locked and landed. Everyone had weapons in their hands, and the cold thorns on the weapons narrowed their eyes.


This group of people inspired Lu Li's violent killing intentions. His eyes had recovered a trace of clarity, and now he became completely red. He snarled away like a furious lion, and without releasing any powerful attacks, rushed to the crowd with a slaughter knife.

"Kill this demon!"

One of those hundreds of people shouted with great power, and hundreds of people rushed without fear of death. They knew that the monsters in front of them were strong, but they did not retreat because behind them was the entire tribe.

The blade of light flickered, flesh flew!

Lu Li's combat power is too tough. Can these ordinary gods fight? Soon it turned into hell, and blood stained the sea ...

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