The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1620: Defeated

Lu Li is indeed crying, not because of the wind, but because of guilt and blame!

Seeing the child's pure eyes without any trace of impurities, all the negative emotions in his mind disappeared at that moment. His mind became absolutely sober, and he became a man again and found himself.

This child is his life-saving benefactor, but he just killed many relatives of this child, and may even kill the child's father, grandpa ...

This tribe lives in an isolated island, almost isolated from the world. They could have lived happily ever after, but because of his arrival, they broke the peaceful life.

To be more precise, it brings them pain that will never be annihilated for a lifetime.

Although these are not Lu Li's original intentions, he still feels guilty and blame pain. He didn't know what to say, he could only close his eyes, he was embarrassed to show these emotions, but ... sliding silently with a line of tears.

"Woohoo ~"

He exhaled a long breath and groaned for a moment and opened his eyes. There was no red light in his eyes, just like normal humans.

He still did n’t know what to say. He could only take a lot of gods out of the space ring. Hundreds of millions of gods were thrown on the ground. He pouted and said, "Sorry, I just madly killed your people. These are for you. The devil has invaded, you still have to find a way to transfer to the land of God or Youyan. "

After speaking, Lu Li rose into the air and rushed away. He didn't dare to look at the crowd again, nor could he look directly at the child's pure eyes.

Flying into the air, he thought about throwing a jade charm and throwing it in front of the child. He didn't look back, Shen Sheng said, "Child, if you have trouble with my people in the future, and I haven't died yet, you can come to me. I will help you with anything in your community."

"咻 ~"

Lu Li turned into a meteor and flew away. The audience was still dead, and many people were still stunned.

Many people can't figure out why this demon doesn't kill them, and still talks? In the end, he gave them so many talents and sources, and said something inexplicable.

"Land from?"

An old man murmured a few times, and his eyes suddenly exclaimed: "He is not a demon, he is a human, he is a killer, Lu Li! No ... he looks so much like a demon, is he demon breath demon Turned? But ... "

"Killing God off?"

The tribe suddenly fry. This tribe did not live in seclusion here, but fled here not long ago. They offended the big family in the divine realm and were forced to move here.

They have all heard of Lu Li's prestige. Not many gods have heard of Lu Li. I didn't expect to see a living person today, but also killed so many strong people in his clan.

"Kill God, this man is indeed a God Killer, an executioner, a demon, and a devil. He killed my man and son! This **** who killed thousands of swords, why didn't God kill him with his eyes open?"

"Shh, don't tell me, in case we heard him, we're all going to die!"

"Lu Li should have been demonized. You can see that he has grown out of demon scale armor. His breath was just too evil just like the devil. He said that the demon has invaded, then he must be demonized by the demon breath. . "

"Uncle Tai, what do we do now? Go back to the **** world? But the sea is vast, the patriarchs died in battle, and we will be torn by sea beasts on the way."

"We must go, but we are going to the land of Youyan. We cannot go back to the realm of God, otherwise the Toxic Zong will kill us!"


The tribe was noisy, crying, scolding, and controversial. The strong men of the tribe were all slaughtered, and everyone lost their backbone and messed up.


Lu Li had already flown away there. He chose to fly in any direction. After flying for a few hours, he found an island and flew down.

"Devil, demon!"

Lu Li growled in pain. Man cannot be resurrected, and a big mistake has been made. He can never rule himself to thank the world, right? He could only count this account on the demon, and he was determined to slaughter more demons to avenge those who died.


If the demons are not repelled, such tragedies will happen from time to time and will continue to be staged.

Once the demon invades the divine realm, the dead will be calculated in hundreds of millions. Countless children will lose their parents. Countless old people will lose their children. Countless families will be destroyed. Countless people will become demon slaves, just like him. Scourge humankind everywhere.

"You must kill as many demons as possible!"

Lu Li made up his mind, and everything else could be put down. Killing the devil was a top priority.

The grievances with the four super-god forces can be put down. If a warrior encounters the four super-god forces, as long as the opponent does not attack him, he can choose to ignore it.

"My soul is no longer affected by the breath of demons!"

Lu Li sensed it and found a very strange thing. A few hours have passed, and he is so conscious that he has no intention of killing and no negative emotions.

Lu Li took a look at his body, or his body was covered with scale armor, and every inch of flesh and blood in the body had a demon atmosphere. These demon breaths had sneaked into his flesh and bone marrow and could not be dispelled at all.

"Did my willpower have been sublimated or changed after this incident? Will it not be affected by the devil's breath at all in the future?"

There was a thought in Lu Li's mind, he groaned for a moment, and couldn't figure out one. Maybe it has something to do with Dragon Soul?

"Try to practice!"

Lu Lipan sat into the seat ~ ~ practiced a little divine power, realized the rules, and found no difference.

He sat for seven or eight hours on the entire plate, but found that his soul was still sober, and was not affected by the devil's breath.


If you can't figure it out, you don't want to. Lu Li rises into the sky, and the Lingyin Battlegear emerges. He takes Shenshan all the way and heads southeast.

Time has passed so long, the demon should fight with the army of the gods, right? I don't know if the four forces can block the demon army?

Flying fast all the way, flying for three and a half days, Lu Li finally found a living person, or a scout of a large family.


The scout was shocked to see a big mountain flying, and with his ability, he could not see Lu Lizhen himself, so he could only see Shenshan.

"call out!"

Lu Li's body suddenly flashed, he flew down from the mountain, looking coldly at the scouts: "What's your name, and what force did you come from?"


Lu Li sprang up like a ghost and startled the person, but Lu Li spoke in a pure human accent, and he wore a black scale armor covering his body with a hidden armor. So this man was slightly relieved, and he arched his hand and said, "Return to the Lord, the time and space government scouted the court, and was hunted down by the devil squad and fled here."

"Time and space?"

Lu Li frowned slightly, his instinctual murderous flashed, but when he thought that it wasn't time to settle accounts with Time and Space Government, he asked in a deep voice: "How is the Demon Army now? Your Time and Space Government and the other three super **** forces can lead the army Resist the devil? "

"Failed, defeated!"

Speaking of this, scouts became extremely ugly. He said bitterly: "Four days ago, the human race and the demon army battled on Xingyue Island, and the alliance was defeated. Even the gods of our time and space government died. Three ... "

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