
Lu Lihu's body shook, his eyes were unbelievable. Since it is a human army, the four super-god forces must have joined forces, and there are many other great forces in the Seventy-two Sects.

The strong of the human race should come out more than half, and the army gathered, why did they lose so badly?

There are three divine supremacy dead in Time and Space Mansion. How many people should the entire human race unit die?

Lu Li slowed down, calmed his mind and asked, "How did the army fail? How many people have died? How is the situation now?"

"Traitor, there are traitors and demons in our army!" The scout said angrily: "The demon army attacked Xingyue Island ... that's about it."

The scout spoke the whole time of Sanxiangxiang to make things clear. Lu Li's face also appeared sorrowful, because at least nearly one hundred million sergeants had died on this side of the war, and a total of seven people had died in the Supreme World!

The three-way demon army attacked Xingyue Island, and the Terran side should immediately mobilize the troops and strongmen of the remaining three islands to come to a dead battle.

However, a traitor suddenly appeared on Xingyue Island, destroying all the teleportation altars and destroying the original array.

Originally, the number and strength of the Terran Army exceeded that of the Demon Army, but the teleportation altar was destroyed, and the powerful and army of the remaining islands could not teleport.

In addition, the demon law restraint was destroyed, and the hundreds of demon slaves all released the demon atmosphere, demonizing many sergeants, and the chaos on Xingyue Island was chaotic.

If it wasn't for the owner of the time and space government on Xingyue Island, he would kill the slaves himself. Once these slaves are looted, I am afraid that there will be tens of millions of tribal soldiers demonized. When a chain reaction occurs, things will be out of control.

The demon army took the opportunity to attack aggressively. The ten-winged demon took his own hands and fought against the master of time and space. As a result, the time and space government defeated and the wounded retreated.

The things behind need not be said. The Xingyue Island was messed up. The law circle that suppressed the demons was destroyed, and the master of time and space was defeated. The situation is beyond control.

The human race was defeated, and nearly 100 million were killed and wounded. Seven of the gods died, of which three died in Time and Space. Divine Power is super powerful. Divine Power does not know how much is dead, because it is currently impossible to count.

This scout was originally probed from the periphery and was hunted down by the devil scout. In desperation, he could only run away in a random way and was met by Lu Li.


After listening, Lu Li just scolded two words. The owner of the time and space government is too careless, and even the strong men in Xingyue Island are not aware of the demons' control, and the division of the four super-god forces is originally stupid behavior.

It is absolutely impossible for the devil to bypass Xingyue Island and attack the Divine Realm directly, so the demon army must take down Xingyue Island.

So why split up? As long as the heavy soldiers and all the strong are concentrated in one place, it is absolutely impossible for the demon army to get down ...

of course!

Lu Li is somewhat suspicious, but in any case, the defeat of the Terran Alliance and the strategic errors of the four leaders are inseparable.

Fortunately, the four leaders were not too stupid, and a second line of defense was laid out east of Divine Realm.

It's just that the east of the Divine Realm is vast and boundless, can it be prevented? Besides, even if you can prevent the east side, can you prevent the south side?

If Lu Li is the demon commander, send thousands of demon mid-levels into the kingdom of God from the south and control the slaves everywhere. By the time the fire broke out in the rear and the chaos in the realm was chaotic, the situation was completely out of control.

"You must take the initiative!"

Lu Li's eyes showed firmness, and now the only way is to attack and defend instead, and constantly attack the demon army. Let them take care of themselves and make them unable to invade the realm of God.


Lu Li waved his hand and flew up into the mountains. He thought about it and turned his head and said in a deep voice: "If you can go back, help me tell the leaders of the four super-God forces. I will count Lu Ji and their grudges later, The enemy now, when joining forces to kill aliens, don't fight with the room. "

"咻 ~"

Lu Lifei shot away and soon disappeared into the distance. The scout's eyes were stunned, blinking for a moment, his lips froze slightly, and said, "Lu Li, kill God Lu Li, is he?"

"It really is a hero hero!"

Lu Li had beheaded the demon before, and the scout had heard of it. He sighed and dived northward.

He must bring the news back, not to mention that at least it will boost the army's heart.

Lu Li continued to fly all the way to the southeast. This time, after flying for just over an hour, he encountered the enemy-he encountered a team of demon scouts.

This team of scouts was also a bit surprised, because they couldn't see through the real body, but just saw a mountain flying.

Just as they were confused, a dazzling sword-mang suddenly lit up in the sky, and the sword-man twisted twice in mid-air, and then split heavily on several demons.


The bodies of the six demons exploded into blood mist, and Lu Li's body was revealed because he had used his killing tricks. The remaining demons suddenly yelled, rushing wildly towards Lu Li.

"Om ~"

Lu Li released the power of space and suppressed all the remaining ten demons. He swept the magic knife several times and killed all the lower-level demons except one four-winged demon.

Lu Li flew quickly and stood over the four-winged demon. He said coldly, "Answer my question ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can live. Don't answer, die!"

Lu Li revoked the power of space and was not worried about the demon's counter-kill. The four-winged demon has no pressure on him, and he can kill it at will.


The devil blinked in suspicion, and said doubtfully, "You have my own breath, why haven't you been demonized?"

"The breath of your tribe?"

The corner of Lu Li's mouth showed a touch of ridicule, and the out of body armor disappeared, revealing the black scale armor all over his body. He sneered and said, "Looking at this, am I more like a demon slave?"

"how can that be?"

The four-winged demon was even more shocked, he murmured: "You have been demonized, and you dare to do anything to us? This is too evil. No ... the devil breath on you must be disguised, you have not been demon The demon scales on you must also be fake. "

"Like a fake replacement!"

Lu Li patted the scales on his chest and said, "There are always some accidents in this world, and I am the one. Okay, now it's your turn to answer my question. How many ten-winged demon have you come this time, here How many eight-winged demon? How many demon sergeants come? "

"Ha ha!"

The devil chuckled and shook his head: "We the demons are unyielding and want to get information from me and dream."

"Om ~"

Suddenly, the demon burst out of black gas, Lu Li was about to suppress him, but the black gas became black flames, and then the flames covered all the demons.

The four-winged demon laughed: "Hahahaha, the battle of Xingyue Island, my family killed nearly 100 million of your gods, and killed seven of your gods, and your people will be defeated! The whole **** will be in us The devil's feet tremble, and all of you will become demon slaves, and you will not be born forever, hahaha ~ "

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