Demon lords such as You Gang are indeed pursuing Shenshan. They are greedy to refine Shenshan.

Shenshan is very powerful. They have attacked for so long. There is no burst or even cracks in Shenshan. The strength of Shenshan does not need to be questioned.

Emperor You Xing once won a mountain of Luli, but this group did not know it. If they knew, they would definitely not waste time. Because of the golden **** mountain, the great emperor You Xing has not refined at the moment ...

According to Lu Li's order, Shenshan was one million miles away from Meixi City, and then circled around Meixi City. You Gang and other demons tracked all the way, all the way to find ways to control the mountain, refining the mountain.

The Shenshan grew larger and smaller, and the speed was fast. It flickered left and right, and a dozen demon lords chased hard. From time to time, Shenshan has become larger and hits this group of demons, so that the demon lord believes that Lu Li must be next to him. Otherwise, how could Shenshan be so flexible?

"The newspaper--"

A scout suddenly shot and Lao Yuan shouted: "Master You Gang, that Terran is here again, and is being slaughtered in the city. One Lord Lord has been killed, you should go back!"

"Tuning the tiger away from the mountain, it's bad!" You Gang shrank his eyes and waved, "Go back all!"

A group of demon lords hurriedly flew towards Meixi City, never minding the Mountain again. However, the two gods did not know what to do, and continued to execute Lu Li's order to circle around ...

With a distance of a million miles, it was just a few hours before the incense lords flew back. It was just when they returned that Meixi City had become hell, countless demons had their heads slain, and all three demons had been killed. It is conservatively estimated that the demons were injured or injured by one million, and the demons were injured or injured by five million.

Lu Li disappeared, and fled early!

"Ah, ah, ah! What about that Terran?"

You Gang growled angrily, her eyes like two blood moons, very scary. A scout swiftly confessed: "Sir, that tribe has fled to that side, it was just a short while after that!"


You Gang shouted in rage, and waved a large hand to all the demon lords to hunt. Several demon lords hesitated. One demon said, "Sir, if we all go and kill, what kind of people will come to the city to kill again?"


You Gang thought for a moment, and a demon lord arched and said, "Master You Gang, we can't continue to hunt, otherwise we will lose the tiger's way. If our army is killed or injured too much, if we die again, We will all be executed by Emperor You Xing. I think ... let's evacuate first and go to Emperor You Xing! "


You Gang's face changed. He had nearly 10 million demons and over 100 million demons. He was repelled by a human race? How could he get a foothold in the demon world?

"Can't refund!"

You Gang turned his eyes, calmed down, and he waved, "All return to the city, arrange the demons array, and wait for that Terran to attack the camp again, we let him come back."

"it is good!"

The other demon lords nodded one after another. Although the Demon Array is not as good as Emperor You Xing's Demon Array, its power is also very scary. As long as Lu Li dares to come to the city, he will surely die once he is trapped in a large array.

"The newspaper--"

After half an hour, a scout replied: "That tribe has gone to nearby Meiyang City and is slaughtering our tribe and demons over there."


You Gang shouted in anger, Meixi Prefecture has nearly ten million demon army, but not all of them are here, the front line is long, and the entire Meixi Prefecture is full of demons. If Lu Li is slaughtered like this, I am afraid that millions of demons will be killed.

"Come down and let all the people come together here! Let the people of Meiyang City stop, and evacuate immediately!"

You Gang had no choice but to order, if the outside demons did not assemble back, I was afraid they would be eaten one by one by Lu Li. He dare not send a demon lord to lead the demon army now, because Lu Li would be slaughtered easily by going to several demon lords.

"Report ..."

Here we continued to arrange a large array. After half an hour, the scouts reported again, and reported an unbelievable news that You Gang and others-Lu Li has killed all the demon slaves in Meiyang City, only Escaped some scouts.

"How is that possible? How long has it taken? Even if all of them are lined up to kill him, can't he kill him?" You Gang grabbed the scout's neck and asked, "Aren't you investigating wrong? If you dare to pass on the military situation, kill him Your whole family. "

"Don't dare!"

The scout said in horror: "That tribe has terrible bugs. Those bugs are numerous, overwhelming, and more and more. Hundreds of thousands of people and millions of slaves have been easily killed by him, and all the people's heads have been stung It's up! "

"A bug? Your head was choked off?"

You Gang remembered a demon lord killed outside the city, and many demon sergeants. Isn't his head eaten? He trembled slightly, feeling a chill on his back.

"This human race is the nemesis of our demons. You must kill him!" You Gang groaned, and he waved, "Immediately pass the situation here to Emperor You Xing, and ask the Emperor to reinforce him."

"Speed ​​up!"

You Gang shouted and felt very embarrassed. He was sitting on the side of a demon army of ten million, and there were more than twenty demon lords. UU read a book Not only did he have no face to see You Xing, he even didn't have a face to see a group of men.

Shame ...

"Daily, Lord Lanfu's army was attacked by that tribe, and more than half were killed and injured!"

"The newspaper, Lord Lan Fu's army is over ..."

"Report ..."

Scouts kept coming to report, and demonic armies rallied here. The time only passed three days. I received news that the demonic army had been slaughtered by more than four million people, and countless demons.

You Gang didn't dare to go out anymore, so he could only arrange a large array in the city. At the same time, he hoped that You Xing, the emperor, and others would come and suppress Lu Li by himself.

At the same time, news spread quickly to the gods like snowflakes.

Because Lu Li said earlier that he would come to Meixi to slaughter demons, many forces sent scouts to investigate. The top scouts of the various forces dispatched, and easily explored the situation in Meixi House, found countless demon corpses, and saw Lu Li killing only one demon army!

The news shook countless human races like a thunderstorm on the ground, and trembled with tears!

The horrified eyes are because the human thief Lu Li is really killing the devil. The four super **** forces cannot guard the human race, but the human thief Lu Li has to rely on one person to turn the tide and save the life?

The tears flowed because everyone was desperate. This time I saw hope again. Although I do n’t know what will happen in the end, at least there is no hope at all?

After a long night, a ray of light finally dawned on the horizon, although only a ray of light was enough to cheer everyone up.

But this ray of light was brought by Lu Li, a thief who had been spurned by everyone, which made many people feel ashamed and extraordinarily ironic ...


PS: Make up a chapter at night, even more at 10 o'clock.

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