The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1653: Mental retardation

Half a month!

Lu Li slaughtered in Meixi Province for half a month. He didn't know how many demons and demons he killed. Anyway, except for the demons near Meixi City, the demons and demons in Meixi Province were almost killed by him. Already.

You Gang arranged a strange array of demonic circles in Meixi City, but Lu Li did not go to Meixi City. He left after slaughtering the last demon army.

He flew across the void to the north and it took him eleven days to reach the northern Yuhua Mansion. He flew across the void from the middle of the Divine Realm to the north of the Divine Realm, spanning hundreds of prefectures.

There is a demon army raging over Yuhuafu. There are five or six million demon army and more than twenty demon lords. There are no ten wings!

When Yu Yu arrived here, Yuhuafu had all fallen, and the demon army here was preparing to attack another nearby area. Lu Li attacked as soon as he came, destroying a whole city's demon army and demon slaves, of which the demon army reached 300,000.

After receiving the news, the demon leader here was furious, and immediately led the demon lord to hunt Lu Lu around. Lu Li left a flying over the void, entered Yuhuafu from the other direction, and continued to look for the demon army to kill.

Lu Li now has almost no need to do anything to kill the demons. Unless he meets the demons, he only needs to wave his hand to kill the demons, and the worms covering the sky will roar away and devour the demon.

Each time the Netherworm eats only the demon's head, it is not that the muscles in the demon's body have no energy, but the Netherworm eats the head and starts to split. Lu Li also ... deliberately created a phenomenon that caused the devil to have a sense of fear after detecting the situation.

Think about what a horrible scene if a demon scout detects that all the demons and demons in a city have no head. Such a brutal and brutal method can also have a strong deterrent to the devil!

On the eighth day of Yuhuafu, all the demons in Yuhuafu knew that there was a terrifying human race who was slaughtering demons. All the demon heads killed by him are gone, and many cities are full of demon corpses, all without heads ...

It's scary to think about this kind of picture, and the demon here is terrified. They were always afraid that the demon head of the human race would suddenly appear, kill the demons in the city, and then cut off their heads.

The demon here **** with a group of eight-winged demon hunting around, but each time Lu Li flew across the void and did not fight with them at all. This made a group of demon lords angry and angry, but nowhere to vent, but to hold in their hearts.

Later, the demon leader finally learned to be clever. He summoned all the demons and gathered to the side of Yuhua City to see how Lu Li defeated them one by one.

At the same time, the demon led a message to Emperor You Xing, asking for reinforcements from three ten-winged demons!

The three ten-winged demons just went to Meixi City and haven't found Lu Li, but here they are rumored that Lu Li has come to Yuhua House? The two ten-winged demons were extremely angry, and Emperor You Xing laughed and said a word-finally, a decent opponent came. The emperor's close relative, Lu Wang, did not disappoint the emperor.

This sentence shocked the demons such as You Gang. Follow this sentence to understand. In the heart of You Xing, Emperor Ji and Zuo Qiulu were not his opponents at all? Is Lu Li the only enemy that makes him look good?

You Gang once met with Lu Li. Lu Li's breath of life is still young and has not yet reached the supreme realm of the divine realm, but can Emperor You Xing pay so much attention?

But think about Lu Li's combat power and weird abilities. You Gang also felt that Lu Li was indeed a fierce enemy of the devil.

Emperor You Xing groaned for a moment and ordered: "Yu He, go to Longkui! You Yu, go to Longyang, pay attention that you must keep a low profile after you pass, and do not let any people notice it, quietly lurking in the army ! "

"Go to Longkui and Longyang? Don't go to Yuhuafu?"

You Gang asked in amazement, but now Lu Li is in Yuhua House. If the three ten-winged demon don't go to rescue, I am afraid that the demon people over Yuhuafu will all be killed by Lu Li.

"It doesn't make sense anymore!"

Emperor You Xing shook his head and said, "Before we came over, Lu Li evacuated from your side, which shows that he has a high sense of crisis. I guess he will choose another army to start after a few days of slaughter, and definitely It ’s not the north army, he just wants to draw us to the north, so he can attack the rest of the demonic army. "

"Yes, the Great!"

The two ten-winged demons left without interest. You Gang saw You Xing, the emperor, and quickly asked: "Emperor, what shall we do next? Stay in place or continue to march!"


Emperor You Xing waved his hand and said, "Even if you stay in place, you can't stop Lu Li from coming. It's better to attack all over and bloom everywhere, to see which side he is going to save? We three of us will be dead if we encounter one casually. "


You Gang commanded, and You Xing's body floated away like a ghost. You Gang immediately ordered the advance of the army. This time, the slaves suffered too many injuries. He wanted to attack the territories of the human race, to demonize more demons, and to kill more human races.

The army moved forward quickly, You Gang did not wait for the army of the slave slaves to follow, and led the demons to the army first. The demons have wings that fly very fast, but the territory is too large, and they cannot take the teleportation array to pass. It takes time to cross the territory.

This is why it took so long for the Demon Army to attack, and only then captured nearly half of the prefecture.

The demon army is unstoppable and can't be attacked. However, the gods are too big, and they fly away all the way.

After spending more than ten days, the demon army finally arrived at the nearby prefecture Hongming House. After arriving at the first big city nearby, after seeing the shield shining in the city, You Gang showed a bloodthirsty light in his eyes and yelled: "Siege the city, break through this city, no one in the city will leave, all will be shredded!"

You Gang breathed a sigh of relief, he wanted to vent, to avenge the people, and to massacre a large number of people to revenge. With a big wave of his hand, a group of demons flew away and surrounded the city in front.

What surprised You Gang was--

Few tens of thousands of demons ~ ~ did not attack immediately, but all stopped outside the city, staring inside with a look of terror. You Gang frowned, blood-red eyes rolled, and he flew away with a group of strong men.

"Why not siege?"

You Gang shouted angrily, looking down the city, through the shield, he found that the city was empty, and did not see a large number of warriors.

"No one, there is one!"

Long Gang looked intently, his eyes narrowed slightly. He saw a person sitting in the city square squarely, and there was a table in front of him, who was drinking tea there leisurely.

"Lu Wang, Lu Li!"

Looking from You Gang side, he could only see half of his side face, but he recognized it at a glance. He instinctively felt cold all over, feeling like he wanted to order an immediate withdrawal.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Didn't Lu Li go to Yuhuafu some time ago? Even if he left Yuhuafu, he should go to the rest of the demon army, why did he find them again?

"Can't retreat ..."

You Gang's eyes turned a few times. If he was frightened by Lu Li, he would not be able to mix in the devil world completely. He gritted his teeth and waved the big hand: "Beside you, attack the city together. You must not let Lu leave Ran!"

Lu Li, who had been bowing his head to drink tea, finally raised his head at this moment. He glanced at You Gang slightly and spit out two words: "mental retardation ~"

"Buzz ~"

Just before the Demon Army surrounded the city, the ground suddenly fluctuated. Then the skyless worms emerged from the ground and swept up like moths. Before You Gang had time to evacuate, billions of worms had covered all the demons above.


ps: make up the original debt.

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