The person from Lu Li's home had already endured it. He didn't plan to endure this time. Xue Linger said that the current **** pattern was several times more powerful. Lu Li had the confidence to make this elephant home strong unbreakable.

Xue Linger has been enlightened on the ancient **** pattern recently. The **** patterns currently arranged are also mixed with the ancient **** pattern. Lu Li believes that the enlightenment of the **** pattern on the strong family like Xiangjia should not be broken.

The Xiangjia is a strong man in the late period of the Five Calamities. His name is Xianglun. After hearing Lu Li's words, his first reaction was not angry, but his eyes were full of murderousness.

He is an elder of the Xiangjia family. The Xiangjia family is one of the four major forces in the cold waters. Not to mention the four robbers, even the average peak of the five robbers, he can't look down. How dare ordinary people talk to him in the cold waters? Even the elders of Space City dare not speak to him like this.

So his first thought was to kill the person, and he dared to say that he should kneel down with his head. Who dares to humiliate them like a family in this world?

It's not just like a chariot, but even the other strongest members of the Xiangjia family are showing off their killings. Lu Li is too arrogant. This is a provocation of the dignity of the target family.

Lu Li saw a group of people staring at him eagerly, but disapproved. He smiled lightly: "Don't you think that the **** pattern you arranged is very powerful? Then why don't you try it?"


Lu Li is totally naked ~~ naked ~~ Naked provocation, the words are very arrogant, a little look down on the world ’s hero Laozi the world ’s first feeling ...

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Xianglun laughed angrily and said, "If I break open, you will be a slave to me, right? This is what you said, everyone is listening, you also heard the old deer."

Lord Lu frowned, he glanced at Lu Li, and he didn't say much when he saw that he was calm. The rest of the people with Lu Li are a bit worried. No matter if Lu Li wins or loses, he is afraid that the relationship with the elephant family will become stale. What should they do next?

Many people still look forward to following the elephant's strong man. After all, there are too many five calamities here, like Xianglong and Imperial soldiers, it feels safer to follow the elephant.

"Okay, since the old deer has no opinion, then I'll break it!" Like a mixed wheel sneer, he glanced away: "Boy, you just wait to be a slave to me."

Lu Li shrugged, disapproving for a moment, he had just transmitted a message to Xue Linger and was confirmed. If only this person is concerned, I am afraid that it is impossible to break the spirit pattern changed by Xue Linger.

Lu Li went to the corner and sat on the spot, rested at ease. His back was scratched. Although the wound was basically healed, he could recover to the peak of his fighting ability. If the Xiangjia people become angry and angry, he can fight a battle.


Xiangxiang went to the edge of the large array and took out some stones, and he didn't believe it. Although the **** pattern he arranged was changed, but he didn't change it in many places, he couldn't believe it? It should be easy to break some random lines.

He was busy, and the rest followed closely to observe. Many people present had some understanding of the **** pattern. Although it is not clear how to arrange the array like a mixed wheel, some problems can be seen.

Time passed quickly, and after half an hour, the Xianglun did not stop, but his face became increasingly ugly.

The face of the elephant family also became difficult to look at. In the face of so many outsiders, it was not the face of the mixed wheel that was lost, but the entire elephant's face.

Xiang Linglong took a rest for half an hour, and her spirit was a little better. She just heard what she had just heard in her ear and understood it well. She glanced a few times like a mixed wheel, and her eyes moved to Lu Li, who was sitting in the corner.

Is this person a young man or an old demon who is good at disguising? God pattern is not only a few years of enlightenment can achieve a high degree of attainment, this requires years of enlightenment, without tens of thousands of years, it is difficult to achieve great results.

All the people were staring at the mixed wheel. Lord Lu's eyes were even more meaningful when he saw Lu Li. This one didn't see any action from him, and he changed the **** pattern quietly. It is also easy to crack the **** pattern of Hanshan layman.

Time passed half an hour again, and some sweat had appeared on the forehead of the Xianglun. He did not continue cracking, but closed his eyes and meditated.

He was under a lot of pressure. He knew the audience was paying attention to him, but he was busy for an hour just now, and he couldn't find any way.

The large array after the change is very powerful, and even many places are incredible. He had thought that if he easily broke the base, he could destroy the big team. The formation base was arranged by him, and those formation bases did not move. The problem was that those formation bases could not be broken at all, and were protected by the formations inside.

If you want to break the base, you must first break the formation, if you want to break the formation, it is equivalent to breaking the entire large array. The formation here has been altered and is extremely complicated, he even ... can't understand!

The **** pattern he laid out was changed by people without knowing it, and now he has no chance to crack it? He didn't even know God's pattern changed?

Has Lu Li reached the state of the Grand Master in the aspect of Divine Pattern? Is Lu Li a hidden old man, and what he sees now are all illusions? Otherwise, how dare to offend him if he is really the four robbers? That offends all the strong like a home.

Time passed by bit by bit, the chaos-like heart became increasingly chaotic and anxious, which formed a vicious circle. His heart was even more irritable, a little hard to ride on a donkey.

Time has passed half an hour again ~ ~ Xiang Xiongfei and other people's faces have become extremely ugly, and Xianglun is also gritting his teeth and is about to admit defeat. At this moment Lu Li suddenly stood up and laughed: "Master Mixed Just joking with you, I ca n’t see it this time. There are so many savages outside, if you really broke the game, then we are all exposed, and I think this matter is even a draw? ”


The whole audience was stunned. Where is this draw? It's obvious that the mixed wheel cannot be broken. What is Lu Li doing? It was so aggressive just now, but actually gave up at this moment?


The deer looked with admiration and landed, and Lu Li earned his face and gave the elephant family a step down. Let the elephant family dare not to belittle him for offending him in the future, or to completely offend the elephant family.


Xiang Xiongfei laughed and waved his hand: "What's the name of it? If you don't know each other, Lu Xiaoyou, mixed round, you all come over, and you'll have a drink together, and smile at you."

It looked like a mix of blue and white, but he was also an old guy, knowing that the steps were given at the moment, and he didn't know if he could borrow a donkey from the slope, it was too stupid.

Of course, everyone in the audience knew that he couldn't pull his face, but nodded indifferently. Xiang Xiongfei waved his hand. Someone set it up, set up a pile of flames, took out some barbecues, and also made some wine spirit valleys, set up a few square tables, and actually started the banquet ...

The few monks rushed to help, and the people were suppressed for a long time, and they might die at any time. Rarely had such a good opportunity. Many people were ready to drink and relax.

When many people were busy, Xiang Linglong suddenly got up and walked towards Lu Li's side at this moment, which attracted countless people's attention.

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