The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2552: Invincible

Everyone like Linglong Qingao can feel that she hasn't talked to anyone, and you can see her character from here.

However, many people think that she is proud of her arrogance. After all, she has arrogant capital, and she has imperial soldiers and can suppress the wild people. This is something that no one can do.

Now this little princess like a princess, took the initiative to leave for Lu? This makes many people a little bit jealous, but also a little curious, I wonder what Xiang Linglong would find Lu Li to say?

Lu Li didn't have too many mood swings when Xiang Linglong came over. As long as a woman is beautiful, he is not interested, and it is no different from a red skull. He frowned slightly, always feeling like the exquisite comer was not good.

Xiang Linglong walked to Lu Li to stand in front of him and looked at Lu Li. Although he was looking up, he still had a high sense of overlooking. It seems that this woman is a little more noble than anyone.

Her soul fluctuated slightly, and she let out a hint of soul power, and then a voice sounded in Lu Li's mind. God's thoughts cannot be used here, but only the sound of the soul can be used to spread the sound.

"Lu Xia God, did you change this **** pattern?"

The voice was very cold, with a strong questioning voice. People nearby felt a little disappointed when they felt their soul power. If the two spoke, the crowd wouldn't hear what they were talking about.

Lu Li's heart moved a little, could Xianglong be able to detect the existence of Xuelinger? God's mind cannot be released here, it should be the blood spirit who can't explore the ground.

He was silent for a moment, and a whisper of soul whispered, "What does Miss Linglong want to say?"

Wuyu is just, Lu Li doesn't have any feelings about Xiangling Long, so he's not too polite in his words, and he doesn't answer Xiang Linglong's question directly. She is the pride of heaven, the goddess in the hearts of countless people, but it does not mean that everyone must turn around her and please her.

Xiang Linglong's complexion was a bit cold, and she groaned for a moment and said, "What I want to say is that you are invincible. The **** pattern is not changed by you, but by the charmer below. It is not yours."

"Ha ha!"

Lu Li smiled. Like Linglong, she could sense the presence of Xuelinger. He transmitted: "Miss Linglong, the charm is mine, that is my ability. Just like you have the imperial soldiers, it is difficult without them. Suppressing savages? And I ... can easily suppress them. "


Like Linglong sneered a bit, dismissing the words, "How many savages can you suppress? Even without the Imperial Army, I can surpass you."

"is it?"

Lu Lizhang smiled and glanced at the injured people, preaching: "It seems like someone in your family died in battle, and others are injured. I won't hide you, our people can retreat because of me. I do n’t believe you can ask the old deer. You said me before ... no? ”


Lu Li's face was a little harsh, her face looked a little blue, and her pretty eyes narrowed slightly. If it is a familiar person, then all know that this is the prelude to her before the attack.

Xiangxiong Fei has been paying attention to this side, seeing Linglong like this, his heart was tight. Although I don't know what she and Lu Li talked about, it looks like Lu Li has provoked her to anger him. If this is a big fight, it will be very troublesome at that time.

Because Lu Li now feels unpredictable to everyone, what if Lu Li is an old monster? Will it cause them great trouble once the war starts? If it doesn't matter outside, everyone may die at any time. What are they doing inside?

"Sophisticated!" Xiang Xiongfei said, "It's set up here. Come sit down and have a drink together."

Xiang Linglong didn't move, and kept staring at the landing. After taking a moment, she took a deep breath and slowly turned away. Did not go to sit, but took out the space artifact and went straight in.

Xiangxiongfei's face was a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to say this lady for a while. The aunt and grandmother had a big temper, everyone knew.

A group of people got together and began to eat, drink, relax, and after the couple of monks danced a few dances, the atmosphere became strong. The Xiangjia people also lowered their stance, and some people offered to toast Lu Lu. This was hinted by Xiang Xiongfei. He always felt a little unsightly.

Lord Lu is a very famous strong man, but he has such respect for Lu Li, which makes Xiang Xiongfei wonder whether Lu Li is a lord class strong man? Disguised as the early days of the four calamities? Is it so camouflaged that the breath of life is so young?

Lu Li has always been like this. You respect me, I respect you. After the Xiangjia people asked for peace, he was much better. Someone toasted.

After drinking for a few hours, everyone was satisfied and returned. The two strong men in Xiangjia also hooked up with the monks. It was so boring and unsafe, it was better to be happy in time.

"A public toilet ..."

Lu Li saw the two female monks follow the two Xiangjia strong men into the space artifact, rolled his eyes a little silently. These monks are too picky, right? Anyone can ride on them.

Everyone is planning to stay here for two months, and wait for this gust to pass. Lu Li found a corner for retreat and practiced. No matter what, there was Xuelinger monitoring anyway.

The rest gathered together in twos and threes, either chatting, discussing martial arts together, or talking about things in the world together.

Lu Li, while refining his magic medicine, continued to learn about the avenues of the avenue. Perhaps he had a fight with Xiang Linglong ~ ~ The radon in his heart was reduced a lot, and he practiced a lot more comfortably.

Time passed quickly, and a month passed in a blink of an eye. This divine doctrine is indeed very strong, without encountering any savages, and very safe.

Xianglong did not come out from beginning to end, and the people in Xiangjia did not make trouble. No major incidents occurred except the couple of monks and some strong men in Xiangjia.

Soon, more than a month later, everyone felt that it was almost the same. Lord Lu woke up Lu Li, and Xiang Xiongfei called out Xiang Linglong.

"Don't worry, I explore for a moment!"

Lu Li waved his hand, and then asked Xuelinger to go nearby to investigate. Xuelinger was an incorporeal body.

Xue Linger explored for a moment, and said, "Safe, there is no abnormality near the master!"

After Xuelinger returned, Lu Li waved his hand and said, "Let's go, there are no savages nearby."

At this moment, Xie Linger also unlocked the **** pattern. The **** pattern flashed, and everyone could clearly see the outside scene. Someone rushed out immediately, and after a short investigation, it was found that there were indeed no savages.

A group of people ran quickly, and Lu Li asked Xuelinger to investigate nearby, so that if a savage approached, he would be aware of it for the first time.

After two hours, Xuelinger found a group of savages on the ground. She timely transmitted a message, and Lu Li immediately led the crowd to the other direction.

Although this group of savages can easily kill and destroy corpses, dead savages will always leave traces, so Lu Li feels that he can not start a war without fighting with savages.

Xue Linger led the way, Lu Li took the people around, and the family members were doubtful, and some murmured.

Xiang Linglong waved his hand at the moment: "Follow him, he really has the ability to detect enemy situations."

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