Like Linglong's words, the whole audience was slightly mistaken. She kept cherishing words like gold and actually spoke? And also agree with Lu Li? It doesn't look like exquisite character.

Xiang Linglong saw a group of people watching her, she didn't say anything, didn't even explain. Lu Li didn't explain and took everyone forward.

After traveling for an hour like this, they did not meet a savage, which surprised everyone. Is Lu Lu's ability to have an unknown prophet? Everyone couldn't detect the god's thoughts, and naturally couldn't detect the blood spirit under the ground, so they were all surprised.

After five hours, the crowd still did not encounter the savages, but the course of the journey was left and right, and from time to time they had to go back. All of this stunned everyone, and they didn't know what direction they were heading.

Everyone was completely convinced of Lu Li's ability. Xiangxiong Fei and others were even more suspicious of Lu Li's lord class from time to time.

One day, two days!

Under Lu Li's leadership, the people walked peacefully for two days, traveling tens of millions of miles, without encountering a savage.

Many people see hope in their eyes. Maybe they have been walking this way since landing? Maybe you can find the exit?

"Master, there is a strange place ahead!"

After walking for a long time again, Xue Linger suddenly heard a voice, which made Lu Li's spirit refreshed. Because it was speculated that the exit is likely to be in a singular place before, so long after finally found the singular place?

Lu Li quickly asked: "What's strange?"


Xue Linger explained: "There is an abyss there, white fire at the bottom, frost in the middle, and hurricanes above it. But there are savages guarding it nearby, which should add up to thousands.

"White fire, frost, and wind?"

Lu Li strayed slightly, can Baihuo and Frost coexist? The flame is baking below, but frosting on it? There is still the wind on the top? Such a weird place is really unheard of.

"Is the exit in this abyss?"

Lu Li's eyes flickered. If he wanted to explore this abyss, thousands of wild people would have to kill. Once the savage is killed, perhaps his whereabouts will be revealed again.

"What's wrong, Lu Xiaoyou."

Lord Lu came to ask, Xiang Xiongfei and others glanced over. Lu Li explained, "There is an interesting place nearby. Would you like to see it?"

Lu Li introduced the situation again, and a group of people's eyes lit up. Is such a strange place where the exit is inside?

"Go explore and kill those thousands of savages."

Xiang Linglong spoke again, with a very light tone, but no one can question it. Xiang Xiongfei and others settled in, leaving a group of four martial arts soldiers here. A group of five strong men surrounded Lu Li and Xiang Linglong and walked towards the abyss.

After traveling for hundreds of miles, before the crowd was close to the abyss, the ground burst and layers of savages rushed out. The ten strong men of the elephant family immediately went to the front and waited, waiting for Xiangling's main attack.

Xiang Linglong didn't make a shot, instead he hugged his hands and looked at Lu Li. Obviously, he waited for Lu Li to make a shot-aren't you very capable? Aren't you saying it's better than me? Then you go and shoot.

"Only women and villains are difficult to raise!"

Lu Li shook his head and rushed out, he took out the horn directly. The elephant family was very afraid of him, and he was not afraid that the elephant family would **** the horn. The stronger he is now, the more polite people are expected to be.

"Woohoo ~"

The trumpet sounded, and a few savages rolled down on the ground, and Lu Li blew through like a gust of wind, and the savages that came close fell down, as if the autumn wind had blown over the rice fields.


This is the first time that Xiangjia people have seen Lu Liyong's horn. They are not very far away, they all have some feelings, and there are stings in their soul.

Thousands of savages died after Lu Liyou walked three laps, and their deaths were tragic. All Qiqiao bleeds, his face is pale, his eyes are pale, his face is full of blue tendons, and he looks a bit sick.

"Nine, you dispose of the body!"

Xiang Xiongfei waved his hand, and the five powerful men rushed away. He quickly piled up the corpses and burned them with a special flame. Xuelinger had been exploring nearby, and determined that no savage had escaped.

"Let's go, old deer, Lu Xiaoyou, let's go and see!"

Xiangxiong Fei and Lord Lu Lu said with a smile. A group of people walked towards the abyss, and before they approached, they found that there was a strong wind out there, which was not ordinary, and the wind cut like a knife and hurt on the face. All of them are strong here, but they are hurt by the wind. How strong is the wind here?

The wind was still able to withstand the crowd, and everyone moved forward slowly, standing on the edge of the abyss. The wind was stronger on this side, and everyone's robes were blown out. The profane pants in Xiangling Long were exposed, but they were long, not transparent, and did not affect anything.

Lu Li glanced over, a tinge of light appeared on the corners of his mouth, and looked like exquisite anger burning, and almost came to an attack.

Lu Li retracted his gaze before Xiang Linglong's attack. He looked under the abyss and said, "How to do it? How many more?"

Xiangxiong Fei thought for a while and said, "Go and ask a few of the four robbers to go down and try the water."

Does anyone know if there is danger below? This place is so weird that everyone is a strong man, unwilling to be suspected, so I am going to find a few small martial artists to explore the road. In case there is really danger below, they can also be prepared.

Someone immediately called in the group of four martial arts fighters, and also arranged for five people to go down to ~ all of them were from Lu Li. Those people didn't dare to say anything. They had to be blessed by the strong along the way. If they don't obey orders when they are needed now, they will probably not take them.

The five men searched for a while and flew down together. Although the wind was terrifying, all five of them were at the peak of the four calamities, and they were able to stand up.

Lu Li let Xuelinger explore all the way and timely feedback the situation. The five were also very slow and did not dare to go too fast, always staring at the situation around them.

Soon the five of them arrived in the frost area. The five immediately touched the frost, and something happened immediately. All of them were frozen and turned into ice sculptures. None of them could move.

The five did not fall into the ice sculpture, suspended in the air, the five did not die, but could not move at all.

Xue Linger reported the situation to Lu Li, and Lu Li explained it again. Everyone's eyes turned to Xiang Linglong, because what Xiang Linglong cultivates is the true meaning of Frost.

"See what I do?"

Xiang Linglong pouted his lips and said, "Isn't Lu Xia God so powerful? Let him go down."

Lu Li rolled his eyes, this lady really didn't make sense at all, he didn't speak, let Xiangxiong fly to deal with it. Xiang Xiongfei didn't move when he saw Lu Li, he glanced at Xiangling and bit his teeth, "I'll go down."

"Let's do it together! Are you afraid of Lu Xiashen?"

Xiang Linglong looked at Lu Li with a provocative look, and Lu Li gave a smirk: "Okay, okay, let's go together, let's go together, and die together."

"Who is going to die with you?" Xiang Linglong glanced at Lu Li and said, "Don't be affectionate yourself!"

Lu Li was completely speechless, shrugging his shoulders, "Well, it's my passion, Toad wants to eat turkey, okay?"


Xiang Linglong snorted, but quickly responded: "Who are you talking about?"

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