The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2959: Tiaohu Lishan

The real person from Ziyun summoned to the real sinner. The real sinner had no choice but to take the door of space to the southern theater immediately after stabilizing the situation there, otherwise the southern theater would not be guaranteed.

At the same time, he also summoned the real people of Ziyun and the Emperor Zhutian to Feiyun City. Although there are a lot of god-pattern formations in Feiyun City, the Emperor Xiaoyao is not there, but there is a cloud ancestor there, and they can't stand by the Emperor Yang.

As soon as the real human beings of the Sin came over, the attack on the Moyuan army was more violent, and a strong breath appeared in the army, much like the heavenly ancestor lurking in the army.

Since Tian Shengzu didn't fight, and the real sin man didn't take any action, he hid in the army and waited for Tian Shengzu's action before he shot again.

This wait is three days!

Although Moyuan's attack was fierce here, the Heavenly God's ancestor did not seem to have the intention to attack, and had been lurking in the army. The **** of sin is waiting impatiently. If this **** of ancestors doesn't do anything, doesn't he always spend it here?

Time passed two days again, and a news came, but it really changed the face of the real sin man.

There was an urgent military situation in the northern theater. The Moyuan army was attacking there. The two demon ancestors took the initiative and had already broken dozens of magical arrays he had arranged.

The line of defense laid over there has been broken. If the real people of sin do not return to rescue, the line of defense laid out in these years will be broken, and the army of Moyuan will be able to drive straight in.

God sinner has spent countless energy and time for that line of defense these years. He has arranged a lot of magic patterns. If all of them are broken, not only will the efforts of these years be in vain, there will also be countless The sergeant was killed, and the northern war zone would be washed up in a piecemeal manner ...

The heavenly ancestor here is false, the purpose is to attract him to come. This is a very simple strategy, but it is very useful. Because of the real crime, the real people have to come back, otherwise the southern theater will not be guaranteed.


The true sinful man breathed out a long breath, and the triple sky only had one holy emperor, but there were two in the war zone. He was really incompetent. There are two great ancestors at Moyuan, who can transfer from Moyuan to the North-South theater at any time. He can keep it, but he can't keep it.

The two theaters are connected by a gate of space, which can teleport directly to the past, but at such a long distance, it takes time to teleport. The door of the space arranged by the Qi family is already the highest level, and it takes about a day for transmission.

One day, it is estimated that the magic pattern he arranged is destroyed? The Emperor Zhutian and the real Ziyun, although assisted by the Divine Pattern, must not be able to withstand it. If Ziyun Zhutian also fights to death, the loss will be great this time.

Although the situation was very bad, the real sin man had to teleport back. If he didn't rush over, it would be estimated that half of the emperor class would be killed, and the army over there would be defeated. I do n’t know how many were killed or injured.

He can only pray in secret, hoping that after he returns, the northern war zone will still collapse, otherwise he will not know how to maintain this situation ...


The northern theater was at the verge of collapse at this moment. The two great ancestors tuned away from the mountain and attacked the west. They used a fake ancestral ancestor to successfully deceive the real sinner into the southern theater.

If it wasn't for the real sinful people to be cautious and to assemble the Emperor Zhutian and Ziyun to the northern war zone, the war zone would have collapsed at this moment, and it is not known how many strong men and sergeants were killed.

The two demon ancestors acted together and rushed to the front, as brave as tigers. Although the real people of Candle Sky Emperor Ziyun all have holy soldiers and also rely on a powerful French array to increase their combat power, how can they be the opponents of the two holy ancestors?

A group of strong men can only retreat steadily, and when they retreat, the magic circles will be destroyed by the two great demon ancestors.

The two great demon ancestors stabbed in like bamboo swords, and the strong men of the races where they passed can only retreat. The divine patterns laid out by the real human beings were broken open little by little, and this line of defense will soon be penetrated.

Once the line of defense runs through, without the help of the Divine Array, the real person of the Candle Sky Emperor Ziyun will not be the combined enemy of the two great ancestors. Who will dare to resist the sharpness of the two great ancestors?

Once the line of defense breaks open, and the two demon ancestors lead the army into the depths, the northern theater will collapse. At that time, I do n’t know how many sergeants have been slaughtered, and the Terrans will lose their cities and land. It is very likely that the flying continent will not be able to keep it.

The real sinner is on his way back, but it takes one day for the teleportation, and the Emperor Zhutian and others can not hold on for another day. The real Ziyun was almost killed just now, but at this moment he had no choice but to retreat.


There was a sound of explosion in front, and then a burly figure was blown away heavily. Most of the black scale armor on his body was broken, and one of his arms and half of his shoulders were gone. His breath was like a soul, It seems likely to die at any time.

"Mad against the dragon, how are you?"

A strong man flew over and drew the man down. The Emperor Zhutian glanced at him and rushed up again with a gritted tooth. He snarled: "Take the inverse Dragon Xiang to heal, and the rest of the emperor class will follow me. We have to stick with it for a long time, and we have to wait for real people to come back, or the northern war zone will be over. "

"Can you persist?"

Yangdi and others playing drums in their hearts. This is only half a day. The real person of Ziyun has been severely damaged and Ni Longxiang has been severely damaged. It is estimated that it will be the candlestick emperor. Once the Emperor Zhutian was severely wounded or killed, would the rest of the emperor level dare to go up?

A group of emperor-level emperor-level officials knew exactly what would happen if they didn't stand up? All the emperor level gritted their teeth and followed the Emperor of the Candle Sky, and some emperor level secretly determined that even if they died, they would have to block for a long time, and they must wait until the real return of the sin.

"Boom boom boom!"

The Emperor Zhutian rushed up with a group of emperors, and began to attack the two demon ancestors and demon lords from several aspects. It's a pity that they can defeat and repel, but their attack is not enough for the two demon ancestors.


After more than half an hour, one emperor was seriously stunned. If the other emperor was not rescued quickly, he would have been killed.

After a little more than half an hour, the body of the Emperor Zhutian was hit by a black beam of light and flew out, and a blood hole appeared in his chest, which was actually penetrated.

"Master Protector, withdraw first!"

At first glance, Emperor Yang flew towards the Emperor of the Candle Sky, and the rest of the emperor class also had no war intention. This line of defense was afraid that it could not stand up.

"Hehe, UU reads and still wants to escape?"

A cold laugh sounded, and then a huge shadow appeared above the void, like a giant giant. Moreover, this giant is still an entity, and the heavenly ancestor actually showed his true body, and was planning to leave the Emperor of the Heavens.

A group of emperor-level faces changed greatly, if the candle-day emperor was killed, it would be a huge loss to the human race. As soon as the two emperor faces turned, they were ready to go up desperately.

"Hey ~"

At this moment, a golden sword light lit up above the nine days, and this sword light felt like a flying sword outside the sky. With the supreme hegemonic atmosphere and the will to destroy everything, he stabbed down quickly, and the locked target was the Heavenly Father.

"Uh? Holy Emperor?"

Tian Shengzu glanced over his head, his eyes were filled with astonishment. This attack was definitely the only thing that the emperor could issue. The real sin man has fought with him many times, and never released such an attack.

In other words, does the Terran have a Holy Emperor?

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