The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2960: King's return


Tian Shengzu had almost no hesitation. Since the emperor appeared on the human race side, this operation will end in failure.

There are many legal formations here, and the Holy Emperor of the Terrans will be able to resist him and Yun Shengzu with the help of the legal formation. When the real sin arrives, the two emperors will take action, and they may not retreat.

Tianshengzu shot a black light, and shot toward the golden sword light on the other side. At the same time, his body became a ghost, and the retreat horn was also sounded on the side of the demon.


The black beam of light and the golden sword light collided together, like a burst of hot sun. At this moment, the entire world has disappeared. Only the dazzling light remains, and all eyes are attracted by the dazzling light.


After the light, there was a terrible explosion, and then the space in the center of the explosion was torn, and the shock wave of terror swept away.

Not only this group of emperors, but also the space shock wave swept away like a tsunami. All the nearby **** pattern magic arrays were destroyed, and the sergeants in the distance were turned into sacks and swept away.

Fortunately, the sergeant left a little far away, most of them were only injured by the earthquake, and only a few were killed by the earthquake. Countless sergeants felt blind and deaf at this moment. They could not see the sights and could not hear the sound, and they only had the shocking explosion in their minds.

After more than ten weeks, many people felt that they could see the scene clearly. Many people glanced blankly, and finally fixed their eyes in the air.

They saw a man, a very handsome young man standing in the air, and the man had green hair. At this moment, his long hair fluttered in the air, giving people a sense of flying.

"Great Emperor!"

Countless people were shocked, and then rejoiced. The Emperor Xiaoyao disappeared for a long time. Everyone thought he was dead, but did not expect that he was alive?

"See the Great!"

Sergeants fell on their knees, and many sergeants wept with joy, and the Emperor Xiaoya could return safely. This is a great joy for the human race.


Someone finally reacted. The blow just now was not the combat power that the emperor could possess, and the demon ancestors ran away. It goes without saying that the Emperor Xiaoyao had broken through the Holy Emperor.

Emperor Zhutian showed a jealousy. He and the reincarnation Emperor Xiaoyao reached the peak of the emperor many years ago, but no one broke through, and he felt hopeless, but did not expect Xiaoyao to break through this step?

"Congratulations Lord Xiaoyao for breaking through the realm of the Holy Emperor!"

A group of emperors are all overjoyed, and they are also kneeling on one knee. The Holy Emperor is another state, which represents the highest combat power of the human race. Facing the most powerful of the human race, it is due etiquette to kneel. They do not kneel alone, but the peak of martial arts kneeling.

The Emperor Zhutian was seriously injured, but at the moment he knelt down helplessly. He had to lower his head, otherwise he would offend the Emperor Xiaoyao, and the life of the Emperor's family would be difficult.

The Emperor Xiaoyao stands in the air, and there is no Emperor's power on his body. This is the ability that the emperor should have. If the real sin man does not release his breath, outsiders will not feel his power.

"Let's all get up!"

Emperor Xiaoyao nodded his head slightly. He looked at Moyuan, and after confirming that Moyuan's army quickly retreated, he waved: "You arrange to organize the wounded sergeant to heal the wound. The defense line up here, I They will sit here until the army of Mobuchi completely retreats. "

The Emperor Xiaoyao sat in the town, and the army of Moyuan did not dare to attack, and retreated like a tide. The human race once again occupied the line of defense, and news spread across the northern theater of war, encouraging and lively.

The news also quickly reached Feiyun City, and the city exploded. Everyone ran to tell, and countless people wept with joy. In order to keep the line of joy, to repel the magic of the great army of great joy, also gave birth to a human being Xeon.

Half a day later, the real sin returned, and he learned that the Emperor Xiaoyao returned, and broke through the Holy Emperor and was overjoyed.

He was also worried that only one of his emperors would be difficult to support. Now that the Emperor Xiaoyao broke through the emperor, he felt relieved. If there are only two Demon ancestors in Moyuan, that Terran can definitely stand up to Moyuan's army, and even conquer the lost ground, and it is not a dream to completely drive back Moyuan's army.

The army of Moyuan has retreated, the northern theater has stabilized, and the Shenwen array is quickly repaired. The most important thing is that the morale of the army has reached its peak.

This event spread through the triple sky at the fastest speed. The whole triple sky boiled. All the countless people in the city took to the streets, celebrating a great victory, and celebrating the addition of another Xeon to the human race.

Originally, many people only had idols of the true sin in their homes. Now add another idol of the emperor, and countless people worship day and night, praying that these two gods will lead the people to victory.

After the Lu family got the news, they were completely at ease. At least the Lu family would not have any security problems, because Emperor Xiaoyao and Lu Li had a good relationship, and he would not allow others to move the Lu family.

Lu Ling and Qi Dingyu went out of the customs. On behalf of the Lu family, they teleported to Feiyun City to congratulate Emperor Xiaoyao. Although there is nothing good about the Lu family now, and the gifts that can be sent are not precious, the two people's past can also represent the wishes of the Lu family.

The reason for the disappearance of Emperor Xiaoyao during this time is also known to the world. The emperor Xiaoyao went on a sneak attack on the holy devil, but was pursued by Yun Shengzu.

He was seriously injured and found a place in the North Plains to heal, but he was touched by the battle with Yun Shengzu. So retreat over there, this retreat is so many years. It was not until recently that he went out of the game and successfully broke through the Holy Emperor. He returned quietly and happened to encounter this battle.

Countless large and small families have sent representatives, prepared great gifts, and sent them to Feiyun City. There was also a large banquet to celebrate the breakthrough of Emperor Xiaoyao.

The arrival of Lu Ling and Qi Dingyu caused a lot of criticism from some people, and some people glared at them and secretly insulted them.

However, the two were invited by Emperor Xiaoyao to the banquet hall ~ ~ and arranged a very high position. The Emperor Xiaoyao also apologized apologetically for Lu Ling Qi Dingyu, saying that he did not take good care of Lu Li. If it wasn't for his retreat, Lu Li would definitely not be in trouble.


After the banquet, he also invited Lu Ling and Qi Dingyu to the apse to express his views. He believed that Lu Li was not a boneless person, and Lu Li's surrender must have his deep meaning. Since Lu Lu will certainly not die easily, it also represents a day when Lu Li returns.

"Please believe in Lu Li!"

The Emperor Xiaoyao said very surely: "I will never see the wrong person in my life, Lu Li will definitely return. He has been working wonders, and I believe that when he returns, he will bring a big surprise to the world!"

"I believe too!"

Lu Ling and Qi Dingyun looked at each other, both eyes were shining, Lu Ling said: "My brother is not an ordinary person, he will return the king, it must be!"

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