The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 2961: 1 square water and soil

He didn't know if Lu Lineng could return, but he knew he was in trouble now.

After five years of practice, he has always been smooth and smooth, and his body and soul have continued to strengthen. His soul cultivation has progressed to a certain extent. The soul mystery given to him by the endless gods in the **** world has made a lot of progress. .

The energy here also has the role of some holy pond. Lu Li has been practicing here for a period of time and feels very comfortable, just like in the mother's belly, unusually comfortable.

Everything is very good. The physical body and soul are improving very fast. If nothing unexpected happens, the decisive combat power will definitely be greatly improved after ten years of cultivation, not to mention that compared with the dry dagger, the ability is at least average. The middle of the deities.

But now it happened unexpectedly ...

I don't know why, Lu Li felt that there was a feeling of swelling in the body, and that of the soul. I felt like a blown balloon, supported by my whole body, and seemed to explode at any time.

The human body is a large natural array that can absorb external energy to strengthen itself. Now Lu Li is absorbing external energy. All this energy was absorbed by his easy refining, and it went smoothly, but now why does it feel bloated?

There are only two explanations. Either the energy he is absorbing now does not match his body and cannot be perfectly integrated. Either he has a problem with his own body, there is no problem with this Tianchi, so many deities are practicing here.

Lu Li suspects that the former is more likely, because he is not a Moyuan child, not a child born in Tianchi, it is likely that he and Tianchi have repulsion of energy.

Water and soil on one side, support one!

This sentence still has certain philosophies. Moyuan is a special race that was born in Tianchi. The royal family of Moyuan looks similar to the human race, but there are still differences.

For example, the Moyuan royal family can transform into Moyuan monsters, so the people of Moyuan are essentially another kind of creature, a strange species born in the world.

Although Lu Li was demonized and absorbed the holy water of the holy pool, he was essentially another species. He is not the same as Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu has occupied the body of a royal family. The soul has been completely demonized in Moyuan for so many years.

No matter what the situation is, Lu Li has to find a way to resolve it. This is not something he can solve by leaving Tianchi. In recent years, his body and soul have absorbed too much energy. These energies are integrated with his body and soul, and it is calculated that these energies will also be chaotic. If he does not want to guide, if these energies are disturbed, he will be blown to pieces.

How to do?

Lu Li stopped practicing and kept thinking about this matter. If Tian Shengzu was here, he might still have a way. Yuan Shengzu would be useless even if he asked for it. Yuan Shengzu did not pay much attention to him.

Time passed little by little, and half a month later, the energy in Lu Li's body continued to be absorbed, but he did not know how to deal with it.

These energies have completely merged into his body and soul and become part of his body. How can he expel these energies?

Could it be that he destroyed his own body? Reconstructing a flesh? Or learn Qi Tianyu to seize the flesh of one royal family? But his powerful body was ruined. And his soul also feels like a riot, can't he replace his soul?

Therefore, we still have to find a way to refine these energies, completely turn these energies into our own, and fully integrate with the soul and body.

Before Lu Li, there was Shen Dan. If energy can be introduced into Shen Dan, it may be changed in Shen Dan. But now he does not have Shen Dan, and there is no meaning in turning into the acupoint. The acupoint feels like a place of energy storage, not a place of transformation, like a reservoir.

"Uh ... right!"

Lu Li thought for a while, the **** of panacea is gone, but he still has the legal realm. If he absorbs this energy into the legal realm, can he refine it? What energy did he use in the end?

Lu Li's legal realm is now very large, and there are thousands of miles in it. There is no other change except that there are many more sources of power, and he can hardly run out of power now.

He thought about starting to move the energy in his body and see if he could extract it and mobilize it into the legal realm.

The question is, how is this energy integrated into the body and soul? Lu Li groaned for half an hour and thought of several ways.

He began to try. The previous two or three methods were useless. He was not discouraged and continued to try.

After spending three days, he finally thought of a method. He used a special method to absorb a trace of energy into the acupoint, and then worked out from the acupoint to mobilize into the legal realm in Shendan. .

The energy was successfully mobilized and successfully entered the legal realm, but can it be useful and can these energy be refined? It is not known whether Lu Li can be transformed from a raging raging wave into a docile stream.

That ray of energy entered the legal realm, wandering in the legal realm, and Lu Li didn't know how to refine it. He thought about mobilizing that ray of energy into the source, and see if it could be integrated with the source

Can't merge!

That ray of energy and source are merged together, but the well water does not violate the river water, and it cannot be integrated at all. That solitary wave of energy wandering in the legal realm seemed out of place.

In the next few days, Lu Li thought of several ways, but the ray of energy remained unchanged, just like before. Lu Li thought of several ways again, and after exploring for a few days, the energy remained unchanged.

Lu Li gave up!

He no longer cares about that ray of energy, but instead turns to other ways. With the passage of time, the energy in his body is more and more, and the sense of swelling in the body and soul will become stronger and stronger. He feels that after a maximum of half a year, his body and soul must not be able to carry it, and it will burst Perish.

He thought about it and decided, and he thought about it for another three months. If he couldn't think of a solution after three months, he could only leave Tianchi and pray for help from Yun Shengzu. If Yun Shengzu ignores him, then he can only accept his fate and die in a different country.

Time passed quickly, and two and a half months passed in the blink of an eye. Lu Li was now very uncomfortable and his body was dry. His body trembled slightly, and his abnormal shape attracted Qi Tianyu's attention, also Qiangan et al.'S attention, and it also caught Master Jing's attention.

After Gan Yan and others glanced, they groaned for a while but were happy, they guessed something. Although they don't know what the situation is, they are very happy when they suffer.

Master Jing didn't say anything, after all, she was not familiar with Lu Li, she only paid a little attention, but Qi Tianyu was happy, but Lu Li was his life and death enemy. UU Reading Book www.

Lu Li also gave up, so he tried all kinds of methods for a long time, all useless, he has only one way to go, that is to lower his proud head, to ask Yuan Shengzu.

"Uh ... wrong!"

He inadvertently glanced at the legal realm in Shen Dan, and suddenly found the problem. Before he mobilized a ray of energy into the legal realm, he disappeared at this moment, disappearing without a trace.




Forgot to update, sorry!

Today is Lao Yao's birthday. Brightness is just one chapter away and a day off.

Thirty-five in the blink of an eye. Life feels more than half, and I can't help feeling sorry.

Arch hand, arch hand!

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